English not supported. Perhaps sometime in the future the dev can start with an English Interface translation (Easiest and least expensive). If a fan base develops and increases, perhaps English Subtitles can be added (Most difficult and most expensive). See my explanation about translation.
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06/25/24 - Update:
Don't want to wait for a proper English Translation of a non-English supported game but want to play the game now?Uploaded Image
Uploaded ImageYou can try to use the freeware "LunaTranslator" combination text hooker (text grabber) and language translator application (GitHub page | Download page) to machine translate or AI translate the game's native text into English (Note: Machine translation is 1:1, word for word translation. Some ideas may get "lost in the translation". AI translation attempts to mimic a natural speaker's translation of a language into English (I haven't tried this method yet)).
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See the verbose "How to" demo video posted by "Daiya" on YouTube (Note: From her dialogue in the video, Daiya seems to be a teenage girl, so try to bear with the "quirkiness" of her dialogue with the viewer [you]. She set LunaTranslator to use AI translation [See the improved English translated, purple text in the screenshot]).
In the past, I personally have used the AGTH (Anime Games Text Hooker application with the Atlas Japanese-English translator application) to try to play untranslated Japanese H-games with machine translation and just discovered this combination text hooker and translator application that supports AI translation (An improvement over machine translation) so, if you have any in-depth questions then it's best to visit the dev, "HIllya51"'s Q&A page on GitHub.
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As a person fluent in both EN,JP,CN, I have to say it isn't worth the hassle of playing a game if you don't know the language. Not worth the effort. But thank you for the guide.
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Of course, it would help more to be fluent in another language so that a VN's story flows more naturally and gameplay is faster but unfortunately, not everyone is multi-lingual. Applications like LunaTranslator help to ease the burden for those of us who are not multi-lingual.
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No problemo! I'm glad to be of help!
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Maybe I wasn't clear on the last comment. From my personal experience, most games that are actually "worth" playing, would have English either built-in (maybe not at launch but later added) or an addon made by fans. If a game doesn't have an English version, it is usually a sign of not selling well, then it usually has an intrinsic problem with the game so it doesn't sell well. Hence more than a 95% of chance that a game without ENG is not worth playing in the first place.
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This game was released in Steam on July 19, 2024. From what I've seen over many years, it takes time (Months, maybe even one or more year(s)) for a fan base, if any, to be built up (It rarely happens overnight). This month isn't even over yet and you're already judging this game so soon based on your assumptions.

Also, a lot of games are developed by lone, non-English speaking devs who are either not remotely fluent in English or do not have the monetary means to contract professional linguists to quickly and properly translate, along with proof reading, the written dialogue that is in their native language into English.

Additionally, you seem not to realize that not all devs initially may even want to target an English speaking audience for their product when they feel that there is already enough of an ample supply of paying fans in their own country (The World is composed of many densely populated, non-English speaking nations. As English speakers, some of us may feel that the World revolves around us but if you ever visit some other countries, you'll find that many of the natives there would prefer that tourists speak their native language whenever trying to communicate - Case in point, if you visit Japan, some, not all, native Japanese living in the larger, more developed cities there may try their best to accommodate English speaking tourists but in the rural areas, you'd better know how to speak fluent Japanese if you want any of the locals there to communicate with you as only 28% of the entire Japanese population speaks English while the remaining 72% does not).

Many non-English games only later on are decided upon by their devs to be translated into English only after receiving wide spread positive results from native players living in their own countries and ex-patriots living abroad in English speaking countries who may wish to share a part of their culture with English speaking friends through the native games that they've played. It's risky (costly) for devs to have their games professionally translated into and proof read in English and add to that, the marketing costs involved for all of the advertising that must be translated into English in order to attract potential English speaking, paying fans who do not speak the game's original, native language. If a dev feels that a good return on investment (ROI) is probably not promising then he or she might not even attempt to translate his or her game into English for reasons other than with the game's story or gameplay itself (There may be some idioms in the original, native language used by the game that do not translate well or at all into English and thus if translated would only add confusion to and "turn off" an English speaking person trying to play the game. That is one of the things that I've ran into when I tried to use AGTH to translate with 1:1, word for word, machine translation, the text within many Japanese only VNs into English. Fortunately, there's now LunaTranslator which can use English AI translation to better, but still not perfectly, approach the original, native context of the native text.

Like fine wine, it takes time for a non-English game to be developed into an English version game if the dev or dev studio is willing and able to take the monetary risk involved with porting out their game into English.
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Personally, I feel that while it is good to study a language to play natively, It makes reading really painful, especially for visual novels which are usually more word heavy than manga. It can really mess up your reading pace and overall interest in a vn. I think its best to use MTL as an assistant to learn another language.