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Ok, I have finally found a legit way to install mods for StS cracked, however it is quite a tricky process.

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  1. Download game files from https://uploadhub.to/06267a2a000a9b30 (These game files are the 3/7/22 version while the igg files are the 2/27/22 version, and you must have the most recent version to run mods, therefore we are keeping these files)

  2. Download game files from steamunlocked.net/1-slay-the-spire-free-download/, and use gog to install files in separate place from previous files (We are only downloading these files in order to take some key components that are missing from the other file)

  3. Go to Slay.the.Spire.v12.15.2020>Slay the Spire, and move three different things into the other file (Slay.the.Spire.v2.3.Hotfix>Game): a) the "preferences" folder, b) the "MTS" program, c) the "MTS.sh" file {The MTS program is the most important part here}

  4. After that, you must use steamworkshopdownloader.io in order to download the following things:
    a) https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1605060445
    b) https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1609158507
    c) https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1605833019
    d) Mods of your choice that are in steam workshop

  5. Once you have all these, you first must make a "mod" folder, and place it in Slay.the.Spire.v2.3.Hotfix>Game, which is also where the "ModTheSpire" JAR file should be in.

  6. Put the "BaseMod" and "StSLib" JAR files inside this new mod folder, along with the mods you want

  7. Click on the "MTS" program, uncheck and recheck all checkboxes next to files, and then press play (make sure you wait a few minutes for everything to load, and make sure not to close out of the MTS program while you are playing)

  8. Enjoy

This guide is probably pretty hard to follow, but if you do everything correctly, it will work.

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You can also share the file you have created. If you don't mind :)
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how i do to open the zip with gog?
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Here is my way to install mods for StS since I couldn't deal with method posted by @CertifiedApe (more precisely with point 3.b) since steamunlocked.net offers already installed game with no MTS).

1.download game here
2.download Hotfix https://uploadhub.to/06267a2a000a9b30 as said by
3.replace jre folder and desktop-1.0.jar in downloaded game with those from
hotfix to actualize your game (those files have more recent modification date)
4.download ModTheSpire (for example from steam as mentioned below) then
following instrunctions which are on ModTheSpire github:
5.place ModTheSpire.jre in the same folder in which you have your main game
exe ( in my case:
6.for windows users, and to make sure it runs in Java 8 you will need MTS.cmd.
you can get it on ModTheSpire Github or create it on your own since its 1 line

  1. in the same folder create new .txt file
  2. copy/past following line to it:
    start .\jre\bin\javaw.exe -jar .\ModTheSpire.jar
  3. save and rename your newly created file to MTS.cmd (you will change file
    extension here)
7.create mods folder and place your mods jre files there. For Downfall you will
need to place it and its other dependancies there (of course we already have
ModTheSpire in this step)
8. we run MTS.cmd (remember to have Java 8) it will blink (with cmd) and run
ModTheSpire interface, we enable our mods, click play. It will patch your game
then run it, you will get for few seconds black screen (no progress bar when
loading mods), after that it runs normally.
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i did all above step without any issue but when the game open, its still dont have mod, just normal version ?? help meeee plzzz

-The update link named "UPDATE V20231024" above is for a Tenoke release of Slay the Princess (https://igg-games.com/slay-the-princess-free-download.html)

-The update link named "UPDATE V1.1:" is not needed as the main download option is v2.3.4 that is actually the last version of 20 December 2022.
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Oh shit, thank for your info, my friend. Fixed it :D
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The update to an entirely different game is still listed in this game's downloads...

and more embarrassing is the Title of the game is using the other game's update number.
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ERROR! Download item 1750758531 failed (Failure).
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When I go to install the update, I have this problem:
desktop-1.0.jar Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: 12105014
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new modding guide in a nutshell:
install java
download neccessities (mod the spire, basemod, stslib) from workshop via steamcmd (procedures can still be found from https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/
add a 'mods' folder to the directory
put modthespire.jar in the game directory and all the other (including mods you''re going to add) into the mods folder
run modthespire directly
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mod is difiicult
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how do you get downfall mod on it
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how to change to main branch ? i want to play moded version
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I'm pretty sure mts doesn't work on cracked... but if you find a way pls tell me too
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just use the gog version
Crashes when clicking Embark.
Is the update v1.1 needed?
Nikola Masal
does this have the 2.2 hotfix update?
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Asier Rodriguez
how i download mods
I did not understand the tutorial that is in read me
I speak Spanish, maybe in the translation it has made me misunderstand it
I managed to mount it well that I know only that since I have unfortunate luck the java page is down
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Asier Rodriguez
this appear when i completed the commands on config
this aplication was to use a bundled java runtime enviroment but the runtime is missing o corrupt and i have java downloaded and active
Heidrian T. Concepcion
Where is save file located?
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Faiz Husin
where the game file location is and within it, look for 'saves' folder
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Blake Graham
No, Wrong
How can I cross my profiles across versions?
Felix Irma
Question: I found this game more lighter and updated in 1337 torrents by the user-name Igg-games by a scene repacker simplex. it is legit?
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Felix Irma
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Bro, none of the repacks are legit. Just download it and if it runs well, keep playing it
maybe idk
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Назар Різник
does it have last changes ?
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Did you get the latest version of the game?
Mark James Caliso
won't start anyone help
this is 2.2 but not latest version, i requested for latest version because have a lot of card changes
Crapucino So
Disclaimer: Dont download or install the 1.1 update , Admin forget to delete it , the game version already pass 1.1
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Love osu!
Hmm yes, the floor here is made out of floor
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Unless there is something other than MTS mods are not gonna work because MTS checks for steam and we're not on steam
can someone help me out to play with mods please? when I tried to mod this version it said that "modthespire" does not support the beta branch so i downloaded "Slay_The_Spire_v2.0-Razor1911 " but i get an error or the mods are in red and i can't select them and i'm not sure if i'm using their correct versions.
Samuel Alvin Budianto
can someone help me to mod this game
i really want to play with the hermit mod
but when i run mod the spire it always give me an error
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Marino Ortega
Hi, was you able to play with mods? i´m trying to but havent been able to yet...
Anybody knows how to play with mods? recent MTS Launcher doesn't work, it says Steam is not running and on every previous version Basemod is not working, it always gives error
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Man, why I can't play with mods? aaa... Why the MTS laucher doesn't work??
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some mods from steam have been removed by dmca anyone know where to find Kiyohime mod.
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Firmansyah DxD
bro, u can mod on this version?
Why do we need a disk now ? not possible to just extract it ? v
General Pierogi
this 7zip is disabled it download file but cant open it plz get normal link
ok nvm i missed link i was looking for
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Why the the watcher can't open up?
Tam Hợp Kiếm
the current IGG version is 14-1-2020 and it's incompatible with lots of new character mod
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You know that there are FOUR main characters in this game right?
doesnt that make you uncomfortable with it?
Ataku Maraku
so change it
denian denian vicente gonçalve
where the launcher:?
Fady Ibrahim
is the forth character ( The watcher) Here ?
how do I mod in v2.0?
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Will Smith
I just had to buy this game because of the constant updates.
It was worth it.
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games like these remind me of D & D world a game i used to play back in the day with the same card system but it was 16 bit back then, but its nice to see a polished version of the game now.
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possible to update it to 1-23-2020 version? thanks
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There's a game request and update request page. It's there because they can't sift through every comment on every page
Deivis Schuman
Sando Don
I get this error message when I try to install the update :
"desktop-1.0.jar Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: 12105014"
Can someone help me please ?
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"Update 1.1"? No the main file is 2.0 already, pls delete the update.
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Sando Don
I figured that out after a whole day, but thank you for the reply I appreciate it :D
Wiktor Tomczak
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István János
a very bad one
I have to download the whole game again for version 2.0 or is it gonna be like update 1.1?
version 2.0 thanks
Please v 2.0 update!!!!
v2.0 update?
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i cant install the update:(
"desktop-1.0.jar Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: 12105014"
what should i do?
Mehmeh d
How to use mod :

  1. Download sts plaza , then install it.
  2. then download update 1.1v above. patch it.
  3. then go here , get this . just need the MTS.cmd inside http://mts.zip https://github.com/kiooeht/ModTheSpire/releases/tag/v3.6.3
  4. Download latest Modthespire , basemod and stslib on steam workshop . using this https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/.
  5. create folder name mods inside sts main file . put basemod.jar and stslib.jar inside and any other mods you like to play.
  6. put latest ModThespire.jar and mts.cmd inside the sts main file.
  7. Run mts.cmd with or without administrator.
    Dont use above as sts main file , because it is the latest beta branch , you need to find sts plaza installation.
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Do you have Kiyohime mod, it has removed from steam by dmca.
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KIRA -kun
couldnt make it simpler , thanks , i scoured the internet for a guide and finally
Dun Dun
anyway to get the main version not the beta version so i can use mod the spire
Rias Gremory
Hash sum mismatch
Boon Yee
can this version use mod the spire?
Antonio Alvs
Best wenbsite for games Ever dude !!
Works perfecly
Soazig Smile
None of the links let get me the game. It always ask me to intall weird other things
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Handsome King
All you have to do is to extract the rar file and run Launcher.exe to play. No install needed. Btw, the update 1.1 above is outdated. The main game is newer. Admin must have forgotten to put it down.
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Soazig Smile
but it dont give me a rar file at all... it's an .exe named "your file is ready to dl" and when i run it it make an unreadable thing
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István János
1mb file can't be the game...
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cool game
what your getting is the popup ads and probably a virus, so you might want to get that checked out. if you want to get the actual game, you need to click the link and close the tab that opens a few times, until the new tab's url is something like "bluemediafiles". from there, you wait 5 seconds, and then click the button to be redirected again to the file hosting website. Again, there might be pop ups, so make sure ur on the real file hosting website (ie google drive, mega)
Am I the only one having images no on the 4th character's card ?
(only written beta)
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István János
Here is the thing.There is another version, try it:
And install the update from here or from the torrentsite.
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Will Smith
Um.. No, this is the latest beta release that's available for pirating.
The newer updates have more card art for the watcher among other changes but haven't been cracked/uploaded.
Ignore update v1.1 as it's even more outdated.
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István János
I didn't say this is the latest, i said try it.
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Z Ha
My game crashes whenever I die, and it doesn't count the round or save...
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how to mod this game? (adding mods to the game)
SU Nat
can we get a non beta version? (the current one doenst allow me to use mods)
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Anyway we can swap out of beta branch?
Ouroborùs wulf
The game works on my friend pc and not in mine can we somehow identify the isue xD
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Mohshin Anwar
you might need to download the latest version of directx
SU Nat
i think there is a new version that they just released
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This updated version of the game keeps crashing. My previous version ran without problems, anyone has any advice?
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Tmer Freug
I have the same issue, random crash issue.
It's my pc performance because I have a lot to spare everytime I crash
saving not work ;(
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Right click desktop icon => open file location
Right click on the highlighted file => Properties => Compatibility => Check the box that reads ''Run this program as an administrator''
If you want to move your progress from the previous version to this one:
1- Download this version
2- Right click on your old Slay the Spire icon: Open file location
3- Open preferences, copy all the STS files and put them in a new folder (You may delete the old game now)
4- You will find the preferences folder following the same steps on the newer version of the game, paste all the STS files there
5- voilà
If you want to preserve your run history, don't forget to also copy and paste the files in the ''history'' folder before deleting the game
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Chance Trimble
Do we need to install the Update V1.1 again too?
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You've already figured it out by now probably but no, since the main links contain the latest update, V1.1 is not required anymore
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Tobi Be
If I do not have the old files on my PC, what can I do?
I downloaded the game back then from this site and would like know if my old save still works but now there is only the updated download available ... Can you advise?
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Unless I'm interpreting what you said wrong, unfortunately if you deleted the game from your computer I'm afraid there is no way to retrieve your save data.
Feel free to reword your question and ask again if that's not the case ^^
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Tobi Be
Yeah I thought so xD
I guess I hoped the save files were located separately. But it doesn´t matter since I deleted the old game files and now only the update ones are available for download.
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new beta patch?
I finally bought this game with real money and it's amazing, all the new mods are great too.
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does anyone know how to mod on this cracked version? i cant connect the game to steam with the mts-launcher so i cant really play it with mods
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you have uploaded a beta version.
mods don't work in the beta version.
pls upload the main branch.
Ardic Wira
please update for v1.1 ty
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Nazir Lynch
Go to game request
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Utrie Oc Unlog
Updated 1.1 under install tutor
Oleksiy Yermolov
does it have 4th character unlocked?
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Nazir Lynch
It hasn't been released yet
1337 Skill
there a new version finally for this, can you plz update
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Nazir Lynch
Ask in game request
denian denian vicente gonçalve
develep of slay the spire is idiot dont make any uptade and any balanced
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Jiraiya Hermit
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Derin Deniz Cifci
i translate:
"duvulup uf sluy thu spur damb, me intelijant, i du better gaem"
Bartek Lewicki
did in this game are all characters playable ?
Illya Bohatkov
the game doesnt start, last patch i had was 45 it stopped launching then, i put off the game for some time thinking its something about the actual patch, after this latest version its still not launching, after clicking the icon the mouse spins for like 2 seconds and then nothing happens. its not the firewall as ive already granted permission, and nothing opens even in the task manager
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Jannis Loos
what are you doing wrong
you cant really have any problems whit this
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Illya Bohatkov
well yeah i have been able to play the game until now, id also love to know just what is wrong/im doing wrong
Alexandros Athanassiades
Hello there ! Is there a way to run it on windows XP ?
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eddie howell
please tell me you're memeing
Ce O Hai
Can you update it to version 1.1 please ? i think it might help with the lag problem
Sorry if I'm being a noob but I install the game and when I try to start it only plays sound. I checked the PLAZA folder but theres nothing in it for me
Goyo Emperor
so here's my issue:
i save my progress...close the game.....reopen the game...but the save file isn't there or its been deleted idk why but whenever i close my game all my save files go poof i literally don't even know where my save folder even is or why i can't SAVE MY FREAKING PROGRESS...does anyone else have the same problem or is it just me?
I'm a little new to this whole cracking thing, how should I go about doing this? Google doesnt really give me anything useful. Thanks
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This game is easy to crack. In this case, choose a website (I personally recommend either http://Mega.nz or Google Drive), click the link, download the archive, extract the archive (via WinRAR or 7zip) and launch the game. For bigger games, like AAA titles, usually what you want to do is:

  • Download the .torrent file
  • Open it with your favourite software (uTorrent, Vuze, Bittorrent, etc)
  • Download the whole thing
  • Mount the disk image with a program like Daemon Tools
  • Install it like you would from a DVD
  • And then copy the crack files, usually located in a folder on the disk image named "Crack", "CODEX" or "CPY" over to the installation folder of the game (default: C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\NAME OF THE GAME, sometimes in the"bin" folder).
    The file you will always find is "steam_api.dll", oftentimes a codex.ini or cpy.ini, sometimes another .exe file to launch the game; if you find a .exe file, this is the only way you will be able to launch the game oncethe crack is applied, the other .exe files won't work and might redirect you to Steam.
    Hope this helps
astro avenger
Is this 1.0?
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Limited Edition
How do i update my game?
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do yall know where the "mods" folder is? as well as the "saves" folder. i cant seem to find the files anywhere
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ali veli
steam version has turkish this dont. why ?
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Mihai Dogaru
Steam version costs money. This doesn't...Try to fill in the dots.
Stefano Stoyanov
will you still update the game?
Banjo man
is there any way to get the latest mod the spire without steam
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Lone Blackfang
Yes there is a github for it
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CBB loves everybody
Blackfang can you elaborate?
the game crashes when i collect certain items and try to continue and when i save and quit, is this a problem with my computer or the game?
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i will download and i will tell you ok?
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Making me trick google drive again I see. Unthanking cause doesn't work.
Sage Sargon
So... How do I retain my save from the previous version into the current one? I see no files in the folder named "saves".
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just copy paste the new files into your game folder ;)
Someone you don´t know
Any way to install mods from the workshop?
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How do i update the Game?
Buy this game peeps its worth it. We need to support these kind of developers.
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if they do a mobile port i will buy it :)
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knee grow
i would but i am piss poor
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Mihai Dogaru
So stealing is ok?
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I know this answer is 2 months late, but... Are you really saying that in a piracy site?
Not stealing... only borrowing
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sO stEaLINg Is oK ?
Not stealing... copying.
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The House Shook
Is the daily challenge unavailable in the pirated version?
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The House Shook
It appears that it is only available, if you HAVE NOT started a run. Odd.
I think it's available but leaderboards aren't.
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The House Shook
But where? I remember seeing it in earlier pirated builds, but no more. I only see Continue and Abandon Run options.
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Ah, my bad. I was saying based on past builds. Nevermind me.
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The House Shook
Neverminded! ;)
most likely, yeah. it is dependent on network connection
Kai Le A
its always a weird feeling to see a game here that i own on steam lol. it is a card game so it has its limits obviously, but i play like 1-2 rounds at least every 2 days.
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I find it funnier to see Steam offering a game after I already got it from here that was just released.
The Jingo
I need information do any of you know good old maid style card game there's 1 game I saw in the past but I forgot the name please help
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Unknown User
are you referring to regency solitaire?
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The Jingo
no that's not the one but thanks for your times anyway
SS saltxpepper
so what changed?
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Skeptical Doge
What's changed since Early Access?
Slay the Spire was released into Early Access on November 14, 2017. We compiled a list of highlights from all of our weekly patches. It's been a productive year!
A Third Character
The Final Act
Daily Climb
Custom Mode
Seeded Runs
Beta Card Portraits
Twitch Voting Integration
Upgradeable Colorless Cards
Fast Mode
Save Slots
Boss Map Icons
Steam Leaderboards
Steam Workshop Support
Steam Trading Cards
Run History
Card Library Tabs
Rich Presence Support
Controller Support
32-bit Builds
Official Soundtrack
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currently playing and well its fine
it would be better if i could play this on my phone however
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Skeptical Doge
I think it's a safe bet that they'll port this to other platforms, they seem to have had great commercial success.
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its not even a very high demanding one so it may be possible
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Is this the latest version?
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The House Shook
Yes, 1.0 came out yesterday.
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Skeptical Doge
Haha it never ceases to surprise me that some people think EA means electronic arts instead of early access :)
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The House Shook
First time I hear this :D.
Yeah, it's definitely not that crazy for people to think EA means electronic arts when EA's "EA - It's in the game" slogan is etched in everyone's brains. Early access wasn't even really a thing until a few years ago and even now it's still mostly a PC thing. :)
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Unknown User
No one in the gaming community calls early access EA, they call it "early access" because it takes 0 extra time to type the characters. EA stands for Electronic Arts when referring to games to virtually 99.99% of the population. You guys are outliers.
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Why would it surprise you ? EA meant Electronic Arts for years, before Early Access even existed. Not really surprising that for some people it is still the case.
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seriously some people needs to learn more logic :S
they dont have common sense to understand when someone says EA from that shitty company and the early access meaning
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Dude you need to get a life. Insulting people on the interent shows how pathetic of a person you are :P
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says the one who watch anime porn
next time hide your feedback kid :)
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LUL Only a someone with nothing to do looks at anothers profile :D
But whatever helps you sleep at night.
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seems someone got his feelings hurt
by the way no need to hide your feedback, you are already compromised freak
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Oh no I merely took your advice. I'm pretty new to disqus after all.
And its called hentai not anime porn, please learn the proper terminology. :D
I don't really value the opinions of people as petty as you :D
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yeah right
enjoy the fap weirdo
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hehe same here
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nice another overrated game out of EA
looking forward to download it after work :)
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Will Smith
This edgy 13y/o is in every comment section of igg-games and it's like he purposely tries to sound as braindead as possible, though I'm pretty sure he is not trolling.
At least I hope he's 13/yo otherwise I feel sorry.
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you realize this is a 1 year comment mr edgy 13/yo ?
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Will Smith
Oh so you're 14 then? lmao
Also I think you can do a little better at insulting me than "no u", I'd expect someone who's made over 12,000 comments in less than 2 years would be a little better at dissing people.
But seriously wtf is up with that, do you even have time to play these videogames with that NONSTOP shitposting???? I mean HOLY SHIT 12,000 comments in less than 730 days, HOW?!?
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another moron who think I CARE to have tons of comments and upvotes
Are you high? This game's going to be the standard going forward for Roguelike meets Card based combat.
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the hell is wrong with you people? does the word overrated sounds offensive or what?
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you ever stop eating peepees
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you ever stop watching lame animes :)
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oh man noo some internet dude looked up my disqus profil what am i gonna do
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change your brain i guess
took you so long to response this
too much lame anime make you dumb kid ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Calling something overrated without properly qualifying why, especially when the game's nowhere near as popular as it should be. Yeah, I can take issue with that.
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Skeptical Doge
This was one of the few examples of EA done well. I'm looking forward to playing it some as well, i enjoyed EA.
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not a big fan of card games but some friends here on the tavern told me that i will like it
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Skeptical Doge
Same, i usually dislike card games, but this one's simple and straightforward with good visual design and more importantly - good game design. Worth giving a try, definitely.
The House Shook
It's the second most sold game on Steam. What are you talking about? :D
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the same i am saying to you, do i offended this game by saying overrated?
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Sebastian Alfaro
yes, saying something is overrated is stating that that thing should be less praised because is not as good as the majority thinks.
The House Shook
No, it all is clear now, was confused by the EA part :).
  1. This isn't created by EA. It's created by Mega Crit Games.
  2. It's actually a really fun and re-playable game.
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you still have a lot to learn little grasshopper :)
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My mistake, but my second point still stands. This game is really fun, and it's definitely a different approach to all the other games you can compare it to.
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boring rng simulator