so I played it and so far I learned that the game is teaching you how to play with making you find wreckages of other Nauticrawls. I learned how to use cloak system without any energy (which is hides you from enemy target range) and now Im hacking enemies and stealing their items with the module I found from the wreckage. it is complicated yes but you will learn it by playing it. now Im going to give spoiler for the people who is tired of playing it and want to play easier. If you want to use cloak system without energy, when you are in range of enemy and there is a red light. just maximize the cloak and little bit engine power. and when the red light goes and blue light comes just close all of the monitors and ta daaa you won't use any energy. just don't forget to aim before moving forward
very good game - but same very short..its not like something stupid clicking - u must think to make ur ship going and this is pretty hard at begining...learning how to use ship is fun too