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Another game that bit off far more then they could chew when they got more money from people and then released too say they released. (ie released to early even after cutting things like mariage+children and cutting corners).

They also seem extremely already dishonest and maybe sniffing their fart.

They love to control the reviews and posts to extreme extent on steam, saying reason for the posts is 1 guy (ya 1 guy o no that too much >_>) is making multiple accounts and harrassing in it. And reason for reviews is the typical thing modern shows especially amazon and rotten tomatoes do where they just making sure the continentally bad reviews are fair and real.
(But not positive ones of course they can be anything as they always fair and realm though least on steam harder to do much and game sits at mixed as it should from the bugs + glitches + etc... alone).
There is English support via the English interface and English subtitles.
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Patch 6 is already out, according to the game's Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1746930/SunnySide/