jew media
This game is definitely pleasing.
A bonbon.
The colors would be obnoxious if ubisoft stuck it on a genderbait FPS.
But they're sparkling and happy here.
Wipeout is fun untill you touch the wall and immediately stop. This has pleasing ride the wall physics. Also has air drops, multi-paths and jump onto the ceiling and wall tracks.
A small just everything done right treat.
All you would have to do is make a track editor for the community and let the content keep growing by itself for years.
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jew media
I was just about to say that this seems very similar in style to Trailblazers.
Supergonk, the same dev.
Lecaton Baumeister
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Marisa Kirisame
Budget F-zero, nothing bad at all only some extra stuff like speedometer and tracking map can solve some stuff. Perhaps some maps require some hard corners.
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havent actually played it myself, but from what I can see theres a huge lack of content, all you do is drive straight forward with the occasional boost, no obstacles, no real enemies, no wobbly bridges or somthing to give it a little spice and some challenge, its basicaly 3D driving simulator on steroids. you cant just make a game with good visuals and thats it, its like having a none-alcoholic drink at a bar, you don't just go to a bar to get good drinks, you go there to get drunk too.
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jew media
Sometimes you dont need all the bells and whistles in the world.
Sometimes some people can try to cram every trend into something,
and its just cluttered and adding up to less the all the parts.
I'm thinking of some of these jackaxx "triple A" ubisoft or EA titles.
With every screen effect and link to your twitter account and a pubg mode and a zombie mode that dont even have anything to do with anything.
Sometimes you just want the brass tacks of what you came for.
Just 3-4 things done well.
I find Psebay more pleasing then Trials blood dragon.
Becasue Psebay is just pick up and straightforward,
while blood dragon is an exercise in frustration just to get through the lobby.
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Marisa Kirisame
You want Mario Kart + F-Zero, This is budget F-Zero and that's fine, number of laps are depending on missions, what is lacking is an actual map on the corner and speedmeter, and controller support
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thought the same well f-zero part and budget
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too much colorful this game is.
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Marisa Kirisame
Thanks doc for some reason I got on the floor and threw up foam
Looks very....Borderlands-ish
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Flerotti Karotti
Every gamer when a game has cel Shading: Is this borderlands?
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Except this looks remarkably like the Borderlands universe, not because it has cell shading but because of the looks themselves. You can have something be cell shaded and look nothing like the Borderlands universe. I wouldn't be saying this for something like, say, Ultimate Spiderman for example because that is cell shaded yet looks nothing like Borderlands
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It does have that borderlands aesthetic... The menu styles, colors palette, the way the character faces and dialogue drop in.. Very Borderlands-y. I can see why you feel that way.
It's like when a song sounds suspiciously like another song, but the lyrics are totally different.
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