Take the old school Arma (operation flash point) and mix it with Mount and blade or total war and you have this, its in early access but i really like it you can fight as one of your troops on the ground or command via a RTS its in early access and there is no form of tutorial other than a steam guide which i appreciate but its a bit of a mess
It seems to be an evolution of Guerrilla Warfare, a game that was based on Mount And Blade and was abandoned and it was promised that the game would be remade from zero, but it never happened. Weapons from both games look a lot.
Don't reply or interact with that POS, he never downloads or plays any of these games, EVERY REVIEW he writes is stolen from someone on Steam. Every, single, one.
Hi, awesome Job in the Time response, you guys are all awesome.
I have an Issue with the Torrent link it seems to download just up to 53% at least for me, i tried to redownload the game many times already (4 so far) all of them end in the same 53% and it just stays like it, idk if it is something from the servers or what else? could you help please?
This is the trouble with torrents. Torrents share parts of files with each other, until everyone has all the parts. If the person with all the parts quits, then everyone suffers.
Is just me, or random games section doesn't work? I have this problems, when i try to search something, that it won't load. ( I don't have adblock, if that's the problem. )
everytime i try to play game pops up with fatal error. I can run it perfectly fine until trying to get into a battle. Anyone else had this happen before or know a fix?
Late response, but maybe try a different extracting program. I like to use WinRAR most of the time, but sometimes WinRAR doesn't extract properly; I'll use 7-Zip in that case. Just a suggestion.
Im sorry maybe have i bad eyesight but cant see enemys before i die. I cant even see from where i get shot at, cars and tanks okay they i do see but the rest...
I still don't date dudes, and I especially don't date dudes pretending to be chicks. Sorry if you're mad about it, you're just gonna have to get glad.
I have an Issue with the Torrent link it seems to download just up to 53% at least for me, i tried to redownload the game many times already (4 so far) all of them end in the same 53% and it just stays like it, idk if it is something from the servers or what else? could you help please?
the game got updated to latest/recent version (v0.42.1)
I just have this problem on Chrome. :(