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I suggest Aliens Dark Descent it put effort into its gameplay outside story, characters, story segments all being laregly trash, the bulk of marines going around killing bugs (and others) in various locations is well done.

This just low effort giving indie bad name, especially since they even are debating the horrendous balance and said a huge reason they don't want to give players custom portraits (and probably also why can't even choose any but your portrait) is because they afraid people will put nsfw portraits >_> and they even then further said it would be bad for people showing them publicly in any way and streamers, sounds like modern brain rot like capcom and also not knowing/caring about gamers + streamers... I mean seriously streamers put their logo/icon/vtube model w/e and if smart viewers as soldiers, and players of course want to be able to have marines what they want them to be, and not even being able to change to a different portrait let alone custom is just wow..
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Gods the balance is beyond worse then I expected, you really can just have every alien (including boss types basically) thrown at you at once even on normal mode normal difficulty on lowest danger planet on smallest squad size suggestion.

If you play this 100% ignore the "recommended squad size" as you will either want max size 3squads of 6 or at least double what it says to stand a chance.

Kept reading people having times where they barely take a couple steps and get absolute swarmed but figured maybe they only were on hard most the time or 1 time bad luck or using non campaign, nope this balance is 0.

I was also hoping the campaign had some cool maps or anything but nah they just basically prebuilt of what you make which is little.

Also expect heavy use of turrets and snipers (with some back up pistols for close range)
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Keep in mind this game is a release unfinished and finish in updates hopefully.

The Campaign mode itself is even said in their news a Open Beta and unfinished, so I would suggest waiting and play the other alien rts games if have not already.
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According to this game's Steam page, this game is in its full, final release version.
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Ya and I can give you a quickly made cake with nothing and say its technically done, maybe look into their news as I did to find out it has no frosting and was baked quick with plans to fix it up and add the frosting later.

This has been how games have been for years also, I mean there are countless "Early Access" listed games more complete then this or stay in early access for years (at times even until they just shut down) they really mean nothing, not to mention the countless that do day 1 patches and the like (including this one).

Not to mention this is the crack release version and not just whatever is most up to date with what is on steam.

Here some of the news bits they said for this uploaded version-

What changed during Early Access?

Thanks to your contributions, the game has become much more packed, approachable, yet demanding. In our most recent update, we included the Campaign Mode beta

You also have people talking about how campaign needed more time to bake.

A more recent update (not this uploaded one update request needed and done and suppose I will though I feel waiting still better since some still claim needing to bake) though does technically say and confirm this uploaded version is Not Full


Full version now available!

And the further proof campaign is messed up and needs more work even for the most obvious needed fixes that should not be needed in 2 updates after the actual real "full release" ie "day 1 patch" that again this is not.

  • Fixed loaded ammo disappearing when you stocked a weapon. Now the ammo will be also automatically stocked. "Stock all" will now also stock loaded weapons.
  • Fixed the "Custom" avatar kit only having 30 Skill Points instead of 32.
  • Fixed an autosave being made after the player avatar is killed in non-Hardcore session types.
  • bugged Sector management after defending a base
    And there a few minor and unknown ones biggest being ->
    -Debating major balance changes if we deem necessary
    (or if we just to lazy and not wanting to or want to ignore players desires :p -> joke just what I bet they maybe thinking as a reason to not do them or really look into them personally)
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You have a valid point and that's fine and all but at the end of the day, most people will just go by whether or not they notice the official EA notification posted in a game's Steam page. The nuances of whether a game is actually, unofficially still EA or not will be scrutinized mostly by the die-hard fans of a given game.
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Again it had no Full Campaign that is incomplete, it was even called Beta. And you also can't compare Steam Page to this as if they keep it 100% up to date with steam's.

Also helps if people point out facts on it being in such a state and not try and counter them when pointed out so people know hence why I do it.

But ya sadly most people these days don't like to read further then a front page like a book cover, though that just due to nature of people today and not something to do with being a "big fan".
I mean can't even really be a big fan of a new game, some more then others, unless its like a Blizzard Game and you go nuts for anything blizzard (sadly some are still nuts for "blizzard" cough ACTivision Blizzed).

It is sad that full releases are getting worse and worse, I mean a beta campaign is kind of funny I suppose at least at just such a extreme to include a beta in full, unlike say Over 1.5's never adding campaign mode when that is what it was sold for and not just the forced give us $ update, that many knew it was and were not going to give the campaign ever, but die hard fans refused to believe.

So plenty of people have been waking up to such bs and pay attention to releases and know it will launch probably bad etc... thankfully, but die hard fans that defend anything of theirs and of course I know sadly there are still many many that pre order and complain that there early access days are not even working and even release is still buggy but those are just fools with control issues getting what they deserve for pre ordering or expecting different.

But anyways they replied to my request to update, and that means the Full Campaign update along with mentioned patches will be uploaded soon. :)
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Well, unless the dev studio replied to you with an exact schedule detailing the approximate release dates for the various updates with the various fixes, patches and campaigns, only time will tell whether those updates will be released sooner or later than you expect. In the meantime, it looks like the dev studio is staying firm with their (Not Steam's) marketing decision to officially move this game out of the Early Access stage by removing the EA notification (I'm just stating what can undeniably be seen by anyone visiting this game's Steam page).
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Last comment to clarify last post for you since I see you got scrambled.

Game was released as fake complete on 18th this site then jumped on it and uploaded it as it was made available to do so(see posted upload date below title).

Then Game made a "day1 patch" next day that is actually complete though rushed, it is the actual complete. (Again news said 18th was Beta Campaign with missing stuff and 19th said Full Campaign now)

They then been making the big fixes and other patches since.

I then requested This Site to update since they are still on the 18th as they of course are not able to magically auto update to whatever steam/gogo are on.

This site then responded they will update soon (technically said tomorrow originally ie yesterday, but 100% understandably can take a few days).
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PLZ update 1.00.3b , its important BUG fix
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Requested update, and they have said they will upload soon, the update will have the actual Full Campaign mode and some small needed patches.

Cool They updated now, (the () show version has been updated)
There is full English support via the English interface, English audio and English subtitles!
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