Whites have the most by number because they're so much larger a ratio of the population. The percentage of whites versus blacks in regard to single parents is no where near as high. Learn to read.
How do you know it's racist? There's sentences like "white boy" and "white basketball player", where it could be changed into just boy and basketball player without losing any significant meaning, so yeah, racist, but not racist AF, just racist
Wrong. Literally everything I said is factual, and is backed by statistics and reports. Such as the F.B.I., but I guess they're racist, too, right? You're an idiot.
You don't have to use a derogative for it to be racist. How about "Too Black to be Bothered to Earn High School Equivalency Education", or "Too Black to Have a Father in the Household", or "Too Black to Not Commit over 50% of all Violent Crimes and Homocides When You're Only 13% of the Total Population"? Sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?
It's racist trash like you that are turning the world into a cesspool of identity politics. I'll bet you're a Democrat, aren't you? Typical sheep of victimhood mentality.
There's sentences like "white boy" and "white basketball player", where it could be changed into just boy and basketball player without losing any significant meaning, so yeah, racist, but not racist AF, just racist
Therefore we must reject reality and live in a fairy tale lol
It's racist
but its worst, it's a mobile port!.