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You might think this is dumb, but at the rates of how things are going, in a few years your boss will deffinitely be a blue haired furry gay trans 4th gender person.
So buckle up and train yourself right now kids.
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Yep. More people will be able to come out of the closet because they'll face less ridicule and hatred. As a result of that, they'll have the confidence to advance their careers and become a boss. Buckle up kids, the world is becoming more accepting of personal identity.
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No. Sorry. Beeing gay is fine and is progression. Beeing a 36inch long lizard with rainbow furr traped inside a human body and coloring your hair blue while wearing cat ears 24/7 is not, in fact, a personnality. That's a mental disorder.
Loving someone regardless of its gender is a natural thing
Thinking you are not human while you are, biologically, human, is a mental disorder.

If you think I'm wrong then let me go have sex with some 6year old child because, in fact, I'm a 6year old traped inside the body of a adult man and I can't love someone of my body age because my heart is too young for that so I need to play pee-pee touch with someone of my soul's age.

Guess you won't defend that one are you ?
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Oof. Your hatred is bursting at the seams, isn't it? Comparing trans and furry people to child molesters is exactly the type of bullshit your type loves to fall back on. "Well if other people can be something I don't understand, I will call it evil, which gives me the right to be evil too!" Such ass backwards logic. Are you saying you want to have sex with a child? That's fucked up.

By the way, just because something might be a "mental disorder" doesn't mean that person isn't deserving of love and acceptance.

Also blue hair + cat ears looks cute and harms nobody.
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No, I'm taking an extrem example to show that just because you want it to be normal in your brain, doesn't make it normal in society.
The fact you can't respond to that is the proof that my arguement is valid and destroys yours.

A mental disorder doesn't mean you can't be loved, but it mean you have to be treated, and maybe institutionalized.

Also you didn't address any of the actual underline arguement, which are the difference between a sexual orientation, and thinking you're an animal.

Finally, it does harm people, since it harm society.
If you can't comprehend that, then maybe you shouldn't have the right to vote or have any saying in those debate.
It's like giving the right to vote on international politic to a 8year old.

Last: Even tho' I'm serious right now, the whole post was a joke, you know, like we do on the internet, 4chan and the like. The fact you need to reply and argue, prooves you are butthurt (:

That will be my last answer, see ya' (:
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"It's a joke bro relax" Sums up your whole argument. Getting offended, taking the time to make a hateful comment, and moving the goalposts when someone responds. Why pick apart every piece of your statement when it's all misguided?