I dont know how was it in Czech republic (Czehia i think its now called, im guessing by two last letters in you name), but in Poland it was sold for a few weeks in like 05', and because nobody was able to affort new games at the time one person bought it, cracked it and sold it on a market place for 20% the price. Unlike Gran Turismo 4, it did't sold well here because of very realistic physics, tho GT4 was released only on PS2 that because it was the cheapest electronic thing at the time, cheaper than a deacent computer and also the DVD movie player it had did't have "Securom" thingy (just like DVD players from polish company called Manta) so it sold so well, that it was still produced even 6 years after PS3 got released (until 12' because Sony was releasing PS4), I had 2 in my life and i own one currently.
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into how deep and dark alley did the guy who posted this go into, to get this game?
Its not on steam, not on GOG...
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It's very simple, u just need to LOOK and SEARCH Internet....better :)
There is few good sites with old and very old RIPs and Full Games Cracked by Old Scene Groups.
Uwierz :)