Where do I find the crack?
fckin love the atmosphere in comment section for those gamez
ima saving everyones time n money here go play corruption of champion or trials in tainted space same shit wth actual written porn in it n some rpg elements bestt text based game ive seen so far
Play as male, female, or non-binary; gay, straight, or ace.
but not Attack Helicopter. They are sexists!.
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there's only two gender, it's nerf or nothing
❤ Thanks For Uploading This Game (´•ω•`♥) ❤
Edit: a lot of Love to ❤❤ IGG ❤❤ ^^.
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I agree ^^
Yet another in the long line of fantasy text rpg's that let you play as whatever unicorn gender you want.
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Despite everything, i don´t have issue with them letting people choose whatever invented gender they want, after all makes sense the company trying to reach more audience, the problem is when aside from this they keep using the story as a ideological tool, trying to force their views on the player and sometimes punishing you if you resist certain choices, unfortunately some games from choice of games are like that, but now all, at least yet, but then what to expect from a company that swore allegiance to Anita sarkeesian year ago?
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shhhhhhhhhhh dont give people weird ideas what if the devs are actually watching this site in secret the last thing this site needs its a my little pony text based game
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As bad as that sounds, it's not the worst thing I can think of.
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Too late, brony here!.
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I'm wonder if these story creators just rip images from google or deviantart or actually pay for artist to make these for them.
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I can already recognize their art style just from thumbnails.
im sure they have someone for making them
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probably one of the devs is good drawing images
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text based games -_-
Temmie Plays!
I wish this dev would stop putting this terrible content out.
none of this is an rpg, this is the crap games the internet had before you couldACTUALLY make real games.
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Choice of Games aren't developers, they're publishers. The stories they upload were written by indie authors who payed them a fee in order to get their works out there - they're more affordable than AAA publishers so they're a good starting place for both aspiring and professional writers. (Unfortunately that also means each game is a lottery on whether it will be good or bad.)
They have two divisions. Choice of Games has pricier tags, get more advertisement and sponsored copy-editing, but their conditions are more restrictive. Hosted Games, the alternative, tend to be cheaper and offer less "fanfare" but authors are allowed more creative freedom in their endeavors.
Nevertheless Choice of Games (the publisher) only works with text-adventure games, meaning this is pretty much all you're going to get from them. There's quite a few people who enjoy these books, I used to be one of them. Unfortunately the novelty wore off after a while - aside from the story, each game feels the same just with a new label on top. That and only a few titles ever stood out for me, the rest is either mediocre or meh.
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Come now, text games can be actually fun if you give it a chance, and like reading of course, don´t be so quickly to judge, some of those game are really cool.
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Some people like reading you know. Reading plus RPG aspect = fun times for some people.
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why the fuck do you have to come in here and say that for? just fuck off and go play other game then
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Temmie Plays!
I'll do that right after you learn how to English properly.
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same to you go watch and fap your boring animes
he/she has all the liberty to give comments
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stop assuming shit u know nothing about me
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all i know is you like some weird animes so that counts
P.S dont fap too much xD
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how the fuck do u know that anime is weird u dont even know the fucking name and why u keep talking about masturbating so much u addicted to it or something?
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duh you already gave the answer
Temmie Plays!
not sure how you even pulled anime out of anything.
but yeah, good insult bruh.
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look at his/her feedback
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What's up with all the hostility here? Everyone calm down and play whatever you want to play without criticising or judging others based on their avatar.
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Temmie Plays!
the funny thing is my avatar here isn't even anime?
but I digress.
The knuckldragging morons commenting liek that are probably the ones " that fap boring animes"
Im not even sure how you fap an anime, but driveC sure has the inside scoop!
and to anyone that lieks stories and text based games, check out bardsong. it's actually a well made game, where you literally choose how the stories play out. with actual drawn images that werent lifted from some poor devientart page.
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We´ll give a shit about what you "liek" when you learn "how to English properly", little pumpkin. :)
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Or you could simply ignore this terrible content and let the rest of us who enjoy it to continue doing so. Crazy idea.
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M. Molli
People like to express themselves.
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Yep. That´s exactly what I was doing.
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M. Molli
I wasn't talking about you.
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I know. The fact is that he/she has the right to "express" his/herself, and we´ve the same right to express our opinion about his/her nonsense. Free speech.