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Nevermind, turns out I had to copy and paste the CODEX folder's Engine subfolder into the main directory.
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I can't find a crack? Whenever I launch it, it just redirects me to the Steam page, and unlike other games I got from here, there's no Steam crack app in the install directory?
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Again a game about flying? Sheesh...
There's been at least four games about flying since last month.
Well I know there are many more roguelikes or action games in general, but still...
It used to be so rare, or almost nonexistent, except the realistic flight simulators, of course.
Unfortunately, I have always been freaked out by dragons. XD
(Even the one from Neverending Story🤣)
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Iale Idioma
will check this out if i ever have the time XD