Could've been a good ActRaiser clone, but holy shit the dialogue is some of the worst I've ever read. Not even the narration it safe.
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update the chinese version, plz
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Fnaf Fan
I can say it's a bit addicting. Nice concept on TD and platformer. Tower defense requires a good but simple strategy on where you want to put things while platformer forces you to change between elements to fight enemies.
In Platformer mode, it got annoying bosses and challenges (for the upgrade currency) that test your patience every attempt. Fortunately, I at least got through all of them... I didn't play until the end because of my "constantly jumping to different games" nature. I just got to the second tier of the element
I am mostly annoyed by the bosses and challenges lol. I have this... You could say "trigger-happy" fingers which makes me push buttons that I don't want and ended up hating myself for failing countless times xD
Oh boy, is this game hot garbage. Between controls randomly ignoring inputs and a 'tower defense' section that is literally all luck whether your dudes will go where you need them or not...this thing is a huge sack of shit.
Franco Merola Mansutti
the lost save problem is stil in the game?
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Fnaf Fan
Never encountered it tho...
Franco Merola Mansutti
the save problem is no more?
The fuck is a Leondor sandwich?
Anyway rts parts are a bit simple and feels like the devs decided to cut a bunch of bosses, so far one stage had a boss at the end but most of the others have some sort of new character you meet including one who even got a big health bar before just going away despite supposedly wanting to fight. Other than that the game is great.
Seems really cool, it's kind of like the snes game Actraiser
This version didn't have the bug on stage one, I managed to play for several hours and I REALLY like this game, it's a great action platformer with some KIND OF fun base building mixed in. However, my game was not saved so those hours were kinda for nothing. Publishers might force me to buy it, the clever dogs. But, it's 20 bucks which is kind of a lot so maybe later
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However, my game was not savedDo you mean that after starting the game again the continue and load options were greyed out despite knowing you had saved? I got that too but after selecting exit and pressing esc they turned white(doing some other things will probably work too) and I could continue just fine. It's as if the first time game checked for savedata it failed but after checking again it found it.
Franco Merola Mansutti
i cant save the game sombody have the same problem?
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What do you mean? What happens when you try to save your game?(you can't save in the middle of a stage you need to exit to Rumbly Lands to be able to save)
Parro Hameson
Any help, please!!!!
I'm stuck. cannot move anywhere!!
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Dreygen Frostdaine
That happened to my friend once. I think all you really have to do is just not jump right on that particular pixel and you should be fine
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Parro Hameson
The first time I've tried it works (no jumping, just run)!!!! but sometimes it's still the same as the picture or whenever i died it's freeze!!! anyway, thank you so much again.
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Parro Hameson

This is picture 2 after I died and replayed from the start it's freeze as the pic and many times I've tried again and again it's like the picture1.
Giving up for this game. T*T
Ame Ryuu
anyone else got softlocked at Boombos? i died in one of the stage and went back there. the leftover enemies there just doesnt move and after i killed them all the gate doesnt open.
edit: guess i'm starting the game all over again
Excuse me, upgrade Patch 1.0.6?
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what are you saying
is this the 1.0.6 alredy?
the link changed how is posible that the file previously were 300mb and now are 1,5Gb?
this version still has the bug on the stage one making it unplayable
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Very promissing 16 bit platformer that scratches that Megaman X itch.
It still needs a few fixes, but they shall come quickly.
I don't know why my saves are not working, auto save and manual save, with this upload and the link to the fixed version below... when i look in the folder i see the auto/manual saves but in game the continue is greyd out ?
Ayyar Saad
Has the bug patch fix been updated here? or you still need the hotfix file?
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Dreygen Frostdaine
I am also having this issue. I checked the location where the saves are supposed to be, but there is no folder created for them.
I installed the game on my D: Drive and the games are supposed to be helpd on the C: Drive. but it's just not there.
Lecaton Baumeister
A very good platform game whose plot revolves around the separation between Eve and Adam after the cataclysm in Eden.
Note: Thx to Maicom Jochen for share the fixed files.
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Maicom Jochen
you are welcome
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
For those who wonder what is this Actraiser game that everybody is mentioning and that Smelter is heavily inspired by :
Smelter controls are 2000% better, in my opinion.
The game overall isn't necessarily better, though.
It's yours to judge!
Edit : hey is it just me or the hit sound is the same as Castlevania IV? I completely forgot about that...
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Lecaton Baumeister
Thanks, files are safe and work properly.
can a mod confirm?
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Not a mod, but VirusTotal says the file is clean.
is there an update that fixes the bug?
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Game breaking bug at the trainging grounds, unplayable right now.
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Iheb Wiseteen
The game is playable, i've passe the tutorial and the first stage, to be fair, the last jump is a bit tricky but all you need to do is kill the slim then run and hit l shift at the last minute, hard but its doable ;)
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nope, you can't play it right now first stage after tutorial is unplayable
Temmie Plays!
yeah the game wa fine pre-release. and then a hot fixed fucked it up opn releas.
y'all got that version
no se puede jugar ahora mismo
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Laura Leiva
si, hace unas horas que ya lo pude jugar, bajate la Versión Build 6583284!
Yep, game breaking bug on the very first stage after the tutorials, character and quest item fall through the floor and nothing can fix it. How they could release a game, even if it's in early access, in this state makes no sense to me whatsoever. Shame because I was pretty into it at the moment. Please update IGG when you can!
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Temmie Plays!
I love what a flaming asshole you are, complaining about a day 0 patch that got fixed in the same hoiurs of release. while youre fuckign pirating the gamelol.
what an ungrateful shitlord
For folks complaining about the bugs, the game released with bugs and has had updates right after that. We need to wait for the update for this release.
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so anyone have experienced that rumored bug in stage 1?
steam reviews are mentioning that, and its one of the reasons for mixed reviews
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If the bug is falling through the ground and not being able to progress past the first stage you select to enter, then yes.
Maicom Jochen
after tutorial nope !
Thx! Gameplay preview --> https://youtu.be/OFsEpDqBWek
Iale Idioma
i like when my smelter blows up destroying everything around cause i put too much fuel
Armor Blanche
Ah just like Actraiser. Oh how i wish someone would revive the "soul blazer trilogy" by Quintet.
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Love those games. Soul Blazer/Blader, Illusion of Gaia/Time (one of the best looking SNES games in my opinion), and Terranigma.
Word is that The Granstream Saga on PSX is tied to the trilogy somehow, but I haven't played it enough to confirm or deny.
Am I alone in thinking The Blazer from Soul Blazer might just be the little cherub dude from Act Raiser?
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Armor Blanche
Hmm, while i don't see the similarities with the Blazer, if it really is true then that would also connect Actraiser to the trilogy; which would be awesome!
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Well, we do know that the Blazer once lived 'in the sky with the Master'. There's nothing saying he looked the same.
Maicom Jochen
after tutorial map bug 1 word fall !
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yep please fix
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Maicom Jochen
ready fix
Iheb Wiseteen
Hard jump but not a bug,read my first comment.
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Lestat DeLioncourt
What they are mentioning is that after the world view tutorial and when you enter Guumbor, the character sprites does not appear. Enemies or main character. It makes the game unplayable after the tutorial.
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there a steam launch bug, we need to wait for a patch from dev sadly, there an issue with the first main map
2 person standing only using pants? yeah it must be a good game, might try.
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does it contain the hotfix?