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Mandus R Horváth
Part 2 is not available in any links.
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link dead :(
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part 2 and 3 links are not working
I must say thank you I loved playing this game.
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I followed the steps in the video all the way up to mounting the ISO, which was successful, however when I opened the autorun file, the window which is supposed to be the install wizard has a blank blue background and two buttons in gibberish which do nothing. Am I doing something wrong? I downloaded all three .rar files, and extracted the first one just like in the video...
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Okay UPDATE: I found the real application to install in a different folder and install wizard popped up correctly this time, albeit it was in the same gibberish I was talking about earlier (letters but with different symbols instead of normal English words). It installed all the program files, but when I click on the install application, it said that Direct X has failed and it won't install the actual game...
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okay after all that I ran it in compatibility mode and now the game is in Russian just like the person below...help
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*whoops, when I click on the run application, it says that Direct X has failed and that I should reinstall the game to make it work
Sorry for all the comments. I just really want to play this game LOL
thanks for uploading!
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I also tried to extract a three .rar files into one folder but parts 2 and 3 said I didn't put in the right password, even though I used the one given above...
Johnathan Cushing
please upload this in english. most of your games are not in english
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Have you tried changing the language in the steam_api.ini file to
"Language=english" ?
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Johnathan Cushing
there was no steam_api.ini file in my download anywhere
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Guessing he never fixed this issue, since mine is still in Russian with no steam_api.ini file.