To anyone who want's to play this game co-op together with me for free, here's my steam friend code 259433085, username is Zenix, also join my steam group and i give you multiplayer fix and game links and guide you so np, we can play this game and other coop/multplayer games for free, anytime ;)
HOW DO I install an autoexac.cfg? first of all i know how to install it but it seem to be not working but anyway heres how i try to install it portal 2 > portal2> cfg
i created autoexac.cfg folder and paste this command
// Lighting/Shadows r_shadowmaxrendered 256 r_shadowrendertotexture 1 r_shadows_on_renderables_enable 1 r_portal_use_dlights 1 //can cause visual glitches (for some odd reason audio as well), disable if game acts weird portal_viewmodel_use_dlight 1 portal_transmit_light 1 r_maxdlights 256 mat_reducefillrate 0 r_avglight 3
// Post Process mat_postprocess_x 8 mat_postprocess_y 8 mat_hdr_level 2 mat_motion_blur_strength 2
// Render Distance & Maximum Amounts cl_detaildist 1500 cl_maxrenderable_dist 8192 r_propsmaxdist 2048 r_maxmodeldecal 256 r_portal_stencil_depth 3; //depth of portals, does the same as the Portal 1 setting
// Water r_waterdrawreflection 1 r_waterdrawrefraction 1 r_waterforcereflectentities 1
// Other r_rainradius 4096 r_rainsplashpercentage 100 r_3dsky 1 jpeg_quality 100
made by mango but anyway how do i install autoexac.cfg?
Hey i fix it and heres how first of all create of portal 2 launcher shortcut on desktop then go to your desktop find portal 2 launcher shortcut (optional rename it to Portal 2 Launcher.exe) than open properties and put this on target -exec autoexec.cfg now go to portal 2 > portal2 > cfg make a copy of your config.cfg folder rename your config.cfg - copy folder to autoexec.cfg next open it with any notepad software i recommend notepad++ scroll down to the very bottom and paste your ccommands like up there and save launch the game now your done :D SMILE AND SAY WOW I Don't have to place those command every time i louch portal 2 again
I solved the problem. To solve the problem you have to go to "Portal 2/steam_appid.txt" And the text changed from "620" to "portal 2 620" but Every time you want to get into the game, you have to change the script. It's annoying, but I've only found this solution.
Make sure to place the 3 parts in a single folder like for example downloads, desktop etc. Next, use winrar and extract the first part (part 1) and choose a location where to put the extracted file. Winrar will extract the 3 parts as long as they are in the same folder. When it is finished, you will see a single folder in the destination. That is the file that is combined byb the 3 parts. That's why it is important to place the 3 parts in the same folder before extracting so the final product will be complete.
Need help! After I extract all parts, I double click the launcher and it does nothing. I do it again and it says "only one instance of the game can be running at the same time" even though i dont see it open.
It's most likely due to Antivirus cause the problem, if its still have issues, I might have to upload the 2021 version of Portal 2 cracked (which have bulit-in Vulkan support + new bug fixes).
Hello guys i played portal 2 and its amazing now im playing thinking with time machine but everytime i get in the elevator after the ship crash level the game quits please help.
For those looking for Portal Reloaded, here's a link. I have personally checked the files, all clean, and the game works fine. (It doesn't include the Hot Fix 1.0.1 though).
This version was based off the 2015 version of the game and its most likely outdated The current version of Portal 2 is released in 2021 for Steam which have bulit-in Vulkan support (via licensed DXVK), and I currently have the cracked version with the latest update on it, I also have cracked Portal Reloaded at same time (with fully updated version).
Ok, thanks. I really don't need the latest version, because the changes are minor. And I can have this and Portal Reloaded downloaded seperetly, so I can play all the DLCs. Indeed, I only wanted to know if this is still updated.
i just like the fact the part 1 has to take 6 min and part 2 is gonna take 3 hours part 3 is gonna take 6 days left bruh but i paused them just so i can let part 1 install first
Once you have all the parts, select all the files and using winrar or 7zip, right click one of the files and click extract here (Be sure that when you right click all the downloaded folders are highlighted.
FIX FOUND! For anyone else struggling, I found a fix that should solve it.
Go to portal2\maps\puzzlemaker in Portal 2's directory
Go to the folder with random numbers
Delete the map you want to edit again (To determine which one is which. go to portal2\puzzles and go to the folder with the random numbers. There will be multiple images but there's a number below it, then delete the same number as the image for the chamber you want to edit in the puzzlemaker folder.)
Launch Portal 2 and edit the chamber. You will need to do it everytime you build the chamber tho.
Hello I installed the game and extracted everything and after opening Portal 2 launcher and trying to play single player I keep getting STEAM rejected connection. Is there a fix for this? found a fix 1: Enable Dev Console in settings 2: Access Console with ~ key 3: "sv_lan 1" in Console (no quotes) I would also recommend downloading with if you want to just download straight to ur computer then when u download all of the RAR files put them in 1 folder and extract them all at once. Of course each RAR has it's own dlc's so if you want portal 2 install only part 1.
I FOUND A FIX! 1: Enable Dev Console in settings 2: Access Console with ~ key 3: "sv_lan 1" in Console (no quotes) boom! You won't get this error anymore
You need to edit the LumaEmu file with notepad and change the game language manually. The Audio stay in English but you can show subtitles. To have the Audio in french i downloaded the FR Pack here And install in Portal 2 Complete/Portal 2/ folder. The patch add a Portal 2_french folder.
When I run Portal 2 installer and exe the game boots up fine but when i load the game I get an error saying "steam validation rejected" i read through and someone said to apply the crack but this doesn't have one there's no installer or iso just the game, if anyone can help please comment
help when i launch .exe files it gets on the loading screen then closes instantly i tried it and the only time it worked was with portal stories mel because it had the launcher.exe file but the others don't help please i don't know how to install update ttoo so idk when i try to unpack the .rar files together with winrar, it says unable to create launcher.exe files and the reason is access denied. this never happend with any igg games game idk why this one is bugged. i also tried exporting the launcher.exe files individually but it says i need permission to do it, and dosen't let me i'm gonna try to extract all the part files together with 7zip, and see if it allows me to extract the launcher files. okay oh my god it's in the middle of exporting BUT WHEN I WENT INTO THE PORTAL2 FOLDER THERE WAS ALREADY A LAUNCHER.EXE FILE!!! I CANT WAIT FOR IT TO FINISHH THANK YOU IGG GAMES IM GONNA GO GET MYSELF SOME CAKE so guys if anyone is having trouble with the launcher.exe files not appearing use 7zip it's way better BYE WINRAR WELCOME 7ZIP HAHAHA (but now im gonna have to wait 20mins but its better than spending 60 dollars on a game)
depends: if you want the full game you need all parts if you want a single preview you can dowload one but if you want a pro game there its a challenge on portal2
Dude u think windows defender is going to delete files for u? its just going to say that it is bad and thats all. avast will tell you that there is a threat and move it to the virus chest but it won't do it without telling u.
U cant connect to the offical server with pirated games (it always says that your offline), only some random mutiplayer mods or something like that could give you mutiplayer.
You can play online. If you wanna play with a friend, first host a local game using sv_lan 1 (in the console), then have your friend connect to your PC viahamachi or zerotierone (Sort of making up a VPN of sorts), then use the ip address that hamachi or zerotier assigns to you in the vpn to connect to the "local" game, and boop! done! You can try this in CS:GO first to get it to work well and play around, since it's much more convenient to try it out first there. It works the same way on CS:GO
This is basically making your friend, who is not in your local network, connect to a virtual network with you, and sort of acts like a VPN or just another network card that's connected to a network. If you use the IP address the Virtual network gives you, it makes portal 2 (or any other game for that matter) think it's just a player connected to your local network
How do I open it? I double click the launcher and it does nothing. I do it again and it says only one instance of the game can be running at the same time even though i dont see it open.
copy all the files from the crack, then paste it on the file containing your game, usually i could play after that, but if you can't open it, restart your pc. if you're confused/first time installing cracked games, open the install direction on this web
Either the crack didn't download or I'm just being dumb, when i installed i got the usual stuff and a bunch of folders with all the games exe's and launchers, and the dlc's work just fine but portal 2 itself gives me a "steam validation rejected" usually i can tell what the crack is but here it's just a nunch of folders that look normal
I can't load a level I created using the Perpetual Testing Initiative DLC. When I try to load one, the game crashes and a window appears saying LumaEmu Crashed (Invalid Parameter Handler)!... What should I do?
no.. normally people crack games to test them before buying. you can't expect to have a perfectly working game if you pirate it, plus (unless you live in the usa where games are stupidly expensive) the game is 108zar on steam.. its about $3,if you can't afford that then i feel sorry for you.
okay Sherlock in the uk its 7.19 some people dont have money like u so stop flexing/making people buy game which they cant afford and in other country's its 10 times more expensive
Normally? Uhhh pretty sure thats just you buddy. Most pirates don't crack the game to test them, I would (If I had money) but some do to test out the game because they do have money. People who don't have money pirate the game and don't pay for it just like others.
There should be an "Steam_emu" file, you may go in this file and find "language:english" Change the "english" by the language you want, like "french" or "russian" or any other languages you want. BUT be careful to type the language you want in english
Ow well actually it's difficult. I think it doesn't work with this version of the game, you'll have to change of crack. I mean by this, that if it doesn't work when you change the language in both of these files, it means that you have to change and find an another crack...
the problem is that i can't find these files, the "steam_emu" file and the "skidrow" file, all i can do is to change the text, on the "luma_emu" file but not the audio so idk wat to do but install another crack idk maybe but thanks for the advice
Did you download an exe file? When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something? If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
You downloaded an ad... We do not handle exe files, each download is a rar file, only 2014 games still have a password, that was discontinued a long time ago... At all times the download must be a rar file, obtained directly, without the intervention of another entity, for example that exe file I recommend using MegaUp for downloading if Google Drive is down, RIGHT CLICK on download button and click save as
it wont let us play coop. i tried the console commands but it disconnects both PCs but at different times here's the console log: ] map mp_coop_start maxplayers set to 2 ---- Host_NewGame ---- Host_NewGame on map mp_coop_start exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg Executing listen server config file exec: couldn't exec listenserver.cfg exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg ==== calling mapspawn.nut prop_weighted_cube at (-10232.000, 776.000, 840.000) has no model name! prop_weighted_cube at (-10104.000, 1544.000, 968.000) has no model name! prop_weighted_cube at (-9784.000, 776.000, 840.000) has no model name! Commentary: Could not find commentary data file 'maps/mp_coop_start_commentary.txt'. 183.503: Sending UDP connect to public IP Server using '' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id 0 RememberIPAddressForLobby: lobby 0 from address loopback prop_weighted_cube at (-9784.000, 776.000, 864.000) has no model name! prop_weighted_cube at (-10104.000, 1544.000, 992.000) has no model name! prop_weighted_cube at (-10232.000, 776.000, 864.000) has no model name! Portal 2 Coop Map: mp_coop_start Players: 1 (0 bots) / 2 humans Build: 6180 Server Number: 2 No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0 Can't find factory for entity: wearable_item NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] --------START loading assets-------- [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ---------END loading assets--------- ==== calling mapspawn.nut Receiving uncompressed update from server
some features might be disabled *
(achievements, stats, UI, etc.) *
*********************************** Didn't find Active Steam Controller to Load Menu Controls Dropped Noam from server (Server shutting down) D
I can make new project without any problem but the loading of existing project is not right... When I try to load my custom map project, I am getting an "LumaEmu Crashed (Invalid Parameter Handler)!" Error. Someone know how to fix it?
Hi all! i had a problem with d3d device and i was able to fix it, even with the crack all you need to do is find LumaEmu in game folder, scroll down & find a line where it says "GameExe = Portal2.exe" and add next to it " -h -w" h is for your monitor height and w is for your monitor width And Voila! The game works fine :)
You cant play any multiplayer custom levels or coop because you would have to be connected to steam to do so. That's the case, nothing to fix there. If you want to play online, buy the game on steam. it's currently for a reduced price
I had a problem with a D3D error, which I fixed by making a shortcut on desktop and adding -h 768 -w 1366 (my resolution) to Target. It did work then, but the game crashes on logo screen just before main menu. How do I fix that?
Why there's a different between the size here and the torrent ? here : 3 parts ( 1st 4.99 - 2nd 4.99 3rd 4.27 ) Total 14.25 the torrent : " RELEASE SIZE: 16.9 GB "
When I want to play a level that I have created in the COMMUNITY TEST CHAMBERS it says that LumaEmu crashed because of Invalid Parameter Handler... How can I fix this?
you dont need a password friend. two ways to download: only part 1 (without dlcs) or all parts. instructions for the second option: download all parts and then click part 2 or part 3 to see you are in part 1 file. when it worked and can you extract
si ta tjr pas trouvé, tu ouvre le fichié "LumaEmu.ini", il est a la racine du dossier "Portal 2" tu ouvre le fichié avec le bloc-notes et tu trouve la ligne "[Language]" et met "GameLanguage = french"
Find file "steam_appid" (path where you copy game ...\Portal 2 Complete\Portal 2\steam_appid) and edit with notepad from "620" to "Portal 2 620", save and start game. The sad part is, that you have to do it every time. Dont panic when save game is empty. Just again edit steam_appid and it appear ;)
I downloaded the game but when i try to open the normal "Portal Launcher.exe",it opens in the task manager but not as a window and then after 3 sec crashes...tried compatibility mode,tried administrator etc...tried to reinstall,but still i can't get it to work...somewhone know how to fix?
Guys,i don't know is this will help you,but i will say it anyway cuz it seems weird and maybe someone will use this or someone will explain me what happened. So when i installed the game i accesed the Portal 2 folder,then clicked on Portal 2 Launcher.An error appeares,"couldn't create D3D device" or something and the game closes automatically.Then i tried Portal 2,and the game was just closing himself in the loading screen.After i tried to search a solution in the comment section i thought there is no hope.Then i tried again the Portal 2 app,again it closes in the loading screen.After that,i wanted to give it a last try.I clicked on Portal 2 Launcher and IT WORKED! I don't know why,i didn't change anything in the folder or something,it just worked.Maybe this will help you guys,and maybe someone can explain why this happens?I am confused,but happy.Even the CO-OP works(with Tunngle). Thx IGG.Games. PS:Sorry for my bad grammar.
Tunngle was a working thing when i played it.Tuungle is a 3rd party-like,think of it similar to Hamachi.I am not very good to describe it,but it lets you play multiplayer in LAN i think,so it's good.If anyone wants to describe it better than me(i'm sure many of you guys can:) please do it.
Can I just download part 1 and get the game without the DLCs? My computer is a little short on storage space right now and I'm waiting to buy a new external hard drive, and I'm not very interrested in the DLCs anyways. Thanks in advance :).
Probably not.The base game needs 8Gb memory space,and the first part is only 5Gb.And usually if you dont download all parts it will not install properly.
For people who stack with "steam not connect" or something like that, here is easy fix: Find file "steam_appid" (path where you copy game ...\Portal 2 Complete\Portal 2\steam_appid) and edit with notepad from "620" to "Portal 2 620", save and start game. The sad part is, that you have to do it every time. Dont panic when save game is empty. Just again edit steam_appid and it appear ;)
HELP! i'm getting "couldn't create D3D device" and like with CS:GO (i bought it) the only way to repair it is to change launch options, but i cannot do it with crack ;-; help plz
It's extremely easy. Put all the zip files in one folder, and start with unzipping the first one. They are encoded in a way, which makes them all unpack automatically into the right corresponding folder.
Place all zip files in the same folder.
Unzip the first one, and the rest will follow automatically.
You've done something wrong then, because I'm on Windows 10 and every dlc listed is working completely fine. you're dumb to just say "it doesn't work at all" to other people. that data error you're getting looks like you were impatient and canceled the download. Or your internet is just that bad that it didn't continue downloading.
"you're dumb to just say "it doesn't work at all" to other people" well then... Is it against your rules to say what I experienced? Or telling them that there is a massive chance, as I tested using two other computers, three separate downloads on two different networks, that it won't work? "that data error you're getting looks like you were impatient and canceled the download" No, I downloaded it in under an hour. Why would I be impatient to wait one hour? Also, if I canceled the download, how would I get the file in the first place? And what about the other files? Wouldn't they also have a data error? CLARIFICATION: I wont redownload because I don't have unlimited bandwidth. I have a really fast connection, but rather limited bandwidth that I would much rather be using to play Crossout or War Thunder than download some game that I (technically) already did. "because I'm on Windows 10 and every dlc listed is working completely fine." The only DLC for Portal 2 is the soundtrack...? And I said that Final Hours is fine. (If you count that as DLC)
Data error: Portal 2\portal2\pak01_000.vpk (part 1) Data error: Portal 2\portal2\pak01_012.vpk (part 2) Data error: Portal Stories Mel\portal_stories\media\aegis_interioir.bik (part 3) help pls Won't get past main menu - It's because files are corrupt and missing. Please upload three aforementioned files and add them to the regular download files. Otherwise game won't work. The file size (unpacked) are smaller than the size that 7zip tells me in the interface. All other files are the same size as 7zip says. (This means that a part of the file won't extract because of a data error/part is missing) The files still extract -just that the complete file won't. ..please reupload the files seperate if possible - I am not re downloading 15GB on a 3MB connection. If the only way is for me to re download, then I am not going to play this from your site. and i give you multiplayer fix and game links and guide you so np, we can play this game and other coop/multplayer games for free, anytime ;)
i created autoexac.cfg folder and paste this command
// Better Graphics Quality for Portal 2 //
// important for some things
sv_cheats 1
// Anti-Aliasing
mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines 0.5
mat_software_aa_edge_threshold 0.6
// Materials
mat_fastspecular 0
mat_forceaniso 16
mat_compressedtextures 1
// Lighting/Shadows
r_shadowmaxrendered 256
r_shadowrendertotexture 1
r_shadows_on_renderables_enable 1
r_portal_use_dlights 1 //can cause visual glitches (for some odd reason audio as well), disable if game acts weird
portal_viewmodel_use_dlight 1
portal_transmit_light 1
r_maxdlights 256
mat_reducefillrate 0
r_avglight 3
// Post Process
mat_postprocess_x 8
mat_postprocess_y 8
mat_hdr_level 2
mat_motion_blur_strength 2
// Render Distance & Maximum Amounts
cl_detaildist 1500
cl_maxrenderable_dist 8192
r_propsmaxdist 2048
r_maxmodeldecal 256
r_portal_stencil_depth 3; //depth of portals, does the same as the Portal 1 setting
// Water
r_waterdrawreflection 1
r_waterdrawrefraction 1
r_waterforcereflectentities 1
// Other
r_rainradius 4096
r_rainsplashpercentage 100
r_3dsky 1
jpeg_quality 100
made by mango but anyway how do i install autoexac.cfg?
To solve the problem you have to go to "Portal 2/steam_appid.txt" And the text changed from "620" to "portal 2 620" but Every time you want to get into the game, you have to change the script. It's annoying, but I've only found this solution.
Next, use winrar and extract the first part (part 1) and choose a location where to put the extracted file.
Winrar will extract the 3 parts as long as they are in the same folder. When it is finished, you will see a single folder in the destination. That is the file that is combined byb the 3 parts. That's why it is important to place the 3 parts in the same folder before extracting so the final product will be complete.
i hate my storage and my internet
The current version of Portal 2 is released in 2021 for Steam which have bulit-in Vulkan support (via licensed DXVK), and I currently have the cracked version with the latest update on it, I also have cracked Portal Reloaded at same time (with fully updated version).
For anyone else struggling, I found a fix that should solve it.
You will need to do it everytime you build the chamber tho.
found a fix
1: Enable Dev Console in settings
2: Access Console with ~ key
3: "sv_lan 1" in Console (no quotes)
I would also recommend downloading with if you want to just download straight to ur computer then when u download all of the RAR files put them in 1 folder and extract them all at once. Of course each RAR has it's own dlc's so if you want portal 2 install only part 1.
1: Enable Dev Console in settings
2: Access Console with ~ key
3: "sv_lan 1" in Console (no quotes)
boom! You won't get this error anymore
To have the Audio in french i downloaded the FR Pack here
And install in Portal 2 Complete/Portal 2/ folder. The patch add a Portal 2_french folder.
when i try to unpack the .rar files together with winrar, it says unable to create launcher.exe files and the reason is access denied. this never happend with any igg games game idk why this one is bugged. i also tried exporting the launcher.exe files individually but it says i need permission to do it, and dosen't let me
i'm gonna try to extract all the part files together with 7zip, and see if it allows me to extract the launcher files.
so guys if anyone is having trouble with the launcher.exe files not appearing use 7zip it's way better BYE WINRAR WELCOME 7ZIP HAHAHA
(but now im gonna have to wait 20mins but its better than spending 60 dollars on a game)
the files with the icon of winrar
if you want the full game you need all parts
if you want a single preview you can dowload one
but if you want a pro game there its a challenge on portal2
please help
Everytime When I Press SinglePlayer
It Says:
STEAM Validation Rejected
any help?
Thinking with Time Machine. it say having a error of rebuilding my creations of Test Chambers.
You get .ISO files (or .CUE, .MDS) or Setup files….when extracted
If you don’t get .ISO files (or .CUE, .MDS) or Setup files….
Example install UPDATE
you don`t need to download others
i think.
you can't expect to have a perfectly working game if you pirate it, plus (unless you live in the usa where games are stupidly expensive) the game is 108zar on steam.. its about $3,if you can't afford that then i feel sorry for you.
Thanks in advance
Change the "english" by the language you want, like "french" or "russian" or any other languages you want. BUT be careful to type the language you want in english
Do you just copy your portal files into a folder and extract mod files into the folder?
When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something?
If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
We do not handle exe files, each download is a rar file, only 2014 games still have a password, that was discontinued a long time ago...
At all times the download must be a rar file, obtained directly, without the intervention of another entity, for example that exe file
I recommend using MegaUp for downloading if Google Drive is down, RIGHT CLICK on download button and click save as
here's the console log:
] map mp_coop_start
maxplayers set to 2
---- Host_NewGame ----
Host_NewGame on map mp_coop_start
exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg
Executing listen server config file
exec: couldn't exec listenserver.cfg
exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg
==== calling mapspawn.nut
prop_weighted_cube at (-10232.000, 776.000, 840.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (-10104.000, 1544.000, 968.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (-9784.000, 776.000, 840.000) has no model name!
Commentary: Could not find commentary data file 'maps/mp_coop_start_commentary.txt'.
183.503: Sending UDP connect to public IP
Server using '' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id 0
RememberIPAddressForLobby: lobby 0 from address loopback
prop_weighted_cube at (-9784.000, 776.000, 864.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (-10104.000, 1544.000, 992.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (-10232.000, 776.000, 864.000) has no model name!
Portal 2 Coop
Map: mp_coop_start
Players: 1 (0 bots) / 2 humans
Build: 6180
Server Number: 2
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Can't find factory for entity: wearable_item
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] --------START loading assets--------
[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ---------END loading assets---------
==== calling mapspawn.nut
Receiving uncompressed update from server
Didn't find Active Steam Controller to Load Menu Controls
Dropped Noam from server (Server shutting down)
When I try to load my custom map project, I am getting an "LumaEmu Crashed (Invalid Parameter Handler)!" Error.
Someone know how to fix it?
i had a problem with d3d device and i was able to fix it, even with the crack
all you need to do is find LumaEmu in game folder, scroll down & find a line where it says "GameExe = Portal2.exe" and add next to it " -h -w" h is for your monitor height and w is for your monitor width
And Voila! The game works fine :)
here : 3 parts ( 1st 4.99 - 2nd 4.99 3rd 4.27 ) Total 14.25
the torrent : " RELEASE SIZE: 16.9 GB "
tu ouvre le fichié avec le bloc-notes et tu trouve la ligne "[Language]" et met "GameLanguage = french"
Complete\Portal 2\steam_appid) and edit with notepad from "620" to
"Portal 2 620", save and start game. The sad part is, that you have to
do it every time. Dont panic when save game is empty. Just again edit
steam_appid and it appear ;)
So when i installed the game i accesed the Portal 2 folder,then clicked on Portal 2 Launcher.An error appeares,"couldn't create D3D device" or something and the game closes automatically.Then i tried Portal 2,and the game was just closing himself in the loading screen.After i tried to search a solution in the comment section i thought there is no hope.Then i tried again the Portal 2 app,again it closes in the loading screen.After that,i wanted to give it a last try.I clicked on Portal 2 Launcher and IT WORKED! I don't know why,i didn't change anything in the folder or something,it just worked.Maybe this will help you guys,and maybe someone can explain why this happens?I am confused,but happy.Even the CO-OP works(with Tunngle).
Thx IGG.Games.
PS:Sorry for my bad grammar.
I know you comment is pretty old and you may get annoyed (sorry if that is true).
Since Tunngle has shut down, do you know any alternatives?
Find file "steam_appid" (path where you copy game ...\Portal 2 Complete\Portal 2\steam_appid) and edit with notepad from "620" to "Portal 2 620", save and start game. The sad part is, that you have to do it every time. Dont panic when save game is empty. Just again edit steam_appid and it appear ;)
mom facebook
you're dumb to just say "it doesn't work at all" to other people. that data error you're getting looks like you were impatient and canceled the download. Or your internet is just that bad that it didn't continue downloading.
Is it against your rules to say what I experienced? Or telling them that there is a massive chance, as I tested using two other computers, three separate downloads on two different networks, that it won't work?
"that data error you're getting looks like you were impatient and canceled the download"
No, I downloaded it in under an hour. Why would I be impatient to wait one hour? Also, if I canceled the download, how would I get the file in the first place? And what about the other files? Wouldn't they also have a data error?
CLARIFICATION: I wont redownload because I don't have unlimited bandwidth. I have a really fast connection, but rather limited bandwidth that I would much rather be using to play Crossout or War Thunder than download some game that I (technically) already did.
"because I'm on Windows 10 and every dlc listed is working completely fine."
The only DLC for Portal 2 is the soundtrack...?
And I said that Final Hours is fine. (If you count that as DLC)
Data error: Portal 2\portal2\pak01_012.vpk (part 2)
Data error: Portal Stories Mel\portal_stories\media\aegis_interioir.bik (part 3)
help pls
Won't get past main menu - It's because files are corrupt and missing.
Please upload three aforementioned files and add them to the regular download files.
Otherwise game won't work.
The file size (unpacked) are smaller than the size that 7zip tells me in the interface. All other files are the same size as 7zip says. (This means that a part of the file won't extract because of a data error/part is missing) The files still extract -just that the complete file won't.
..please reupload the files seperate if possible - I am not re downloading 15GB on a 3MB connection. If the only way is for me to re download, then I am not going to play this from your site.
CRACKED = DON'T NEED STEAM/(Some other Authenticator) TO PLAY =
is each one a dlc?