Wait a minute, is the protagonist's mother wearing hijab like... and it's on popular games page even... just wow, I finally saw it happen before I dies even if it's a minor role in a game.
Reason why might some people wondering why I'm that surprised of this is because despite there is over than 2 billion Muslims worldwide, they are either represented as terrorists in western media or not represented in movies and cartoon like at all as they never exist till recent days where we started seeing them in the background which despite not having an active role in said work, the representation is a nice touch.
for anyone that had black screen or stuck at the loading screen try move your game from harddisk to ssd, this solve the issue for me since i install everygame at my 6tb harddisk, apparently this game (or game nowadays in general) require fast storage
Reason why might some people wondering why I'm that surprised of this is because despite there is over than 2 billion Muslims worldwide, they are either represented as terrorists in western media or not represented in movies and cartoon like at all as they never exist till recent days where we started seeing them in the background which despite not having an active role in said work, the representation is a nice touch.