To everyone out there downloading this game you can check out G.round, they are testing the game over there and you can get keys to test and help the developer with feedback (althought at the moment of writting this comment there are no available keys but they are on the way)
i think this game will shine on multiplayer or playing with friends, you can only play the tutorial pass to that it says it needs internet connection
the concept is battle royale alike, but with a hex tile thing. basically you will be hidden from your enemy, unless you take action like shooting that will be revealing your position.
need internet connection? so this one hasn't been cracked yet? a few days ago the admin also posted Big Farm Story which also hasn't been cracked. what's wrong with the admin? he usually at the very least shows the "Full Unlocked" tag if the game hasn't been cracked yet.
I really dont like the mobile aesthetic some pc games want to copy. I get though that games are sometimes optimised for mobile primarily and pc or consoles are just an after thought. TL;DR Mobile User Interface geh
Maybe they are Online only and should not be here.
and there is premium coins next to the normal coins
And also its samilar to moblie games
did i mention its online game?
TL;DR Mobile User Interface geh