This game confuses me, I want to like it, but it's just so "meh" in a lot of ways and it detracts from what wants to be a really good game. Graphics are average, animation is average, voice acting is pretty good and atmosphere is actually pretty nice... but the camera position in a lot of scenes and the over-all feel to the movement (especially the jumping over tiny gaps but falling in to your death if you don't jump "with perfect timing" - IE your jump is weak and every gap/hole/crevice in the game is 1px shorter than your jump length) just feels poor, and wrong.
Ultimately I feel like this could be overall improved if simply jumping wasn't such a chore, and there were more camera positions in the scenes to keep your character in focus/view. Too many times I would run somewhere on the scene and have to spin around, inevitability hitting something in my limited play space, just to see the character run so far in the distance I can't see her anymore (or get's occluded by level geometry) before it switches to another angle requiring me to spin back the other way, or was it this way...
The crafting system seems a little unusual but it's a nice touch to a genre of game that typically doesn't feature things like crafting. Crafting distractions on the fly for the guards and so-forth is a neat idea...
Fix those two glaring issues with the jumping and camera, and I would consider BUYING this as it seems like a cute/fun puzzle platformer game. I may play a little more and see if it redeems itself (maybe I'm just bad at it) but I suspect it will be more of the same. If I end up liking it enough, like always I will buy and support the developers. Even with those "bad' things I mentioned, it could still be worth it... if only I can get past the "chore" of having to actually do the playing part.

  • Bad jumping control
  • Bad camera
  • Average graphics, sound, design, etc
  • Good voice acting and atmosphere
  • Interesting mix of crafting mechanics in a puzzle platformer
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the graphics look nice, but idk about the gameplay i never had a VR headset :(
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Its requires VR headset.
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4248 Games
Like most VR only games.
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he is menioning it because people more often look at the comments then tags, and since this game is 3rd person no one would even thing of vr