Hey there everyone! Alex Poysky, the game's producer here. Do you know how stoked we are to see you guys pirating our game just 4 days after it launched on early access! We hope you enjoy it and share it, and if you like the game you can purchase it from steam or whatever ok? @alexpoysky is my twitter and our discord is https://discord.gg/EH8fEUc love ya guys!
Hey Alex Im from Argentina. I know it must be a real pain in the a$$ to see your work pirated like this, but you should see that in many countries its impossible to pay for games like this, because of the economic devaluation. In Argentina for example $1 = $18 pesos!. So in countries like this you have 2 options: pirated or no game. At least like this your work is appreciated in every corner of the world. Now I agree that in first world countries you must be really a scumbag to pirate games so cheap!
So what happened to Pixel Piracy? It was one of my favorite games when it came out and I put hundreds of hours in to it. I wish someone would finish it because I would happily purchase it for a 4th time. I bought copies for a couple friends a while back i enjoyed it so much. If you know any other games similar that I could check out pls let me know because I have a huge hole in my life that needs filled with good games again! haha! Cheers and keep up the amazing work.
OK good to know, please don't abandon this one! Maybe you can understand why I try before I buy, but I do buy a game if I actually start playing it seriously.. can't speak for everyone but that's my policy.
The majority of us won't buy it, not because we don't want to, but because we weren't sales at all. Even if we couldn't pirate the game and we really really wanted it we won't produce sales because we are poor as fuck, at least pirating we can tell how good it is to our money pals.
Hey there man, i loved your game, sure i will purchase it, and now that i see the developer posture about the share of theyr games im probably calling my friends to play it too, keep the good work!
14 Abril 2018
Even if we couldn't pirate the game and we really really wanted it we won't produce sales because we are poor as fuck, at least pirating we can tell how good it is to our money pals.
Thank you for the amazing job <3
but blank menu for me
any ideas? I want to play this soooooo bad
Love it!!!