Niel Ivarez
I find it weird that this game is so little talked about; considering it's a pure soulslike.
I played it at launch. Didn't notice any game-breaking bugs or performance drops. The art style is unique which may not be to everyone's liking. But I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with the gameplay. It's amazing how it does so much with so little in terms of visuals.
This was a one-man project and after finishing it I realized the developer had had to take care of a loved one in hospital and develop this game at the same time.
I really hope he has made decent money off of this by now.
Felix Irma
Why is so heavy? Jesuchrist
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Henrique Dias
cant even load the torrent file in utorrent
Sai Rei
Is this the updated version? The one with the bugs fixed...
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Slick Panda
Oh look! Dark Souls Remastered!
M. Molli
628 MB RAR