For those wondering how to change username for direct connect multiplayer to work properly, change it in steam_emu.ini, in Wasteland.3.v1.6.9.420\game\WL3_Data\Plugins\x86_64
please need help game won't launch at all ,no error message ,no black screen , it just wont start not even after reinstalling with no firewall or antivirus
Cant install update for unknown reason. Checksum seems to fail after installation of base game then update. Also an error i dont understand about the folder name ?
Edit : After a quick check the base game CTD right on start everytime. My friend with whom i was going to play a coop run has the very same issues.
WL3.EXE ; it isnt working for me its giving me a system error "The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this poblem."
I downloaded the game and even put in a separate steam emulator in the game file and all it does is fast track me to the steam download page. All I wanted was to play the game a bit and see if my specs are too low to play the game so I dont buy the game and am not able to play it. Pls help.
Hey i downloaded the game from torrent and applied all the updates but the game just dosen't launches or just sometimes black screens quickly and then closes pls help i got all the updates and everything and yet it doesn't work for some reason.
Hi! Just wanted to ask if I need to download both patches or just the most recent one? Do I just extract the patches and move them to the root folder right after?
Sorry for posting again. But isn't this release the GOG one? I downloaded the updates and installed the game. But the update files can't find the installation. Has anyone had this issue too? Did you solve it? How?
Hi guys, I'm running windows 10 and can't execute the installation file. My antivirus was disabled during the attempt but windows keeps saying there's a virus... Can anyone help me?
I wonder why you cant seem to get the ILLEGALLY OBTAINED HACKED VERSION OF THE GAME to work on real servers with the people who paid......I WONDER WHY THAT COULD FUCKING BE.
Awww is the little man salty he got told how dumb he is for asking for legit multiplayer on a hacked game. Maybe learn how this shit works before opening your fucking cockhole.
yeah we have been waiting for so long, the bug that reset attributes to -7 and skill to 1 gone, finally we can play the game again from scratch, cheer friend!
the update is actually already cracked (gog version) on some websites . For some reason igg still havent updated it yet. I just finished downloading the patch, I just thought id let you guys know.
You think it would be easy since this is the GOG version so nothing needs to be cracked. That said GOG always seems to slack/be late on putting out updates compared to other services.
if you find this unplayable there is a diff version from that site thats linked somewhere on this site its a forum that igg uses in a russian domain i think if you search wasteland 3 theres a guy who links just a crack not a crackfix and you gotta use this download plus there crack and it complexly fixed tyhe game for me. before the whole union station area was bugged so bad i couldn't save there or get fishlips as a follower or nothing now it runs buttery smooth. id link that crack but im like 99% sure thats against there policy even though you can use their website to get to it and still need this download. all im saying is there is hope! the game is worth it i hate crpgs but this is on a whole other level. also mods if anything i said was against the rules plz dont ban me i'm just trying to help just delete the comment and explain what it is i did wrong. i checked through the rules just now and dont think any of this qualifies as like trying to send ppl offsite or anything i just want ppl to know that if they downloaded this and it doesnt work there is a solution since i found it. Thanks all and thank for providing us with 100's of bucks worth of games every week, one of the only sites that actually deserves the ad tsunami yall toss at us lol!
Just finished the game with this cracked version, playable I have to say there are still a lot of bugs and would recommend to wait for the next patch update :)) when i get the money ill really buy this game, such a masterpiece.. the devs really deserve it <3
yeah, as the game goes on, more and more bugs appear, but they are not game breaking bugs. (at least i didnt encounter one) sometimes, bugs undo choices that u did or stuff happens that should not happen in the story, but overall, playable.
I'll give a tip since I was having problems with this. Most vendors DON'T restock normally. However if you clear out their inventory and then reload the area (leave and come back or save and reload) they do. I had massive problems getting enough ammo till I figured this out. The only problem is "junk" items. Anything you sell to a vendor is put in their inventory meaning don't sell junk to vendors you want to re-use a lot otherwise you will have to buy it back to get them to restock.
Sorry noob question, can we know which part has an error if we used 7-Zip to extract the parts? I tried installing after extracting all 6 parts, but there was an error. So, instead of re-downloading all the parts again it'll be much better if I can just download the only part which is defect..that's what I thought..+_+
You only have to extract the first part and have the other .part into the same folder, I think the progress bar may tell which it's extracting altho I almost never have this problem so I don't really recall if this happens a lot might want to switch to torrent (we have a torrent site) given that they aren't usually affected by this
Sadly they don't always update and I don't blame them by saying that sometimes might not even be particularly possible or easy enough. But do really think for this game at least it will be updated eventually.
It's a gog release. They sometimes come up as complete installers. You can check "recently updated" list. I'm almost through the game so I don't care, but this game has quite a few nasty bugs, like resetting skills of your rangers to lv1 without refunding skill points, which makes them useless, so I'd highly recommend updating it.
Yes that bug is a nasty one and was apparently fixed in the first patch. There were numerous others fixed as well. I held off on playing hoping it will get fixed. Since you are almost done, what did you think? Worth playing through till the end?
I'm planning to buy the game if the skill reset bug removed, I have played the pirate version and liked the game so far and I want to support the devs ofc.
"Game dumb! i no liek gaME! StuPid bad game grr it no fun 4 me! Why game No call of duty? why game no SkYrim!? i told game leik fallout ThIS gAMe NO lIEk Fallout 4! Game Stupid! yu stupids! i smartly!" -OP
That would imply OP has enough grey matter to respond to several different stimulus at one time. Plus he already told you:"Game Dumb!". Clearly his bold and astute observations of the game require no further explanation.
I cant recommend this game enough to all people who loved Wasteland 2 (obvisouly) or the old Fallout games, post apo and turn based games. I had a blast in 2014, was waiting for this game since then and im having a blast rn. Ok maybe their sense of humor isnt the intellectual type, but it makes you laugh wholeheartedly somehow.
As a fan of the wasteland franchise.. I gotta say, the dev's really did a masterpiece here.. all those years of waiting was really worth it! I love it so much, and i will buy this in the future to support them :)
I've encountered many zealots who keep singing that mantra. It's like reminding people driving Toyota that Ford was first, even though the latest Ford is a copy of last year's Toyota.
The gameplay is probably closer to D:OS 2 tham fallout 2. The world is obviously closer to fallout 2 (or any fallout for that matter), but fallout 2 wasn't nearly as developed as this. Gameplay is def closer to Divinity.
coop not working properly as of 8/31/2020 (release patch) direct connect will theoretically let you connect but its super glitchy. The menu is messed up, the 2nd player cant do anything besides move, no cutscene videos or any voicing, and theres no sound effects (except for gunshots).. IF you can even get in the game. You cant load saves, etc. Lots of really weird behavior. Single player works fine.
PTPA There are a load of unique weapons, armors, tons of perks and ways to build your characters. Combat is a fun filled tactical affair.
For DLC to work, you're going to need to use the Steam version, GOG doesn't have pre-order bonus. Steam version switcher can be found on the internet. Also found fist patch for Steam version with crack too. Confirmed, DLC and game working.
actually, nvm, unless you really feel like doing so for the benefit of others... per steam, dlc is nothing special: Wasteland 3 Manual Desert Rangers Wasteland Survival Guide Digital Soundtrack (mp3/16bit 44k/24bit 48k) The Art of wasteland 3 Digital Novellas Hi-res Wallpapers Spent last 10 mins doing google search trying to find this mysterious post going into more detail on this to no avail. Also tried finding anything relevant with keywords wasteland 3 steam switch, etc, etc & nothing....... Did find something else stating, - How to Switch Version (GOG or Steam) Go to: C:\your install folder\Wasteland 3_Version Switcher Select GOG folder or Steam folder. Run .exe what you want to version (GOG or Steam) Could we get just a little bit more elaboration on this please.
If you can find the Steam Switcher without downloading the entire game, it will work to get the DLC working for GOG version. Also, update will work too.
Stuck at First Combat after create party someone know how to fix or anything? Now this game is work.. need to format " Region to En US/UK " if wanna continue this game but won't find save file need to format " Region to En US/UK " again done..
Now this game is work.. need to format " Region to En US/UK " if wanna continue this game but won't find save file need to format " Region to En US/UK " again done..
Yes, I have the same bug. They just keep shooting and MAJ. VERA PRASAD doesn't continue next dialogue. So game won't begin battle. How to fix that? (I try installing it many times and it won't fix that) Note: I try installing game from many website other than this web and it still bug.
What do you mean you're stuck? Like the game is frozen? I had my character creation bugged where the people weren't showing, so I just restarted and it was fixed. Pain in the ass to recreate my character though.
Yeah, same scene got stuck for me too. They say change region and language to US to fix that but that didn't work for me. Our best bet is to wait for a patch.
well that sucks. Yea I'm from NA so maybe that's why. No issues for me. edit: I just realized I had completely forgot I've been using an actual copy from Gamepass, I never downloaded this hahaha sometimes I get them confused lol
Well the .exe file keeps deleting itself. I can run the game once when the Gog installer finishes its business and i can hit [run] at the end but that's it.
So ... what you're saying is "all sequels suck". Yeah ... great idea. You know many beloved franchises wouldn't be here if they made one game then abandoned it? Probably 90% of the franchises we know today would be dead in the water. Beloved franchises that people enjoyed.
Yeah, it's actually quite good. Better than 2. It's not like Xcom. It's more like Fallout 1&2. This game is generally very fallout-like. They've added quite a few elements that are clearly stolen from Fallout. You've got bobbleheads ("creepy dolls"), there's fallout guy impersonated by 2 robots, there's more fallout-like humor and the game generally feels falloutish. W2 didn't have that feel. These solutions worked for Fallout so they work here as well, even though they give you a permanent deja vu. Still, there are issues. The worst for me is camera. Even in combat, you sometimes cannot fit all info on screen, like hit chance pop-up doesn't fit. RPG elements are very similar to W2 and this is not good news.
Pillars of Eternity 2, Morrowind, FNV, Infamous 2, Borderlands 2, DOOM 2016, Metro: Last Light, XCOM, Persona games in general, FF6, Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2, GTA V, Portal 2, Silent Hill 2, HL2, Mass Effect 2, and that's all off the top of my head/hard drives. This list excludes non-story based or games with a heavy competitive multiplayer emphasis as those usually exist as more of an overall update to the previous one, in a genre where otherwise you'd just have a title change instead of a number. Things were definitely better in their time, because the quality is relative, but a lot of it is probably just nostalgia as well. People naturally remember the past as better than it was.
Wasteland is not considered part of the Fallout universe, but it served as a major inspiration in Fallout's creation and numerous references can be found throughout the series. -Wasteland was created by Interplay and published by Electronic Arts, it released on January 27, 1987, for Apple II, Commodore 64, and Microsoft DOS. -UFO: Enemy Unknown (marketed as X-COM: UFO Defense in North America) was published by MicroProse in 1994 for MS-DOS and Amiga computers and the Amiga CD32 console, and in 1995 for the PlayStation. -Fallout, developed by Interplay and its division, Dragonplay, and self-published on September 30, 1997, is the first game in the Fallout series. Wasteland came first, but way to be ignorant and uninformed.
Dude, this game shamelessly rips off Fallout series. The original might have come out first, but especially in W3, "inspirations" are blatant and abundant.
Jesus christ he just made a little offhand comment. It's not that serious lol He didn't know calm down. Don't worry, you protected the sanctity of your precious little game.
Weird thing for an offspring to be born years earlier than its parents, cant blame you for your ignorance tho, you are doing nothing most of your day anyways.
It was a quip. I think he's referring more to gameplay, which is reminiscent of XCOM and the setting, which is similar to Fallout. And if you think about it, if Wasteland 3's setting is more similar to Fallout than similar to the original Wasteland, then the quip could apply. Wasteland preceded Fallout but Wasteland 3 didn't.
It's not explained well enough to be a real defense against people correcting him. Like, he could respond with what the intent was, and then people could then be like "oh, okay", but before that's done it's still plainly incorrect.
" Taking something magical that was never yours to begin with and attempting to build on to it is not going to produce anything worth consuming." but brian fargo created wasteland though.
If you pull your head out of your ass, you might see the "Coop"-Tag in the steam store. @Pico: From another forum: "steam + gog exe = direct connect is working but lobby is not". Didn't try it myself.
thank you@dr_booze:disqus. And to the other guy: if you actually had friends you could also enjoy coop games, but sure, if you don't have any that makes single player games great.
38.3 GB (GOG version). Sauce: I have the GOG version installed. Just checked the folder size. Now the Steam size may be a bit different in size, but it won't be THAT big of a size difference.
Assets. Textures, audio, models, etc. There's only so much you can do before you can't compress any more and/or compression starts hurting performance. As these things increase in quality, games increase in size. Doubling texture quality quadruples the size. You also may have to include lower quality settings, LODs, all sorts of things that compound the overall size of the game.
One hour of ultra high audio is about 140mb witch sounds about right because the audio folder is 3.2gb. One texture on the other hand can be from 1 to 20 mb BUT there are about ~ 2000 UHD textures in the game so I think there might be ur problem.
I can confirm that. I've got the GOG version installed right now. Windows lists the folder as taking up 38.3 gb. Now if they mean "requires 52gb to install" that could be accurate as sometimes installers will create temporary files that are purged once the install is complete. But actual size on the HD ... 38.3 for GOG version. Steam version will be about roughly the same size.
Patch does not install.
Game also doesn't run, yes crack was installed. Double click, it acts like it's going to start, then nothing.
It works to me.
Thanks for Chrispcfix provides this solution.
Here is guideline video:
For those wondering how to change username for direct connect multiplayer to work properly, change it in steam_emu.ini, in
Edit : After a quick check the base game CTD right on start everytime. My friend with whom i was going to play a coop run has the very same issues.
seems like its broken update
also mods if anything i said was against the rules plz dont ban me i'm just trying to help just delete the comment and explain what it is i did wrong. i checked through the rules just now and dont think any of this qualifies as like trying to send ppl offsite or anything i just want ppl to know that if they downloaded this and it doesnt work there is a solution since i found it. Thanks all and thank for providing us with 100's of bucks worth of games every week, one of the only sites that actually deserves the ad tsunami yall toss at us lol!
I have to say there are still a lot of bugs and would recommend to wait for the next patch update :))
when i get the money ill really buy this game, such a masterpiece.. the devs really deserve it <3
But do really think for this game at least it will be updated eventually.
You can check "recently updated" list.
I'm almost through the game so I don't care, but this game has quite a few nasty bugs, like resetting skills of your rangers to lv1 without refunding skill points, which makes them useless, so I'd highly recommend updating it.
The movement kinda "heavy"
Clearly his bold and astute observations of the game require no further explanation.
Ok maybe their sense of humor isnt the intellectual type, but it makes you laugh wholeheartedly somehow.
I love it so much, and i will buy this in the future to support them :)
It's like reminding people driving Toyota that Ford was first, even though the latest Ford is a copy of last year's Toyota.
direct connect will theoretically let you connect but its super glitchy. The menu is messed up, the 2nd player cant do anything besides move, no cutscene videos or any voicing, and theres no sound effects (except for gunshots).. IF you can even get in the game. You cant load saves, etc. Lots of really weird behavior.
Single player works fine.
There are a load of unique weapons, armors, tons of perks and ways to build your characters. Combat is a fun filled tactical affair.
Wasteland 3 Manual
Desert Rangers Wasteland Survival Guide
Digital Soundtrack (mp3/16bit 44k/24bit 48k)
The Art of wasteland 3
Digital Novellas
Hi-res Wallpapers
How to Switch Version (GOG or Steam)
Go to: C:\your install folder\Wasteland 3_Version Switcher
Select GOG folder or Steam folder.
Run .exe what you want to version (GOG or Steam)
Could we get just a little bit more elaboration on this please.
someone know how to fix or anything?
Now this game is work.. need to format " Region to En US/UK "
if wanna continue this game but won't find save file need to format " Region to En US/UK " again done..
if wanna continue this game but won't find save file need to format " Region to En US/UK " again done..
How to fix that? (I try installing it many times and it won't fix that)
Note: I try installing game from many website other than this web and it still bug.
edit: I just realized I had completely forgot I've been using an actual copy from Gamepass, I never downloaded this hahaha sometimes I get them confused lol
Graphics Settings: High
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core Processor @3.2GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
Windows 10 Pro
gameplay like xcom/FFTA
It's not like Xcom. It's more like Fallout 1&2. This game is generally very fallout-like. They've added quite a few elements that are clearly stolen from Fallout. You've got bobbleheads ("creepy dolls"), there's fallout guy impersonated by 2 robots, there's more fallout-like humor and the game generally feels falloutish. W2 didn't have that feel. These solutions worked for Fallout so they work here as well, even though they give you a permanent deja vu.
Still, there are issues. The worst for me is camera. Even in combat, you sometimes cannot fit all info on screen, like hit chance pop-up doesn't fit. RPG elements are very similar to W2 and this is not good news.
This list excludes non-story based or games with a heavy competitive multiplayer emphasis as those usually exist as more of an overall update to the previous one, in a genre where otherwise you'd just have a title change instead of a number.
Things were definitely better in their time, because the quality is relative, but a lot of it is probably just nostalgia as well. People naturally remember the past as better than it was.
-Wasteland was created by Interplay and published by Electronic Arts, it released on January 27, 1987, for Apple II, Commodore 64, and Microsoft DOS.
-UFO: Enemy Unknown (marketed as X-COM: UFO Defense in North America) was published by MicroProse in 1994 for MS-DOS and Amiga computers and the Amiga CD32 console, and in 1995 for the PlayStation.
-Fallout, developed by Interplay and its division, Dragonplay, and self-published on September 30, 1997, is the first game in the Fallout series.
Wasteland came first, but way to be ignorant and uninformed.
i have faith in you my friend
but brian fargo created wasteland though.
Wasteland 3 has almost 40 hours of dialogue across an 80-100 hour average playthrough campaign, and every NPC is fully-voiced.
@Pico: From another forum: "steam + gog exe = direct connect is working but lobby is not". Didn't try it myself.