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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Very realistic, like in real life... Which means... You can't win, like on a real machine. lol
Eventually you just lose all of your money cos the machine is "rigged" to give you bad cards all the time.
I've been to casinos many times... never again. lol
Playing poker on a professional level though, against real people, is much better.
It's the only way I made a bit of money once in a casino.
Everything else is just tourist traps...
These machines are just for uneducated poor people who spend all of their money stupidly...
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Baron Von Volkswagen
Calling people (who can afford of course) who gamble are uneducated? Sounds of jealousy most likely due to you're lack of money and you suck at gambling. Lastly dude uneducated people don't steal cheap games either. So what are you doing here Einstein? Slumming? : D
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I said the MACHINES are for uneducated people.
Like, the stupid slot machines which rely purely on luck.
I know some guys who lost lots of money with that, this is why I'm always pissed off about those things which are rigged to lose anyway.
There's no "gambling" involved at all in the slot machines I'm talking about.