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Have to change from decent to just above par, fully engaged with it until some late parts of the game.

Unable to add pins and limited map view when choosing teleport(do not really know which part of the map one is going) are definitely minuses.

Highly question the decision to hide inf ammo(arrow/magic) in a place that's only likely to be found by consulting a walkthrough. At later stages my ammo dry up alot and I ended up hacking.
If you don't know how to deliver the killing shot to the final boss, the game forces you to fight him again.
This is a rare case where the end game design and balance soured the taste a little bit.

Original comment condensed:
Exploration is there, but very mild, largely I feel it's just map sweeping action. To take something from recent memory, Blasphemous 2 ('s map progression) would be a nice analogy.

Music is a bit lacking in variety, I think it's just 5 or 6 bgms rotating around, although serviceable.

Never been a fan of character switching, having to switch character based on circumstance is just adding a switch overhead to gameplay.
There is English support via the English interface and English subtitles.
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Janaona Vaial
Thanks a lot for this one! <3
Might as well call the guy Pachamama.