Hell yea now this is my type game i love furries
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I miss your previous big butt avatar, I liked it for some reason.
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lol ill switch back to her if you want
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Why not , I like butt and replying to you make me feel I'm under it, like a cyber face sit :^)
(joking of course... or do I ? :^) )
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Sexy , Face sitting is the best 💖 Glad i can help out , I'll look for her ina bit
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I like rain personnally, love the atmosphere from it : )
I wouldn't mind neither moving to bigger city, it might sounds dumb but... I'm not a social butterfly at all, I even hate crowd , nightclub and all , but I like big city like Tokyo. Living in a building looking at the city lights at nigh is suiting. Seeing the city life and all.

Your state is smaller than my country hehe but one like Texas is about the same, I live in France so you can have fun comparing the size to the different states of NA on a map haha.
And nope I don't have a car, never got a chance to pass my licence and now I don't have the money.
I'm a complet failure : )

I would have loved to get a Toyota Supra if I had a liscence tho' , I love this car for some reason...

Well I just tried Loot River and it's a complete glitchy mess so... hard to recomend this one.
It depend what you like !
Right now I'm on MONARK that seems cool and a bit hard if you are into JRPG , it remind me of Death end Request with this possibility to move around the stage and attack the enemy under different angle while still beeing turn based.
I'm also doing Voice of Card but the game is really easy. Still fun tho' and great art.

Then I pretty much browse the site daily like you so anygame I migh be interested in you probably know about it too.

If you don't know what to check you can give me which type of game you would like I can check if I think about something :)
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Oh texas huh nice its about 400 miles from me , Not to bad i drove there in around 6 or so hours usually , You seen attack on titan ? its really good im on season 3 episode 5 , Still playing fallout 4 atm trying to beat it have you tried it out yet ? i havent tried the games you mentioned yet i have so many to get around to lol have u ever been here to the states also ? i was thinking of going to the phillipines visiting there this year later on , so besides being on here what else do you do for fun ?
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Oh yeah I know, I just took texas because it's the one I found out to be about the same size of my country haha
I didn't , I don't watch shõnen I'm sorry , I've an hard time going into popular show, plus I'm more into school life and cute type stuff like Yuru Yuri hehe
I never went to the state nope never get a chance to travel, but I wish I could one day, I legit would like to visit different place of USA that would be cool to see, and embrace your culture. Things that aren't much present in EU. Seeing things like LA and Skidrow (hey that's also the name of a Pirate Team, so gotta check it out you know) , Grand Canyon, the "deep country" of Kansas Utah or Texas, or anything that might be cool.
Maybe one day if I get a chance who know : )
Do you like phillipines ? Like, are you a fan of the country/the culture, or is it more related to your origin, or just one country you would like to see for the food or something ?
I don't do much haha, Have you ever seen an anime/manga about hikikomori like NHK ni yokoso or Net-juu no Susume ? That's pretty much what my life looks like: Playing Game, Downloading game (so coming here having fun in coment) Watching stream and... you know, masturbation hehe, a lot of music too.
Trying to go out every Saturday too since last month, but kinda hard when you didn't talk to anybody real for the last 6 years.
Do you have a job ? A one that you like/appreciate ? Maybe a passion ?
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Nice you wanna come here huh ? i never been out to california i dont think , its on the other side of the country about 1400 or more miles away but id like to visit it oneday , yea i seen those type shows about those people on youtube my bro showed em to me i think theyre parents hire girls to go talk to them help them get out more and stuff and na i just wanna go to phillipines to visit i hear things are cheap there and may go sometime later i dont know though i looked it up itll cost me around 1500 for a plane ticket and yea yuri anime is pretty good i like it , nothing wrong with masturbating everyone does it even the admins here lol na no job since last year i live at home was working on ebay till they closed my account but oh well ill get another job soon also biden has inflated prices so high here everythings expensive atm like 5 dollars for a gallon of gas lol so i just stay home till all the prices go back to normal soon i hope
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Always wanted :)
Even tho' I'm a weeb I always wanted to visit america. I would come visit you if I came hehe ;p
It's cool if you visit philipines, there still some cheap country around the world nowadays so it's not that bad to go check them. HOpe you will like it and enjoy the trip.
I feel ya' , you guys got it rough with the different riot + new president + COVID , that definitely took a toll on the economic aspect.
Hope you manage your life at home, I know how hard it can be on the mental, after all I'm doing this for 6years now haha.

So definitely good luck on all of that :)
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Thatd be cool if you come over to visit me while you was here , we could go to disney world i think its like a 6 or so hour drive away not very far just wish it was cheaper to get inside it i been wanting to go there for awhile now and yea the lockdown sucked for people in major cities but my city never rly did lockdown or anything lol do you like hentai games as well ? theyre pretty fun im playing one called Wild Life now its great , 6 yrs huh ? what made you wanna start staying inside more ? i stay in a bit cause not much to do here in the country side after awhile and i live like 25 miles from town lol
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Tired of life I guess (I was awake for 50 hours), but I'm used to.

I'm not even surprised you actually posted a real toys' name hehe :3
and I would gladly add massage (no matter where) to this beautifull ruby skin, hehe.
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Lol yea , I bought it online i think awhile back and 50 hours geez , What'd you do for 2 days straight , And i could totally go for a nice massage atm my skins nice n smooth and red from a sun burn now i just need the horns 😘
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I just contemplate the void of my life and do nothing, waiting for sleep to come haha...
I'm not into horn but it's fine by me as long as your skin is happy I will keep massaging everywhere it need to be, from head to toe hehe
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Deal , if you was only near Alabama now lol , You watch any good animes or anything ? Or what do you mostly do while you sit , You must live in a dead town like me it's a ghost town here population few years ago was 96 but alot of people moved in since then now its in the hundreds people come here to retire but theres 0 things to do so i get online alot
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Haha sorry to break it but I'm nowhere close at all, I live in Europe, a 28yo virgin Neet Hikikomori , so you know, not the closest and most glamorous thing to you hehe

I just play game, watch stream and sometime watch anime depending of the mood of the moment.
My town is not dead but not super big, tho' I live near a dense area so populated cities are around, just gotta take the train or the bus hehe.

Do you like it, ghost town and small iddle life ? Or do you live here because you can't do otherwise for now ?
Don't forget we're on the internet pirate part, keep your intimacy private hehe , privacy is important ;)
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Lol its ok here , Rains a lot and nothing to do outside of hanging out at the mall just about , You know any good anime's I might like ? Its alright here wouldn't mind moving one day to somewhere larger though , Do you have a car ? and yea deff im pretty safe , What part of europe you from ? I had a friend from scotland she told me my state was larger than her entire country i thought that was weird but funny , Thinking of downloading some games also today if you know any good ones
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Ho my god you don't say <3
If I were a SIMP I would simp for you (ںסּَゞ)
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🎾💜 ↼W̬̯̱̞̠̜̺̯̮͉̯̞͖̮̺͎ͣ̊͛ͥͧͯ͐̍̍͌ͮ̊ͪͨA͚̖̘͈̱͎͔̞͈̤̬ͧ͗̊̒͌ͮͯͯ̒̏ͯ̀͆͌̅̚Ã̻͎͍̮͇̠͍̜̼̼̩̜͙̮͈̹͇ͯ̓ͪ̾͋̊ͥ̑̇̈̂̚l͚̣̫̳̮̝̖̝̣͉̙̯͚ͮ͆͋͂u̥̣̱̲̣͚̳̗̼͔̣͎̭̎͒ͭ̍̐͆̇͂̂͊̄̔͛̽ỉ̳͈̟͈̮̫͉̬̟̜̳̟̓̃͒̄͒̾̎͑ͯ͗̾g̙̝̞̻̻̣̪̩̰͇̩̟̺͓̮̓ͨ͗̅̓̍̉̈̂̚i̟͍͙̜̦̤͗̑̆͐͗͆ͮ͊̽̎ͩ̎͌ͦ̚ͅ⇀ 💜🎾
@DarkSorceress94 @▲Dafty▲
Yes my childrens, Im happy that you'rs friendly to each other YES yes..
Let me gift you both in showing the way to the sʇuɐɟuı pǝuuıʞs I mean the Ice Cream TRUCK truck!
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I won't mind, I like cold, actually could even be a fetish/fantasy to try it out in the cold/snow. I'm not afraid of with the peepee shrieking since I like the sensation of coldness xD
But what do I know, I'm a 28y.o virgin dude
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Can fuck while building a snowman 😉
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Sure as long as you use my carot for something else than the snowman's nose.
Not that I mind using my nose for something too, but that beside the (g) point.

Also I'm super tired so if this doesn't make any sense that's normal
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Awful tempting , Just gotta wait a few months now for more snow ☃❄ , What you so tired from ? My hitachi magic wand makes me tired but its so nice for Mastur Massages 🤭
🎾💜 ↼W̬̯̱̞̠̜̺̯̮͉̯̞͖̮̺͎ͣ̊͛ͥͧͯ͐̍̍͌ͮ̊ͪͨA͚̖̘͈̱͎͔̞͈̤̬ͧ͗̊̒͌ͮͯͯ̒̏ͯ̀͆͌̅̚Ã̻͎͍̮͇̠͍̜̼̼̩̜͙̮͈̹͇ͯ̓ͪ̾͋̊ͥ̑̇̈̂̚l͚̣̫̳̮̝̖̝̣͉̙̯͚ͮ͆͋͂u̥̣̱̲̣͚̳̗̼͔̣͎̭̎͒ͭ̍̐͆̇͂̂͊̄̔͛̽ỉ̳͈̟͈̮̫͉̬̟̜̳̟̓̃͒̄͒̾̎͑ͯ͗̾g̙̝̞̻̻̣̪̩̰͇̩̟̺͓̮̓ͨ͗̅̓̍̉̈̂̚i̟͍͙̜̦̤͗̑̆͐͗͆ͮ͊̽̎ͩ̎͌ͦ̚ͅ⇀ 💜🎾
It is! you cleary are honest about that! xD
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Well If I had telleportation I would come in an instant hehe : )
But I guess it gonna have to wait for a reality where it would be possible, that's how it is.
I would love to visit Disney Worl, I only went to Disney Paris in France once and it was litterarly 15+ years ago. So it kinda like I never really visited in the end. I dislike crowd and people but I like fairground things. But as you said those kind of park/area are quite expensive.
Let say to put it simply I got kicked out of my dad's house while I was studying in Art, and sent to a broken house with tons of issue that costed my health to decrease along with my mental sanity, so I isolated myself and end up an Hikikomori, giving up on everything including my dreams.
Now I'm loveless virgin without hope : )

It is what it is.
Hope things are going good on your part of the world.
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what furry, i see almost no fur, scam
Another low effort furry porn game. This comment section is gonna be a dumpster fire lmfao
If you like rape your cat, dog or pet, this game definetelly for youUploaded Image
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YAY! A game for lonely, pathetic, sick losers who live in mommy's basement! ENJOY!
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fatherless comment lmao
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lol why would you play crap like that hentai are way better to get animated booties and boobies
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fuck you, furry porn is the best porn
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Loser. Get help.
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Holy shit 24 actual lurkers that are furry...

I don't know if I have to be proud of this comunity or affraid.
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hentai doesn't mean u can't get furry too lol
furry slayer 2327
yo the gameplay is fire, shame i gotta find devs home adress -_- pumps shotgun
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
this is just wrong dev, and who asked for this?
just because you can, doesnt mean you should
Fap Mania Underrated and over fured.Uploaded Image
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Igg has uploaded opposite of game
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