is there pictures somewhere for this??
pantan sonyeondan
I remeber half a year ago playing this shit, I always ended up with the same bad military end...out of 16 endings always the same...
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lmao, Don't touch the headphones
Thank you Noble for ruining our lives with this.
You guys know what to do.
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uhmm...Anybody missing Sonico ? like the entire girl ? i downloaded it via google drive if that helps....
Rapid Eye Movement
mega has some files missing :(
edit: all files are missing
edit(again): nevermind, just saw the notification in the games request page, sorry.
Is this the steam rip version?
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Ah, hadn't heard of lockhunter. Unlocker works well for those problems as well. It's really irritating having folders left behind, especially when your computer refuses to delete it for no reason.
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I recommend picking up "Unlocker", it installs and then you just right click on the file, or folder, in question and click the context menu option. It'll tell you what process the thing is "locked" to and will let you quarantine (for Antivirus reporting) or delete it right then and there. If the file is process-locked super hard it'll ask if you want to restart and have it removed at startup.
Unlocker is a fricken godsend, too much crap tries to worm its way into computers permanently. Hope you guys get as much use out of it as I have. I think FileHippo has the latest version still.
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Game is amazing!!! One of my favorite visual novels <3 So, i bought it on Steam.
If you have the money, buy it on Steam. It's definitely worth it. Trust me :)
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Is the story good?
there's no 18+ contect, fml
Zyranis Ymir
Wooow you actually found it 0.o thanks Igg games for the request ^-^
Yay, I was going to request this! From the screenshots, it looks like a good one. Thanks guys, you're all awesome! I'll take it after I fix my PC.
Thanks Moderators for Fast Games
That's usually a red flag.
Alan Josue Cota
love you guys
Maid Lover
Interesting. I had no problem with uninstalling this one. Which files were you unable to delete ?
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It don't work for me :/ When I launch the setup, I need to wait 4-5min to see :
Launch Error : Unable to open archive file
But its not the archive file, I used unrar for that...
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Maid Lover
Try disabling your antivirus and then launching the setup file, also check if the file is locked ( you can do so by right clicking the file and then on properties )
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I did it too but its useless :'(
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Redownload with your antivirus disabled
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I did it too x(
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Biohazard bonnie
try getting a new pc
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a guy
the file is seen as a virus by virus scanner but it really isnt all the crack files are seen is virusses
game is awesome and is working very fine , just to let you guys know
Alisha Diphda
don't embarrass yourself. . .
do you know the basic concept of that word ?
playing an anime game doesn't make you a weeb
weeaboo is a word made by ghetto people for people PRETENDING
to be japanese and dress as one
do your homework before using a word please. . .
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This is a weeb game, through and through. If you enjoy it, you're a weeb. Plain and simple.
It's ok we're all weebs here. Just don't be an inept "otaku" sack of shit.
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Alisha Diphda
and you are an everyday internet ignorant troll that haven't moved into adulthood thus , insulting people for the things they like :)
"otaku" is manga mostly , so please stop being a laughter stock if you can't comprehend the insults you are throwing at people. . .
visit a dictionary once in a while please. . .
ps: so if people like CSGO does that also make them a terrorist ? no it just shows your linear point of view of your judgement but that might just be me. . .
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Found the triggered weeaboo. Also a weeaboo isn't about to go out and murder a bunch of peeps so your analogy is invalid.
P.S. Attack on Titan is shit
"everyone that disagrees with me is a troll"
No, it doesn't work that way. This is a weeb game, it's marketed to weebs of all kinds, therefore... I'm not even insulting anyone in that since.
""otaku" is manga mostly , so please stop being a laughter stock if you can't comprehend the insults you are throwing at people. . .
visit a dictionary once in a while please. . ."
I think, that you need to quit projecting since you're obviously the one that doesn't know what they're talking about. "Otaku" is a derogative insult that comes from Japan, towards manga reading, anime watching, eroge/weeb game playing obsessive mongoloid. ex:
"a young person who is obsessed with computers or particular aspects of popular culture to the detriment of their social skills."
"visit a dictionary once and a while please"
Stop being a projecting, poser weebtard once and while please, and stop shitting up anime/manga/games with your continual lack of knowledge. You know where that definition of "otaku" comes from? A cursorary Google search to the nearest dictionary. Take your own advise and refrain from projecting onto other people with ad hominem when they did nothing of the accord to you personally until now. Thank you, and have a nice day.
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Alisha Diphda
whatever gave you the assumption that whoever disagrees with me is a troll ? lol
troll = A.K not smart and irrational or minor thought process
in case you couldn't figure it out
i love how you try back your statement up with false desperate assumptions followed with no logical thinking. . .
sorry but that is also not how life goes :(
sorry but i can't argue with irony. . .
weeb is what i described few comments back and all the other lovely people giving you even more information where i left it blank. . .
(thanks for it btw)
sorry but i don't see how a japanese cultural game can "pretend" and dress as japanese
but yeh let's call it a weeb game to add to your logic ^^
otaku = someone who lays down all their spare time by spending it on reading manga , OtakuFest joining the subCulture of japan
(sometimes hope to make a manga themselves)
-fun fact , most of otaku's can strive to be a successful mangaka writer and drawer-
otaku is also seen or used for "nerd" , or someone that uses the computer too much and reading alot of books"
(computer has more uses than playing anime games and yes books also contain manga content incase you were quick on assumptions once again)
in case you need a reminder of what "nerd" stands for i'm sure your google will give you all the information you need ^^
watch "lucky star" she is the otaku overlord lol
and she explains it's meanings and never once
she mentioned eroge/anime games are an otaku thing
rather it is a subgenre of something related but not the same
in the western culture it is phrased as "guru"
as for lack of social skills that is a complete stereotypical BS
and you mentioning that , i can only image where you get your info from. .
if you want that closer mindset of that stereotypical sht
than watch WataMote <_<
but if all this and other people can't slap some logic through your skull
you"ll have this (sort of) victory of this argument since you seem desperate
like a wise quote once read
"don't argue with idiot's , they drag you down to their level and then beat you with expierence"
although i'm sure behind that dunceness (is that even a word? LOL!) is a logical thinking person. . . . i hope D:
so with that i'll take my departure , thanks ^^ have a nice day too sir/madam!
ps: (not important rambling)
yes my grammar sucks just a quick mention before you are "your grammar sucks , i'll correct it for you thus i'm better than you" type of person. .
(yes i know a fair bit of anime , does that make me a weeb XD ? no i'm not dressing as a japanese student or ever pretending as one , i barely talk japanese if i'm not socializing with a friend of a japanese origin wich i learned through anime and that friend, it just makes me laugh if someone says i'm a weeb because unless their judgemental limited mindset , i'm prepared to understand different cultures and not judge people for their choice of game/style/preference with a vague word that they can't even understand)
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"whatever gave you the assumption that whoever disagrees with me is a troll ? lol
troll = A.K not smart and irrational or minor thought process"
"I don't know how to type or what a troll is, but I'll gladly lecture you on what Internet/Japanese slang means.
It doesn't matter if you mention your grammar either, it's still horrible when you consider the fact that you're pretending to understand things that you don't and trying to be smug about it.
Troll: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=troll
Internet trolls sow discontent for their own amusement, and believe me you are not amusing in the slightest. In fact you're pretentious and annoying, acting much high and mightier than you are. I didn't even come on here with the intent of arguing, just making a point.
"weeb is what i described few comments back and all the other lovely people giving you even more information where i left it blank. . .
(thanks for it btw)"
Weeb: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=weeb
You are definitely a weeb. You pretend to understand other cultures and yet you use Japanese insults incorrectly, as an endearing term. Keep in mind that I used "weeb" and decribed it as "derogative slang" and as slang it's usage fits a lot of niches and uses. When someone calls a game a weeb game then they mean a game marketed at a particular audience, and that's not a bad or negative thing.
"watch "lucky star" she is the otaku overlord lol"
Lucky Star is the proprietor of crappy moe anime which help shit up the medium with boring, unoriginal, lazily animated garbage.
Yet WateMote is bad. I also feel like you missed the point of that show too, and I thought it was "eh"
"as for lack of social skills that is a complete stereotypical BS
and you mentioning that , i can only image where you get your info from."
Ha, did your Otaku friends tell you that? I get my information from this neat little site call Google. Here let me help you, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=otaku
"it just makes me laugh if someone says i'm a weeb because unless their judgemental limited mindset"
My first post basically said "hey guys we're all weebs here let's be honest" and you got triggered. I'm glad every women on the Internet isn't this bad of a stereotype
"although i'm sure behind that dunceness (is that even a word? LOL!) is a logical thinking person. . . . i hope D:"
"XD XD hehehe im so randum loloxdxdxXDXDXDXD HAHAHA POOPYHEAD"
Why am I even trying to communicate with you. You're obviously a vapid, shallow, stupid meme/emoticon spouter that gets all of her information from Otaku and shitty anime.
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Alisha Diphda
more facts has never been stated before!
also i know your mind is linear so let me make this clear
what i meant with "troll" is fantasy trolls not internet trolls ;)
and yes i use emoticons , what ? you gonna judge me on that too !? typical
no point in my argue do i ever find myself "higher and mightier" than who i truely are
i'm just here making things clear , you just think that way because you little ego felt attacked
it just amuses me how many people feel attacked when someone comes up more knowledged on the subject than the other
alot of people agrees and that also shows something
people quit your school!
this guy discovered that google is better than study!
(man this guy is so oblivious)
i tried to cheer up the comment with a self-vague comment
to differ from just insulting words than how you act
but your ego know-it-all mind could not comprehend that
instead you continue pass your judgement out before even knowing the person you are talking to
in hopes to achieve intimidation infront of your little monitor/mobile phone by insults
i take my words back, you are the most un-original little judgemental fool on this planet with nothing more than a judgemental mind set and it's little big ego man mentality
no point in communicating with such a person
and i have better things to do than listen to such person on a tentrum because his little big man ego got shattered
i think i rather rely on my friends high grades on japanese culture
than some heretic ignorant fool that has nothing nice to say
marry your google because the internet is not always right ;)
sorry that you can't comprehend such trivial knowledge
i can understand you enough , lack of grammar isn't limited by the understanding of one another or on a subject, someone who can't talk doesn't always have lack of writing,
sorry but english grammar is by far a different matter than the japanese culture and their animations
thus a different subject all together
i know about my japanese subject because my friend pass out all the information to me since i have a curious nature.
aswel as his teacher contacts me like twice a week
by that , its not because i can't use grammar correctly for all the grammar nazi's that i can't understand your words ;)
it is obvious you can't comprehend that little detail while studying (if you ever studied)
keyboard warrior :)
try study on "not everyone has english as their first language" department , it needs some knowledge there hun
also anime's can be informational it can teach the vieuwer of all ages about their culture aswel as the japanese history
in it's own way.
again sorry if that detail surpasses you
i'm sure your "google" has forgot to inform you
and has nothing to do with your human-self-error
to comprehend that.
insulting an anime i watch will result in nothing.
i do not care enough for anime to be bothered by your profound insults
your oppinion on "shitty animes" are completely different from someone else's thus it is a matter of taste and preference :)
i'm sorry not everyone likes the "cool and awesome" things that you like , it must be hard to be such a self centered ego man. . .
bye bye
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Panzerkampfwagen IV
"no point in my argue do i ever find myself "higher and mightier" than who i truely are"
"I take my words back, you are the most everyday little
judgemental fool on this planet with nothing more than a primitive mind set and it's little big ego man mentality"
That is the exact definition of acting "High and mightier"
You're literally saying he's inferior to you. You're saying he's an "everyday little judgemental fool with nothing more than a primitive mindset", you realise by saying that, you're literally calling a large majority of the human population "primitive fools".
Jesus Christ, you are such a fucking hypocrite
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Alisha Diphda
i am saying his point of view is just that , and everyone with that mindset is primitive or better wording "terrible" (sorry my poor word choice)
, please take a moment to grasp my intentions before calling assumptions calling people names
i shall edit it so its not confusing
if you feel called out for than sorry
i'm saying that he is not special in any way with that mentality he has.
and i hope not the large human population are like him.
but if you believe that than i only hope that you are wrong
being seen as a hypocrite is the least of my intentions
maybe you just miss understood or i had a poor choice of words trying to explain myself.
the error is most likely on my part , sorry.
i should of layed out my words better
i wouldn't think anyone would see it like that so i didn't bother checking for it
-jesus christ you are fucking fast making insults-
but anyway thanks for pointing out my errors.
i would of thought most people would understand the general idea i was going for.
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Weebs are more like people trying too hard to be Japanese (like fads) without proper understanding about Japan and Japanese culture (language too) :)
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Alisha Diphda
thanks for the info! :D
i was close enough XD
Yea true that lol ppl should know what a word means and when you should say it not just randomly saying it without knowing what it means and when someone is a weeb and when he's not
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Alisha Diphda
true , they only make a fool out of themselves.
its like walking up a cop and say "fuck the police"
than they get surprised they get a hefty bill on their hands
its so retarded. . .
Youness Nederra
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A 4 - 10 hrs game and 4 parts to download...
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download one part about 5-6 hour, even not complain
Alisha Diphda
do you have other internet consumers running in the background ?
seems a bit much to be 1Gigs per hour
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Maid Lover
I think that he meant is that you'll only play this game for about 4-10 hours and it has 4 parts ( which is a lot for him it seems) to download
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This guy/gal got what I'd like to say :D
Nícolas Antonio Bargiela
I download each part in 15 minutes, I think you have a shitty internet.
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Don't be an elitist, I've traveled a lot and I can tell you some places just can't afford speeds higher than 5 Mbps, either because of location or ridiculously high prices per Megabit... Look up India or Philippines
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I live in some random town in Poland. My max download speed is 2Mbps. It's still a lot better than it was a few years ago - had like a quarter of that to share between me and my 3 other siblings. Still, I am pretty satisfied with even this speed most of the time.
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Nícolas Antonio Bargiela
The struggle is real and I've been there. But as far as I know my country has one of the most expensive prices in the world.
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Maulana Malik
I live in South East Asia and i can understand the struggle getting good internet connection.
the prices is god damn ridiculous, it's expensive yet the speed is really garbage.
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Do you know sponge bob he lives under the sea?
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Maulana Malik
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haha sry had to do it
dude you should be thankful that you get those games for free instead of whining for the amount of parts....just saying
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Thank you so much
you guys are awesome thanks so much
Omg IGG, you guys are just awesome! Been wanting this game for a while now, thanks a bunch!