Played it a bit, it's trash to be perfectly honest... dev had too many ideas squeezed into a game where they shouldn't even be presented.
Water needs & water tower are basically BS in this game - if you build the water tower atop anything, it destroys them, and there is basically no solution for that, since the only building that lets you place water tower on high places is platform, which barely spawns since this game has too many buildings in its randomizer pool.
Power generator destroys gas tanks in a certain radius, and that radius is ridiculously large for a game like this; you'll often find yourself either placing them too far to reach all the buildings, or being forced to place all the buildings with similar needs in between or around power generators, gas tanks or water towers.
Stack building game should be free of any sort of limitation, and this guy is doing it on the polar opposite; don't buy this game even if you have money, just go support Townscaper or Islander dev instead.
Water needs & water tower are basically BS in this game - if you build the water tower atop anything, it destroys them, and there is basically no solution for that, since the only building that lets you place water tower on high places is platform, which barely spawns since this game has too many buildings in its randomizer pool.
Power generator destroys gas tanks in a certain radius, and that radius is ridiculously large for a game like this; you'll often find yourself either placing them too far to reach all the buildings, or being forced to place all the buildings with similar needs in between or around power generators, gas tanks or water towers.
Stack building game should be free of any sort of limitation, and this guy is doing it on the polar opposite; don't buy this game even if you have money, just go support Townscaper or Islander dev instead.