jew media
"Hand-made locations + randomly generated additional locations."
Just the concept of that should be a NEW STANDARD.
EVERY game could have dang near endless gameplay.
Just based around a well hand designed base experience.
Pay Day 2 kind of does that.
You'll play the same map but it moves things around.
And teh way these AI's are getting so slick,
they could take that concept to a fancy next level.
New Buildings and roads and MAIN storylines and characters.
Who dont generate clunky and look random.
We Happy Few tries that.
Blue Bomber
i see starlord
Couldn't the devs think of a better name for their game? Steam is already a crowded market. You chose a name to stand out not to bury it even more.
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roguelite dead space °3°
@insomniagimania:disqus will you plz do the honors
EDIT: nvm it sucks
i give it a try and gameplay feels like an early access game, i was expecting this to be something good like dead space 1 but its a smokescreen.
To the recycle bin
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Blue Bomber
already struggle with this thing and i dunno what i'm playin
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delete it bro, it sucks
Don't make him bother with this garbage... Not nice.
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already tried and meh its not what i expected
There's another video up on youtube that shows a bit more, or less, depending on how you judge the video... But it's mostly just constant dying, like.. ridiculous levels of death, Dark Souls unbalanced times 1 million. With guns.
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Marisa Kirisame
In hardomodo pls