Don't have a VR headset?
Uploaded ImageYou can try to play this VR game with a Google Cardboard (Or a copy-cat clone) viewer, an Android phone and VRidge (freeware)! For more details, see my post.
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05/27/24 - Update
VRidge has now gone commercial (The latest version is now being sold on Steam).
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However, you can still download an older version for free or try another freeware alternative like ALVR (Download here. ALVR works on some, but not all smartphones).
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Don't have VR controllers?
Uploaded ImageYou can try to play this VR game with two mice using Driver4VR. See demo video on YouTube.
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Not sure which "cardboard" headset to buy? Check out the following buying guide:
"10 questions to ask before buying a Google Cardboard VR headset".
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Hesitant about playing VR games due to the current fact that not all games support all VR headsets? Then see the post concerning an effort to standardize support for all VR headsets by all games through OpenXR! (You may need to refresh the page as the linked comment may take a while to load up in the page).
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Note: razuta's question somehow ended up being posted in another location within this same page but without all of the other comments here in this page. That's strange.
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Anyway, to answer razuta's question - The Android phone inside a "Google Cardboard" should be connected to a PC via a Micro USB C to USB (Android to PC) cable (Search eBay). A PCVR to headset application like VRidge or ALVR should then be installed to connect the PCVR output to the Google Cardboard.
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Hi, im interested on your method, a question, 1st im install this game on my PC, then how I connect my android to my PC? and does my android become monitor replacement with this method?
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That's strange. Somehow your question (comment) got posted here by itself without all of the other comments in this same game page.
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Please see my reply here. AFAIK, the PCVR output is simultaneously displayed on your PC monitor and your Android phone that is inside the Google Cardboard. You can just turn your monitor off.
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Trusted😈 Crazy Minority 🤖
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AW. that sucks, i guess i'm just gonna watch people play this
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If you have a smartphone then you might be able to play this game if you by a "Google Cardboard" (Or a copy-cat clone) viewer. See my post above for more details.
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Playing cardboard VR is worse than the virtual boy.

You can get a Quest 1 for less than 100, a quest 2 at around 200 and a quest 3s a is on its way.
For the love of all that is holy, don't play cardboard VR, its honestly just gonna leave you with a headache and disappointment.
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awesome game 10/10 gagoos
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Thanks for the VR Content. Please more.