I have not played the game yet, but Green Curry's most recent title, Succubus Cafe, seems like a promising title. I'm especially intrigued by the concept and premise.
Game is Nudity, Mature, Simulation, Casual, Anime. I am unable to run it as it crashed and demands VR. Graphics and game details looks amazing. Must be like Biko series or few other similar games I have played. 2gb + file size. Overall, I rate it ⭐⭐ and half as it demand VR.
yeah i tried it, but check my edited comment. if you click the link which i made as you said it doesnt work it just goes to mega home page after clicking "download" but if you delete the bluemedia part it goes to the correct link. or maybe this is only a problem on my end ill have to check more.
thats a good idea, however i just edited the link and for some reason its not bringing me to the mega download even though deleting the bluemedia part and leaving the mega link will still bring me there. the URL syntax looks correct to me and it works when i make it redirect to something like google so idk why it isnt working :*(
Just in case anyone was going to download, this version is outdated. Search elsewhere for v1.2 that includes some updates including access to the backdoor cough
crashes on loading a character think crashreport says denied access (tried both japan emulator and normal adminstration). Either that or it a memory bug/issue with game (read a few have that issue)
Either that or it a memory bug/issue with game (read a few have that issue)