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great metroidvania and a lot better than that garbage movie
but the bosses are a quite annoying
not meaning that they re hard, but they take a long time to die
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Tough as nails, gorgeous, super cool dark newretrowave soundtrack, perfect controls...
The only reason this isn't more popular is because the movie sucked.
Don't be influenced by this and go play it!
If you like the Metroidvania genre, you WILL like this game!
Khaled Brahmi
need help plz : when i see a
"PRESS_TO_TITLE" message i'm pressing all buttons and nothing
happens is that because i haven't steam or what ??!!
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It's not working, in the title screen when i see a
"PRESS_TO_TITLE" message i'm pressing all buttons and nothing
happens.Anyone help?
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Khaled Brahmi
i have the same problem any solutions ?!
Marco Funke
Why the hell are devs creating useless maps? D:
It's nice to see where I am, but you can't see any door on the map and everything is marked as "wall".
Good thing to keep me away from that title. xD
It's not worth my time to run around everywhere, while thinking: "Was here a door?".
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Victory Not Vengeance
I didn't see you mention Hollow Knight, which is the best game of this genre we've had probably since the Castlevania games on DS (which were probably the best "Metroidvanias"). If you haven't played Hollow Knight please play it, it can be very hard but it is GORGEOUS and very fun.
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This game is already hundreds of times better than the movie, and I haven't even watched it.
Marco Funke
You're welcome. :)
I just searched for the "Metroidvania"-tag on Steam... it works wonders. ^^
And if a game seems ineresting, I try it out with the IGG-download.
Marco Funke
I don't know if it's for Wii, but it's still for PC. :)
Good luck trying it out, it seams easy at first, but this game is pure evil. ^^"
Roger™ ☬
go far away and come running and shoting diagonaly so the enemies dont stop u and there u go, im already at 69% and is cool the game
Kim Jung VI: a new beginning
As expected the fuckers crushed google drive...
Roger™ ☬
Use ur speed boobster ;)
Marco Funke
"Rex Rocket" is kinda good.
Is also really difficult and it has a reworked life-system.
Don't quote me on that, but I think, pre-patch, if you run out... that's it, back to square one.
Now, the lifes are more or less decoration. ^^"
Marco Funke
How about the "Metroidvania" of all "Metroidvanias"?
Try to beat it without a guide, it will drive you crazy.
"Do something random in this room, so that something happens somewhere else, far away from you."
Also, the game is fuckin massive.
Look at these times... o.O
Temmie Plays!
i havent found a double jump yet, I suppose the rappel gear will suffice, though. And clinging to cielings opened up alot, too.
This is a wayforward game, they test this shit over and over, so they know EXACTLY where you're going to take damage. It's awesome.
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Actually, as luck would have it, I drink a lot when I'm sick. Though then again I'm one of those who can be all 39 degrees and 'walk it off'. I used to hate that as a kid since I couldn't get any time off in school, but now I really appreciate that shit you know.
Also, my 'drinking medicine' is some good ol' lemon- or cherry-flavoured vodka. It's my go to thing, especially when combined with some honey.
Temmie Plays!
I'd recommend this to anyone that likes metroidvanias. Also consider buying this one on steam - the game is absolutely massive in scope and scale - already looks to be about twice as big as Shantae 1/2 genie hero.
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If someone is willing to buy this, better do it in GOG instead of that shady POS of steam.
Marco Funke
In terms of scale, every single "Shantae"-title is disappointing.
They are nice to play, but WAY too short.
Yeah, and "1/2 Genie Hero" is just "Backtracking: The Game".
I love Metroidvanias and the whole backtracking, if you got a new ability, but the last "Shantae"-title went way too far with it.
So... "twice as big as 1/2 Genie Hero" is still not massive, but better.
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Temmie Plays!
just using a well-known game by wayforward for a comparison.
With 1/2 genie hero ( which i loved, but felt was too short ) i 100% completed it in under 6 hours. This game seems to be massive, and backtracking ( ala risky's revenge) isn't a thing. There's even quick travel spots in the form of helicopters - and tons and tons of save points. All things i feel were lacking ( ESPECIALLY IN RISKY'S REVENGE) my god that game was an epic chore in game-length padding.
Temmie Plays!
im finding the game to be a bit on the easy side...blazing through the first boss and I'm only 30 minutes in - havent died once except for the scripted loss at the start. Pretty well crafted, but then again it IS wayforward - they put out super quality ( cept for the god awful pixel art in risky's revenge- they phoned that shit in lol.
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Rabi Ribi was pretty good too as far as I remember.
No in-depth analysis of the game at hand from me this time, at least for now - I'm a bit too drunk at the moment to play a game that requires dexterity and split-second reaction time.
Temmie Plays!
callys caves is shit.
you missed the two best ones this year - Hollow knight, and Dead cells.
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I like Axiom.Verge a lot I'm playing it right now
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Mummy Dearest
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metroidvania a dying art will support on steam as this game deserves it with the effort-put in
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Dying art my asshole.
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my xbox controller isn't working for this game, anyone with a similar issue?
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Temmie Plays!
use input mapper. It's sort of a way to deal with pirating games - the steam api handleing controller recognition.
Temmie Plays!
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It's not working for me, all i can see is the title screen and a "PRESS_TO_TITLE" message, but i'm pressing all buttons and nothing happens.
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can u solve the problem?
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I couldn't sadly, maybe the game isn't compatible with my laptop's settings or something, i changed to desktop and played fine.