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links for the update are down
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if people want to know as strange as it sounds. the system requirements saying Direct X 12 the game runs fine under winder 7 64bit. just tried the game and it works. don't know what the developers did with Direct X 12 to get the game to work under windows 7. but wish every game developer would do the same thing.
This game apparently needs an update because the devs added a hotfix today. Apparently they forgot to give players access to the DLC they were selling.
Ryoga Hibiki
All I'm asking for is one, just one Transformers game that doesn't suck ass using the old 1980s style character models before I die of internal combustion...
But I have to remind myself that we live in the dark dimension. We can't have nice things.
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Sludge Hammer
i guess we'll just forget that war for cybertron and fall of cybertron exist then
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Ryoga Hibiki
All I'm asking for is one, just one Transformers game that doesn't suck ass using the old 1980s style character models before I die of internal combustion...
You would have had me if you said Transformers: Devastation. That's about as close as we're ever going to get original gangsta Transformers in a good game.
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Teddy Riggs
It sucks that we may never get a sequel to Devastation
is there a reason why this game isn't on Crackwatch? Did they just miss it completely?
Blue Bomber
it is a turn based tile game, i thouht it was action shooting game
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this looks like it came from a mobile game
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Deus Ex: Invisible War
Looks like it should 9.99.
I thought it was a mobile port but apparently it's not
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U can find some RDR 2 details impact here.
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umm what?
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Marisa Kirisame
Can anyone confirm if I can play as Decepticons? if not then it's indeed a pricey kuso game, in PS1 we got games like Wargames Defcon1 and it's way better than this, hell, you can play as the enemies also lmao
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Alum K
I looked it up in arcade mode you can play as Megatron sgockwave starscream slipscream and shadowsrtiker they are nothing speical tho
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Marisa Kirisame
Well shit Why game companies can't dev a proper Transformers videogame?
Alum K
NO not in the campain you can in local co op arcade i think dont quote me on that
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Marisa Kirisame
Aight I won't quote you
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Those prices are insane for that type of game, wtf. 40 bucks for the main game, 60 bucks for everything included lol. Look at the game lol. Also the size of the game doesn't even match the price. Devs scamming
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Marisa Kirisame
There are manchildren buying a ported GB game for like 60+ bucks, you haven't seen anything yet!
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there are borked manchildren buying thousands of dollars of IAP on mobile for their bratty children
Deus Ex: Invisible War
deleted this one please, thank you.
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Bold claim coming from the weakest Deus Ex title
Just kidding, IW was fine lol
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Deus Ex: Invisible War
I think invisible war is a good edition to the series, but alot of people didn't like it, i enjoy it. But never did finish the game, in fact i only played maybe about 10% of the game having the game all these years. But i plan to finally play it and finish it.
Uh? wasn't this a mobile game?
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yes I'm also looking for the mobile version of the game, do you have the download link?
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yes I'm also looking for the mobile version of the game, do you have the download link?
Yannick Wantiez
CODEX are doing so few release , and mostly crappy games recently . Only decent CODEX release were Amnesia Rebirth and Leisure Suit Larry . So strange while so much nice games are coming out on steam , they nearly release nothing . Looks like CODEX is close to become a dead team .
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Marisa Kirisame
Dilate somewhere else please
Alum K