VIPHelperRob Conner
This sort of actually happened to me in my college "Freehand Drawing" class - A professional, female, nude model was hired to pose in front of the class and all of us students were instructed to carefully study the different curves and shapes of her body and then attempt to capture the essence of her form in our drawings. I actually couldn't help but to try to focus my concentration upon her breasts and vagina in order to try to correctly depict them in the correct proportions on my drawing.

After a while, the woman in her early to mid-twenties (I was only a nineteen year old college freshman back then and never saw a real live, nude woman's body up-front before [Nudie magazines don't count]) noticed that I was spending too much time looking at her but being a professional, she didn't say anything and kept her body still to maintain her pose. After the session was over, I realized what I had accidentally done so I approached her and apologized for staring at her. She replied that it was okay, that it's not the first time that something like this has happened before and that she was not shy and actually proud of her beautiful body otherwise she wouldn't have gone professional. She must have been a true believer of the old saying, "When you got it, flaunt it!"
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I recognize that drawing style... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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thank for share. thank you.
i open and only see the black sreen.
how can play?
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