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Nice video that made me interested in this game https://youtu.be/n5elr3rsIGQ?t=1865
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Haha, same reason why I'm here. Too bad Devil Spire ain't here yet, wanna give it a try before buying it.
Mark C.
Does anybody know where the .cfg file is for this game so I can delete it? I need to reset the screen resolution. I set the game on the highest setting when I first started, now it's messed up and I can't mouse over the settings with my pointer to switch it back. If I move my pointer all the way to the right edge of the screen, I can only select settings located in the middle of the screen. I looked but have no idea where the .cfg file is.
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Mark C.
I figured it out, I pressed Alt and Enter to get it into windowed mode, then I was able to change the resolution. No need to find the .cfg.
Monster in bottom pic is cool looking.
Reminds me of the haunted cave from The Magic Sword.
"Game highly optimized. Will run fine even on older hardware."
That might be true.
Runs smooth, mappable keys, pretty, no clip'in as far as I can see.
At the very least well done mist covering any.
Well done.
Good job.
And 6 gigs!
Just the good isht.
I dont need ubisoft horseisht gobbling up 200 dollars worth of SDD for no justifiable reason.
NOW I know what this reminds me of.. It's got that Dark Messiah of Might and Magic feel, but open world to an extent.. RPG, Large zones, and not linear. First person shooter/melee combat. Some puzzles, exploration, mystery.
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WithAStick AngryWhiteMan
Dark Messiah was super good, This game is a ...ah...never mind, I will stop here.
Divergent Droid
It looks creepy and surreal AF.
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It is, and I'm actually having fun for once.. It's turning out to be a large and open world with a lot of weird little surprises, too. It rewards exploration, but a lot of things are frustratingly hidden. It's really scratching that late 90's, early 2k's RPG itch.
I'm actually going to buy this one.
Blue Bomber
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It looks like its got style.
And thats important.
You can throw all the money in the world at the screen, without any style,
and all you get is ubisoft.
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Hey now, Ubi had a ton of great games. But then they slaughtered Sam Fisher and turned Ghost Recon into a fucking open world game rather than a great tactical shooter.
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I like that the first thing that you did after you got the bloke on-shore is to have him jump off the pier.
I would do that to this fool. He cannot swim, yet he is in the middle of nowhere rowing a boat.
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game of the year
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Lol, it's actually not.. Give it a chance.
Yeah I guess it's not hard to put "optimized" in your games description when it looks like Mdickie made it.
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Misan tropo
weird/shit graphics can make a game more atmospheric and scary but devs nowadays really have no excuse for bad performance
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Yeah there's a whole market now for "retro" looking games, for a while it was 8 or 16 bit and in the past several years there has been a huge surge of games that are designed to look like early 2.5D and 3D shooters or PS1 games. It's actually pretty cool, if only because I grew up with that stuff and it's like instant nostalgia.
Hey now, Mdickie is the best videogame maker in all of Christendom.
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I'm liking it.. It has a weird dreamworld feeling to it.. At least, it reminds me of my dreams. Surreal.
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Dark Sorceress
graphics are best part of it gameplay isnt fun
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Just because you said the gameplay isn't fun, I decided to give it a try, and it's actually holding my interest..
Nobody has posted whose reviews I trust, but I know that when I see you dislike a game, I will usually like it, lol.
I'm having fun trying to spot the spiders in the brush and pick them off with the rock sling before they see me.. I got jumped by them, and mandrakes that looked like bushes.. Also having fun finding the various items and places in the mountain paths to complete the different tasks I'm being given, and to solve the mysteries I find.. Like what the hell is making all that ruckus under the church where creepo says he keeps all the dark things away.. and not to worry about the snarling and scratching sounds.. That it's just the wind eh?..
And not to mention the first jumpscare, I'm sure there will be more.. I didn't expect any jumpscares at all.. I wont ruin it with a spoiler, but try and find the first key and get in to the forest path..
It's no walking simulator.. Finding lots of little secrets too, it rewards exploration, and there's actually challenge.. Found that out when I got mauled by mad sheep covered in leech/tick things while exploring.. Had to resort to some old skool doom circle strafing with the rock sling because I couldn't find the bow that's supposedly in some burial mound (the flute dude told me,) Looking for it now that I've finally managed to clear the sheep and mosquito enemies.. They're hard because once they aggro, they don't stop, they're fast and there are a lot of them..
How long did you play before you gave up?
I'm actually finding this to be quite imaginative, and worth my time. It might even be worth my money.
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Dark Sorceress
im glad you enjoy it atleast , its nice to know it holds someones interest even if its not mine
how's the nudity?
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WithAStick AngryWhiteMan
Look those WAMEN, you can see their faces right? Maybe this is a Taliban game, face uncovered=nudity?
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Dark Sorceress
not as good as what youd find on rule 34 haha