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There is no "supported languages" notification for this game mainly because according to this game's Steam page, this game only supports English. I only post "supported languages" notifications for games that have support for other languages in addition to English. IMHO, there is no point in posting a "supported languages" notification for an English-only game on a warez site that is set to display mainly English as its official language. It is given that a listed game here will support English, unless the displayed text (For example, the Subtitles or Interface) in the sample picture(s) or the game's copied description from the game's Steam (or other online retailer) page is not in English. If you don't see any "supported languages" notification then it should be understood that the game only supports English.

The other reason, a minor one actually, why there is no "supported languages" notification is that this game page was not published on this site during my latest, previous visit, last night. The game was listed after I had logged off last night (I can't post a "supported languages" notification in a game page that doesn't yet exist at the time of my visit)! Every Admin, Moderator or Helper has their own separate lives and schedules to follow, so sometimes we all can't get together at the same time to have everything published simultaneously or not too far apart within the same 24hour period inside a newly published game page before other members visit it!
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This game is definitely missing some tags here. Like Mature, Nudity and Sci-fi for example.
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what a nice ga- NEXT!!!!!!!
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This just about caught me slipping too. I'm in the office at work. Even though it didn't say "nudity", I was still skeptical, so I scrolled VERY slowly, and caught it as soon as I sensed a Smeagol disturbance lol.

There's a women that sits directly behind me, and she can relatively easily see what's on my screen, doesn't help that I catch her looking at me decently often, so I made the correct call.

Although, if I WERE to ever get caught in an "are ya win'n son" moment by a female at the office, she'd be the one I'd rather get caught from. She likely wouldn't give me hell for it beyond one or two jokes or something. She also seems like the type to have some skeletons anyway. Wouldn't be surprised if she continued with the skit, y'all know lmao.
you can check story and first boss fight from that gameplay
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