Fallacia Martyrdom
I've played Harvest Moon, even when it shifted into becoming Story of Seasons, My Time at Portia, Stardew Valley (finished normally, played modded later), Rune Factory 4 (finished it multiple times actually) etc etc and this is my honest review
You'll be surprised, the farming mechanic of this game is almost unneeded. Only a few crops per season can be changed into items you'll need later in the game, and even if you plant crops and the harvest them later, profit is very minimal compared to foraging. You can get a few thousand from the first few days purely foraging mushrooms and shells, compared to even remotely buying a few seeds expecting to profit from them.
Farming isn't very rewarding, and I would honestly discourage it for the following reason:
This game relies heavily on stamina and patience. First off, stamina. Stamina drain in this game is HIGH. And almost every thing you have to do really really drains a lot of stamina. Chopping trees? Two trees down and you're almost passed out. Wake up to take care of your crops? Water them and you'll find yourself sleeping again. Mining in the mines? Every swing costs you 5 times the energy from every berry you'll usually pick up and eat. Now it's normal to have your stamina drained in every Farming game you play, however, this is where the Patience part comes in.
The game map is HUGE. REALLY, REALLY HUGE. I opened the world map and couldn't believe my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I really really appreciate the amount of effort making such a huge map but my god is that A BIG FUCKING CON for this game. Everything is WAY TOO FAR, Every area is way too large and navigating around them takes too much time. You'll spend most of your time walking 2 BIG AREAS to the mine, mining 5 rocks because of your stamina, walking back to your house 2 BIG AREAS BACK, sleeping, then repeating it all over again. Now did I mention this doesnt include the time and stamina you have to allot to take care of your plants, forage, sell stuff to the shop because of your small inventory (the first few backpack upgrades are easy to get though, but that doesnt really help you much), and explore the areas? Oh and did I also mention that other villagers and shops are sometimes 2-3 areas away too? You don't even have an area mini-map, let alone a villager tracker for such a huge map with a few villagers, each of their own importance.
You spend your time playing this game WALKING, picking stuff up, WALKING MORE, finding that your inventory is full, WALKING back to the shop, WALKING back to your bed to regain stamina, and repeating it all over again. Whatever upgrade, if there is one, to increase your walking speed is there, it wouldn't help with the sheer amount of walking and trekking you have to do. I haven't even mentioned the fact that the first few quests you get from villagers (note: first few quests, including the first quests required to get basic stuff like fishing rods, etc), the game wouldn't mention that these quests take like 2 or 3 major steps and a crap ton of different items you have to get from different areas in the map (reminder: the map is very very big).
Now as I see it, the only thing they'll update in this game will be content (many areas in the game aren't implemented yet, and there'll be times I'll find myself thanking the cosmos that I don't have to explore one more unnecessarily huge map). For a game that already looks like a clone of certain popular and good farming games out there, it is very undermined by the fact that it's a walking and sleeping simulator. If the devs think a farming sim game is composed of getting lost in a bland field 2 miles from your home, with no fast travels, no mini-maps, and no walking speed modifiers, and repeating the same pick up, sell, sleep, repeat cycle with no diversity to it, an endgame or even remotely an interesting story to support it, then I think they'll have to change quite a lot of things and maybe try again.
Yes, I know it's Early Access, but the implemented content is already the problem is my point. Are the devs ready to change the maps, or will they give us Flash-like powers? As of now, without massive changes to the pacing of the game, it's not recommended to play this. I salute the effort, but the effort was too much.
tl;dr Game is a walking simulator that gets repetitive quite fast. A lot of things are limited, incomplete, and unclear. Unless the devs are ready to make the game a little bit faster, I wouldn't look forward to the content they might add in the future.
โ˜•๏ธ Stephanie Bogard ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
Harvest Moon:very low graphics edition but gameplay still ok
Itsuka Komine โœ“แต›แต‰สณแถฆแถ แถฆแต‰แตˆ
Honestly the atmosphere feels like Stardew Valley but somewhat in lower graphic, and it's still early access while the former didn't
Jess Rose
We don't really need any more Harvest Moon clones, especially when Stardew Valley exist and it has a lot of mods
โ˜•๏ธ Stephanie Bogard ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
A few years ago, before https://igg-games.com/stardew-valley-free-803416434-download.html, it would have been immensely popular.
But now, with games like https://igg-games.com/fantasy-farming-orange-season-free-964014936-download.html or https://igg-games.com/kynseed-576826925-free-download.html, I'm not sure we need another clone which doesn't seem to bring anything new.
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I wish to subscribe to your patreon, m'lady.
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โ˜•๏ธ Stephanie Bogard ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
ha, sorry, unfortunately, I closed it more than a year ago, because I didn't have enough time to take care of it!
If you want, give me an email or something where I can send you pictures!
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Huh?! Okay! ๐Ÿ‘Œ ambiscapedev[@]gmail!
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โ˜•๏ธ Stephanie Bogard ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
Hey honey, I sent you some pictures, but I received a notification saying "delivery failed". Are you sure this is the correct email address? (obviously, I removed the [ ] )
Ryoga Hibiki
Currently playing the game right now... Here's a screenshot.
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BROOOOOOO whart daya say its not a ripoff LMAOROFLLLLLLLLL
Ttake my downvote brooooooo
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Ryoga Hibiki
Never had a downvote from a stroke victim before.
Make sure to drink lots of liquids and exercise.
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Imagine taking this seriously
Kidz on the internet these days.

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"Kidz on the internet these days"
Literally 2 comments ago
"LMAOROFLLLLLL BROOOOOOOOOOOO its not a ripoff, take my downvote brooooo"

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Imagine still taking all this seriously
Kidz on the internet these days.

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โ˜•๏ธ Stephanie Bogard ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
Hey honey, do you have problems with the most recent versions of Gzdoom lately?
I play ALWAYS with "Beautiful Doom" since many years, and recently I was playing with "BDLite", which, as its name implies is a lite version of Brutal Doom (and much better in my opinion), but now these 2 mods don't go together anymore.
I also tried the latest Project Brutality with Beautiful Doom, and again, it crashed.
It seems the culprit is really beautiful Doom, because the latest nightly build of Gzdoom + Project Brutality (github version) work perfectly together.
But it's annoying me, because once you're used to beautiful doom, it's very difficult to go back to the original sprites and animations and boring lighting.๐Ÿ˜ญ
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โ€ โ€ โ€ โ€ โ€ โ€ โ€
the latest gzdoom its a mess, 4.3.3 its the most stable
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โ˜•๏ธ Stephanie Bogard ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
Hmmm maybe I should try to go back to this version, if I can find it.
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its on the official site