Someone can play using the keyboard and mouse? I cant...
Need the last patch
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No. The game does not work
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Come on, IGG...
You could put some more effort in taking care of uploading the descriptions and screenshots, instead of just copy-and-pasting some text and uploading the first two screenshots from the game's Steam page.
The descriptions often get some formatting errors that make is hard to understand what is said and, like in this game's case, the screenshots don't even represent how the game actually looks - there is no gameplay shown, just some cutscenes, probably.
At least put the link to every game's Steam page every time, it will make actually getting proper information on the games easier, instead of sometimes having to try your hardest here to decipher some weirdly formatted paragraphs.
(Yeah, I know. "Just google it yourself". Might as well not put any information about the game here and just put a huge red sign saying "Google it" instead of it, right?)
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Camilo Vázquez
Nobody need a link to the game Steam page.
Nobody need a huge red sign saying "Google it"
Nobody... except you?
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Yeah, nobody needs to download games you would normally pay for for free either.
Yet it is a rather useful and pretty nice option to have, isn't it?
IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
Did you know we are uploading / updating / reloading more than 100 games per day? If we do things by hand, as you say, we can only upload about 3-4 games a day and we will also remove the game request. Because every day is only 24 hours, if we work manually, each game will take about 15 minutes to find the correct picture, information ... I'm sure we will need more than 24 hours every day to do this. We work 16 hours a day, we can not do 24/24 without rest, you know?
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Then honestly, don't bother with description or pictures at all, just put a big link to the game's Steam page and you are done. Even less work for you than copying all of it and any confusion about what the game even is at times would be cleared. Simple, isn't it?
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Dude. These guys have worked there hardest to bring us awesome games.. for free. I don't even think they get paid for it. They just do it. Taking time out of there lives to bring joy to ours. Stop being such a picky prick and get over it. It's just some pictures. if you want to know what the games look like just google the fucking game and click images. boob badabing you got yourself a fucking gameplay pick or deviant art or whatever you fucking want. God kids like you are the reason games aren't enjoyable for me
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If people having complaints about game pirating sites makes you stop enjoying games, then you should stop playing them altogether if you like them only that much.
Also, did you fucking read what I even said?
I'm telling them that their system of posting games' descriptions can often make things very misleading or unclear, so either they should put MORE effort into what they are doing and stop just autopiloting on every update or they could achieve a better result than now in a very simple way which makes them have EVEN LESS work to do than now while still taking care of the problem of misleading their site's visitors.
Stop being a mindless fanboy who gets all mad and bothered by any negative thing said about your idols and let people give constructive criticism which could help the whole site. Yes, the whole site, INCLUDING YOU.
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i understand u admins, but in this case the pictures are totally misleading what the game is about
this is what the game looks like Uploaded Image
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Actually you can google about the game (or any game). A few pic would not tell the whole story anyway. I think they are already busy enough.