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Levi Gonzalez
I am now a communist, but I'm gonna keep all my comments up cause they are hilarious.
Alex Brolling
Hol up that first link just installed a bunch of bullshit onto my computer, oh hell no
Alex Brolling
I fucking love this comment section, everybody's writing so much shit about capitalism, but I mean if capitalism is so great why the hell are you here stealing the game in the first place? 🤣 You already became an anti-capitalist when you started pirating games you idiots. Might as well go all the way and just say you like free stuff damn it's not so complicated.
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"Idiots" is very polite way of putting it.
"Alt-fact Trumpite mentally and morally degenerate skinhead scum of the earth who is clearly criminally insane" might come slightly closer to describing the individual that I had to edifying experience of exchanging words with.
To able to trigger a psychopathic reaction out of these skinheads using words alone. That is the truly disturbing aspect. A single post of mine was enough to set this rabid dog frothing.
Their Overlord-Lunatic-Fuhrer-in-Chief only has to tweet "fraud" and these pissant little drones hallucinate phantasms on command.
The 2 player is not working. I connect a second controler but the keyboard and the controller play as the same guy. (Both of them control one character instead of two).
a game where gamers rise up
LOL anti-capitalist game that wants people to spend money to buy it. Shouldn't it be free for all us 'working people' :P
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wow bro. my heart just can't take the insight, thought and deep philosophical nuances and inflections of your own personal sense of wit that went into that opinion. you should be a professor of socioeconomic theory.
You dislike capitalism yet require money because you live under capitalism! checkmate libtard!!!!11!
this is actually the most fucking smoothbrained take I have seen in a while
That rhetoric is so used and so dumb I was thinking that you said it as a joke lol
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Skeptical Doge
You should know that this game isn't very good as just a game. It's audio and visuals are guite coarse and the gameplay is elementary at best.
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looks crusty
its like the devs played Riot: Civil Unrest and thought they could have a go at making a game like that in a different playstyle.
Hell on Earth at this historical moment is the CAPITALIST oligarchy and plutocratic class-war dystopia of the USA. Most incarcerated people in human history; worst health system in modern, developed world; POTUS is an alt-fact lunatic, shithead neophyte doted upon by millions of nutjobs with firearms; a bloated military machine supported by ultra-nationalist skinhead drone population.
RWNJs always intone "Go to Cuba" whenever they start to lose the argument ie. almost immediately. If you want HELL on Earth, if you want COVID 19 and then suffer he nihilistic "freedom" of being with healthcare, if you wanna get shot by trigger-happy cops or vigilante "open-carry" mobs, go to the USA!
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congrats, you summarized America as being on par with Russia's oligarchy state while a guy with a pfp of the dad from Anastasia says "Americans can take care of themself" as a comeback that unintentionally helps your talking point .
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Weeaboo Jones
well this aged well
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Oh, but hasn't it aged very well indeed? Major cities across the US erupt in flames and I come here and witness the anti-rational spewing forth of abuse from the infantile regressive Dora the Explorer level anti-intellectual geniuses who post in detailed refutation, who post in inadvertent confirmation, of my every point.
But will these shitheads wake the fuck up? Nope! Why? 'Cos Americans are god-almighty, christ-damned "patriot" wankers who are stupid as shit.
Thank merciful God I do not have live in the same nation as you pack of sick, violent skinhead animals. When people are pissed off (and this occurs the world over even if provincial, solipsistic Yank peasant pinheads like you dorks ain't never heard of it) people scream at each other the imprecation - "Fuck off to Hell! Fuck off to the USA!!".
"Keep up this crap and I'll damn you to go live in Yankland!!"
And you can wank off on your pitiful little flag-stroking ceremonies all you like. You can cower with the rest of mentally ill, go hang out with snake-bite cults and demon exorcists in your loony-toon churches. In which shithole nation did the Church of Scientology originate, huh? Yeah dickheads, you're a pack of completely sane geniuses alright! You bet your gun-totting, rooting-tooting, mass-shooting arse you are!
So fuck you Yank skinhead arseholes and all your Invading Imperialist armies that you ship round the world in order to damn them to be reduced to shithole nations just like the USA. Stuffed full of pitiful little cockroach "patriots", so easy to con and suck in.
"Oh,... oh,... oh,... our nuclear armed military machine mass-slaughters children because it's a force for democracy".
"War is a Racket" said of the very,very few smart Americans who ever lived. But none of you know the quote now do ya? Mental urinals to the very last "patriot" cockroach in the hellish skinhead brood.
The Land of the Fees and the Home of the Slaves.
The Fees of oligarchical class war waged upon the entire planet Earth.
Peace out dudes. Yeah, right! Like any "patriot" Yank skinhead, any alt-fact trumpite mental toilet, ever knew how to spell the word "peace".
Best of luck with the rest of your slippery-slope existences in the shitiest shithole in world history, you pack of near-extinct carrion vermin.
Fare thee well. Oh, just one last thing,
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Levi Gonzalez
Shut the fuck up commie. America is for Americans, and Americans can take care of themself.
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its incredibly hilarious to me how you "patriotic" knuckle dragging retards think criticizing capitalism makes your opinion invalid.
As major cities across the US erupt in flames, I come here and witness the anti-rational spewing forth of abuse from the infantile regressive Dora the Explorer level anti-intellectual geniuses who post in detailed refutation, who post in inadvertent confirmation, of my every point.
But will these shitheads wake the fuck up? Nope! Why? 'Cos Americans are god-almighty, christ-damned "patriot" wankers who are stupid as shit.
Thank merciful God I do not have live in the same nation as you pack of sick, violent skinhead animals. When people are pissed off (and this occurs the world over even if provincial, solipsistic Yank peasant pinheads like you dorks ain't never heard of it) people scream at each other the imprecation - "Fuck off to Hell! Fuck off to the USA!!".
"Keep up this crap and I'll damn you to go live in Yankland!!"
And you can wank off on your pitiful little flag-stroking ceremonies all you like. You can cower with the rest of mentally ill, go hang out with snake-bite cults and demon exorcists in your loony-toon churches. In which shithole nation did the Church of Scientology originate, huh? Yeah dickheads, you're a pack of completely sane geniuses alright! You bet your gun-totting, rooting-tooting, mass-shooting arse you are!
So fuck you Yank skinhead arseholes and all your Invading Imperialist armies that you ship round the world in order to damn them to be reduced to shithole nations just like the USA. Stuffed full of pitiful little cockroach "patriots", so easy to con and suck in.
"Oh,... oh,... oh,... our nuclear armed military machine mass-slaughters children because it's a force for democracy".
"War is a Racket" said of the very,very few smart Americans who ever lived. But none of you know the quote now do ya? Mental urinals to the very last "patriot" cockroach in the hellish skinhead brood.
The Land of the Fees and the Home of the Slaves.
The Fees of oligarchical class war waged upon the entire planet Earth.
Peace out dudes. Yeah, right! Like any "patriot" Yank skinhead, any alt-fact trumpite mental toilet, ever knew how to spell the word "peace".
Best of luck with the rest of your slippery-slope existences in the shitiest shithole in world history, you pack of near-extinct carrion vermin.
Fare thee well. Oh, just one last thing,
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Levi Gonzalez
Lmao. You really wanna be American, dont you? We will conquer the world and you will die. The Unites States of America is and always will be the world government. Our military could kill you, your family, and the rest of whatever shitty nation you live in, and we will.
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You are a pitiful little cockroach with the mass-murderous grandiose fantasy life of a criminal against humanity in embryo. Are you currently on parole having served a lengthy sentence in a correctional facility in the most densely populated carceral state in human history? Thereby in your own sick, sad person proving my every point? Amongst the many aspects that render the USA a SHITHOLE NATION are skinhead scum of the earth like you.
Have you read (assuming that you possess the mental capacity to read books) Hubert Selby Jr's "The Room"? It's a portrait of the tormented psychic life of pathetic, impotent reptiles like you. The violent fantasies of a stunted mental and moral dwarf damned to the de profundis suffering of imprisonment within the solitary confinement of his schizophrenic skull.
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Levi Gonzalez
Your insults mean nothing, your opinion is worthless, your life is meaningless. You aren't american, and thus you don't matter. I genuinely hope you and your family get murdered in a US invasion.
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Skinhead scum of the earth with a suitably brain-dead response. Do you honestly think your ultra-nationalist death-wishes improve your case, you stupid insect? They were not "insults" you petty alt-fact trumpite infant. They were as close as time, space and inclination can allow to an accurate description of skinheads like you. I'm not your mother, you pissweak little mental toddler.
The USA produces homicidal alt-fact shitheads like you en masse. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
You're gonna waste my time and yours with yet ANOTHER primitively reflexive shithead response thus publicly exposing yourself for the mental and moral degenerate - ie. the AMERICAN dumbfuck - you are, aren't you? Ever played that sadistic game of poking a tormented animal in a cage and delighting in its squeals of pain? No, me neither. Torture is evil in all its forms.
For that reason, I wish you the very best of luck for the rest of your slippery slope existence.
fucking imperialist psychopath
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Levi Gonzalez
Gonna cry?
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god i wish i was a braindead retard like you, ignorance must be bliss
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Skeptical Doge
lol why "Go to Cuba" when Canada's right there and better in every way :D
So many people fighting over politics for what? Nothing, its just a fucking game
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Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Welcome to 2020, where everything must be politically correct
A matapacos!
ps: Fuck Piñera.
ps2: Fuck Lavin.
ps3: Fuck fascists.
ps4: Fascists = communists shame shit.
What is a matapacos?. Its a dog that knows that ACAB.
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Saludos al Paco desde Argentina! Pero de todas formas los fascistas son mil veces peores que los comunistas.
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Levi Gonzalez
Shitty communist trash. Leftists opinions don't matter. Devs should be hung.
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Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Look at this sensitive nipple guy, bringing politics to game. Get your political shit to Arstotzkan instead
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Levi Gonzalez
This is a political game you smooth brained retard
Mode Razen
why are all you idiots bitching about politics here if you hate the game why are you here
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Weeaboo Jones
its a masochistic way for Gold Barbarian to get off to. not gonna kink shame him for it tho
gold barbarian
Because maybe some of us need to blow some fucking steam you bitchass fagot
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Oh stfu you big baby
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Damian LP
Aguante Milei!
jew media
Well at least they mentioned the media.
how the lefties get away with ALL their crimes.
Controlling information and public opinion holds power OVER,
the military,
courtrooms and prisons...
And we dont really get to vote for that.
Some might say with your dollar,
but not really when its all under an umbrella media monopoly.
But of course the lefties will shamelessly lie and tell you that there's no such thing as the liberal media.
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Uhh are you claiming Disney controls public opinion? Because I'd really like to understand where you're coming from...
Also yeah, liberal media exists. It's just not the mainstream, most of what you see on the TV is all corporate controlled crap with no real meaning behind it except maybe lobbying public opinion to support fossil fuels etc.
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Public opinion can be swayed/controlled by media Disney owns numerous things including TV networks/ news statios etc. Look up what Disney owns and its actually shocking. Whether its some childrens movie or the Saw movies, Disney is at the head of all that.
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They do own quite a bit, I'll give you that. But they don't really seem to have an agenda beyond profit, and I can't imagine it's any worse than all the other propaganda masking itself as news.
I don't live in the US, but I don't get the sense ABC news over there is particularly popular. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Here in Australia, at least 80% of our mainstream media is controlled by two corporations, News Corp and Fairfax. That's cause for concern more than Disney owning ABC and ESPN.
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And Liberals are not left sooooo why should we care?
We Leftist hate liberals
I mean it exists, it's just one cog of the propaganda model to make the system look like it has a range of "acceptable opinions" that don't question the system of exploitation.
So when you do question things like distribution or private property or why most people go to work in corporate tyranny with no say in it at all, or why you only make a tiny amount of the worth of your labor(hence why the wage system exists in the first place) you step out of the liberal-conservative framework, which is mostly just social issues and small economic differences of just how much control corporations should have over our lives.
But all within capitalism and a very weak safety net,
even European style social democracy is too much to ask for.
A leftist mainsteam(cable news) network can't exist in todays US media, cuz almost all "authoritative" media is owned by less than a handful of media conglomerates who'd be completely insane to have something on the air questioning their power. Arguing against capitalism as a whole and the state.
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Yeah, pretty much. I'm guessing that's from manufacturing consent? I haven't gotten around to reading that yet. But I wouldn't go so far as saying we hate liberals, more liberal ideology. After all, liberals/conservatives make up the majority of the working class, and aren't they the ones we fight for?
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When I say liberals I mean the establishment of the democratic party and educated upper middle class people who make this their indentity, not some blue collar worker who checks in on the election every 4 years and votes for whoever they think is gonna screw em less/who they were told is "electable"
And conservatives? Lowkey impossible to get em for this generation, know how popular trump is among the republican base? 80-90%, and lots of the ones who dont like him just dont like his tone or that he didn't invade smth yet. You can skim off 5-15% maybe over time with a lot of effort, but a huge chunk of them are moving to you know what territory, some knowingly some unknowingly while watching Tucker or worse.
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Ah, thanks for clearing things up. Everybody seems to mean something different when they use political terminology, sometimes makes it hard to tell from context :/
zombie eaters
Libleft synthpop wet dream
Alan da Cruz
I was waiting this for so long.
Lastly, the revolution.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
"unapologetically political, socialist game about worker liberation in the face of overpowering capitalism."
Wait... Did workers ever feel "liberated" with socialism? lol
I have lived in a socialist country for decades. Now it's capitalist.
I don't see any difference. Most people are slaves working in terrible conditions in both cases.😂
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On a toujours été libéraux-capitalistes, jamais vraiment socialistes. Pendant la révolution peut-être et encore.
65% of the countries live under corporatocratic capitalism, 10% under state capitalism, 8% under social democracies, 4% live under "free" capitalism, 3% under socialism/communism and no one under anarchism of any type. So yes, you probably lived under a capitalist state of some sort with just a progressive goverment, not socialism.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
This is a very arbitrary point of view which simply doesn't reflect reality at all.
And if you agree with what Lucretia says below in the comments, then it means you're talking about communism (which I never experienced, but I know some Russian who had the "joy" of experiencing it, and they have lots of funny stories to tell about it), and not socialism.
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I'm actually very surprised, I wasn't expecting grounded observations and commentary. This was pretty good, thanks. It was very pleasant to see it for a change.
Nah, I just simply analized which economic system rules in most of the countries.
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Oh yeah, Russia was a stateless, moneyless, classless society, sure.
Soviet Russia was barely in its transitionary period, not socialist or communist.
Just replacing the boss of a company with a bureaucrat isn't socialism, it's giving all people in the country direct democratic control over their workplace, Russia after the Bolshevik takeover(not the revolution itself months and months back) was as far from socialism as the US.
Now Lenin and others at first meant to wait for Germany to have a revolution because of the faulty believe that Germany was ready as an industrialized society, while Russia, which was one of the least developed countries in Europe, wasn't, but when that failed in January 1919 due to betrayal of the social democrats, and not long after Stalin took over, it was pretty much over for attempts at socialism in Russia
Speaking of "joy", more Russians would still prefer the later years of the USSR over the oligarchy they're under now(made possible with the great help of the US of A) if you look at polls, showcasing how enjoyable life is in Russia today.
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Omg....now... following the re-interpretation of history from this "story sage" in wich the URSS also know as the CCCP was never a socialist goberment just a "transitionary one"... again this arguement... The tipical escuse, in wich "the socialism where nerver truly tried and comunism was never achieved"... look... the socialism isnt democratization of the workplace... thats the todays eufemism for the young and naive to make aceptable the control of the state over the means of production following the falacy of the state as the bona fide protector of the people... the democracy relies esentialy in the social, legal and economic freedoms when you deteriorate the posibility of economic freedoms beyond the help of the state you create political dependency over the voters base. as a result, the estabished regime starts buying with food, home and health the vote for the ruling party... that sounds like a democracy? or is maybe....tiranny! you become a tool and a slave for the ruling political party because you vote for them or suffer hunger and alienation.
Undertanding that the socialism isnt a unitary block, the socialism its actually a union of ideas of diferent doctrines, being Engels and Marxs the first ones to put it in clear terms. Lenin took the tesis and used it with an agregate, the constitution of the vanguard the political elite party to conduct the rural mases. because in the old russia the industry was not so advanced and in consecuence there was not a proletariat as a titular of the "proletariat dictartoship" in the terms of Marx.
The lenninism is a form of socialism, the real and pragmatic one the others are just soft, unreal and utopic views than once gets implemented needs the power of cohercion of the state to being efective, becoming in the long run in clasic socialist regime with only one ruling party and no democracy at all...
How Lenin achieved power and how later on Stalin use it, its just an example of the autoritarian nature of the colectivist doctrines, not the argument to save the holy and pure and all good socialism...
An ideology who needs as an escuse an utopic form of itself as argument its esentially just a religion... a union of believes based in the faith on a core and abstract value. in this case equality above everything else.
Todays socialism its more like a pop culture postmodern religion adopted by naive teenagers and people who suffer the most crushing and compulsive social hate towards more succesful individuals.
Juventus Polyma
How did USA have a hand in making Russia an oligarchy? I'm asking because I don't know the history.
You said in another post that USA media is biased towards the right which is incorrect since Media Bias in USA is dictated by an event/happening that suits a particular news conglomerate to further their interests or narrative.
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And under which organizational structure do news conglomerates function?
Are they:
A. Top down, profit driven, privately owned organizations that make money thru allowing ads by other capitalist enterprises.
B. Owned by everyone working there democratically, giving every worker in it what their labor produced, opposed to a few on top raking in most.
If you answer correctly, A btw, then indeed they are intrinsically right wing, because if they were not, they'd argue against their own existence while they're on air, actually educating people, aka like you said, not furthering their own interests.
No matter how "socially liberal" example A pretends to be, its structure is right wing.
A liberal and a conservative are both right wing labels, their differences on how the economic model in society should be is barely worth talking about.
Oh regarding Russia, how they and corps swooped in when the USSR collapsed and propped up Yeltsin, praising him when he was shelling and disbanding the supreme soviet, Clinton supporting his reelection bid because Yeltsin was implementing these policies which heavily influenced how modern Russia turned out to be, with the US heavily interfering in the 1996 elections.
The US had a lot of influence in Russia after the collapse of the USSR.
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us russians are kinda like america, in the sense that the rich can "silence" opponents of the state, a not so subtle state sponsored news network, and constantly recording our police for evidence in case of injustice.
Alan da Cruz
Please don't say you are braziian.
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Hector Suarez
Move to Cuba and live your childish dream.
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Weeaboo Jones
bit ironic seeing cuban doctors being exported to brazil atm
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Why should we move to a welfare state with private businesses?
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Lemme guess, was state capitalist masquerading as socialist for PR purposes.
Unless workers and the community as a whole own the means of production themselves(and not a state) it's not socialist, at best you can call it a transitionary state.
This game obviously goes the libertarian socialist route following the footsteps of the CNT-FAI, Zapatistas, SANES, the Free Territory and others, with workplace democracy mentioned in the game, militias being voted for after you finish the campaign to defend the revolution against outside capitalist forces(the introduction of the endless mode)
Auth left disbands militas after the revolution and go for a far more centralized approach.
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the means of production cant be owned by the community you know why? because the community as a whole is made of individuals with differents interest between them!!!!! and when those differences starts creating conflict between the collective guess who its coming to stablish order.... the state!!!! and then starts the cohercion.... you know... its fascinating how the colectivist think than we have some sort of colective mind like a hive and all feel the same and all are good people. its simply beyond broken the ingenuity of this people. they are sheeps just fooled to the point that they view themself as a rebel... and are just the opossite they are just a reactionary tool in a game of power.
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Omg....now... following the re-interpretation of history from this "story sage" in wich the URSS also know as the CCCP was never a socialist goberment just a "transitionary one"... again this arguement... The tipical escuse, in wich "the socialism where nerver truly tried and comunism was never achieved"... look... the socialism isnt democratization of the workplace... thats the todays eufemism for the young and naive to make aceptable the control of the state over the means of production following the falacy of the state as the bona fide protector of the people... the democracy relies esentialy in the social, legal and economic freedoms when you deteriorate the posibility of economic freedoms beyond the help of the state you create political dependency over the voters base. as a result, the estabished regime starts buying with food, home and health the vote for the ruling party... that sounds like a democracy? or is maybe....tiranny! you become a tool and a slave for the ruling political party because you vote for them or suffer hunger and alienation.
Undertanding that the socialism isnt a unitary block, the socialism its actually a union of ideas of diferent doctrines, being Engels and Marxs the first ones to put it in clear terms. Lenin took the tesis and used it with an agregate, the constitution of the vanguard the political elite party to conduct the rural mases. because in the old russia the industry was not so advanced and in consecuence there was not a proletariat as a titular of the "proletariat dictartoship" in the terms of Marx.
The lenninism is a form of socialism, the real and pragmatic one the others are just soft, unreal and utopic views than once gets implemented needs the power of cohercion of the state to being efective, becoming in the long run in clasic socialist regime with only one ruling party and no democracy at all...
How Lenin achieved power and how later on Stalin use it, its just an example of the autoritarian nature of the colectivist doctrines, not the argument to save the holy and pure and all good socialism...
An ideology who needs as an escuse an utopic form of itself as argument its esentially just a religion... a union of believes based in the faith on a core and abstract value. in this case equality above everything else.
Todays socialism its more like a pop culture postmodern religion adopted by naive teenagers and people who suffer the most crushing and compulsive social hate towards more succesful individuals.
Exactly! This game is ancom, not stalinist.
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Capitalism doesn't work
Socialism doesn't work
We're fucked either way, but during the revolt we feel right.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I don't know. In France, I've seen last year people who got their hand blown off and lost their eyes during the "yellow jackets" revolt, and they didn't feel very "right".
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Well, if they felt they were doing the wrong thing, why did they do it?
And that movement had nothing to do with capitalism vs socialism.
Well... at least you're objetive.
Ivan Crowley
What? How are "we" fucked?
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Either way there will be misery and corruption. But let's be fair: if you don't care about others and live under capitalism as a middle-upper class, you'll be fine.
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Ivan Crowley
I don't understand what you mean, i'm poor and I still enjoy my life. Of course there will be misery and corruption no matter the system, so to say that capitalism "doesn't work" sounds odd to me.
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‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
mother russia bleeds and riot: civil unrest
got drunk, went to a hotel, had unprotected sex and this was born
Storage is 690 mbs not 2 GBs
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yep nail sir
Buy it, support the devs.
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Hector Suarez
Shared wealth, devs should give me money.
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Let the devs make a five year plan and expropriate Amazon and then they’ll happily give it to you for free.
Devs probably don't care or worry about piracy. Talking abour worries, your parents should worry about your lack of brain cells.
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Alan da Cruz
oH mY goOoOdD aRe yOuU sUrE? How the genius found out? Whas the red flag? The dog? lol
Iale Idioma
i'll bring the corn
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I'll bring the eye bleach.
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I'll bring the money
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44 44
Antifa simulator?
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Ivan Crowley
Nah, you don't get to harass the elderly in this game.
More ancon than anything
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oh no antifa man throw milkshake nooooooooooooo.
what do you mean neo nazis literally drove someone over in Charlottesville?
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Threw milkshakes? Imagine being this ignorant and blind with countless examples of Antifa harming people and property. ThE nAzIs was one single individual trying to escape an angry crazed mob of fucking morons like you. Keep suffering TDS you absolute cuck.
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Lol, look what chud is liking his own comments, how pathetic.
Antifa is community defense so white supremacists, chauvinists and other fash can't invade and intimidate our communities whenever the fash have a "free speech" rally.
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Dark Sorceress
haha right on , it looks like it
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Hell yeah! Waited for this, will pay for it when I get some money!
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looks like soy
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No u