Yoshikage Kira
I came for the hands, I swear
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For the plot.
men of culture
Witch Killer
Checked the Steam page and the latest is still 3.20. What's different with this update? Coz as far as I can tell, this updated version:

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Everytime i wanted to play the dlc characters, its gives me this error "please start the steam client first if you want to use this function" Anyone knows how to fix this?
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Does this version include the lost shard dlc ?
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i install and win a ransoware, thanks
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maybe you downloaded an ad/pop-up
Shan Jie
anyone know how to uncensored this game?
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Look it up, uncensored patch from some guy on Steam
Hamza Dounel
is it uncensored?
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daksh chauhan
is it in english
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Uploaded Image helpp
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basically when you download the game the setup comes with a game_data folder, just copy that and once you install the game. Paste it into the game_data found in "Program Files/ Mirror Enchanting". Should work.
Alfin Kurosaki
Pls reupload googledrive Uploaded Image
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Lol you just gave your email idiot now you're gonna be on every watchlist in the world
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Thanks for your Gmail XD
yoink , my gmail now
Pls reupload googledrive
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Đạt Phạm
Uploaded Image
Help me plss :(( I can't play
Anneri Anemos
Uploaded Image help me plz I don,t know how to fix it
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Alvar Sancenon Borja
Okay, when you install the game you have to go to the folder "PLAZA" that is in the "BD-Rom", and combine the folder "game_data" in it with the same folder in "Program Files/Mirror enchanthing.
It worked for me GL. I'm not good at english ask me any questions if you want to clarify the process
same question
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Does it have a torrent link?
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what is password?
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Did you download an exe file?
When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something?
If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
Please update 3.31 and add all DLC
This cannot play DLC.
If anyone can play DLC,
I want you to let me know.
Can't seem to play the dlc girls, Game says "Please start the steam client first if you want to use this feature."
Should mention, I do have steam running, even use it to launch the game. Have tried restarting steam, censored and uncensored versions.
just buy it, its so cheap in steam :3
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ur momma
its more that u have a wierd game stained on your steam account for everyone to see.
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I have a really weird problem, after a bit of fight the game kinda stops, I can only read skills and move mouse but mouse pointer is stuck at "stop" pointer sign
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please updata the game
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a loser
can you make the text in the game english or nah
Saahel Ali Gulistani
game doesn't work, crashes on unity screen, also no password is required.
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[insert name here]
the password is only for google drive
Vincent Thamrin
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Oh hey, bondage and gear play. You rarely see that in VNs.
Please is the game in english?
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my game dont have sound someone know why?
Tank Panzer
can you upload thenewest version of this game please? (v2.0)
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Game Request please turn to this page:
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Tank Panzer
yeah ive seen a couple of requests for this game there already, so...
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well you saying to upload it here doesn't make the process any faster sadly.
Yung Ramsey 123
Help! so the 7th girl whenever i click on her the menu that usually shows up giving you the options to battle,etc, whenever i click on her the menu for like choosing a girl stay and if i choose another girl the game doesn't let me. so i dunno if this could be the uncensored patch causing this. i feel like im the only one with this problem
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Wait..7th girl is the Anubis right? If yes then
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Yung Ramsey 123
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Mark Francis Dimalanta
buy the game man its on sale now and the game works pretty fine.
damian kha
why i can't unlock the 8th girl, i had 200% completed with other 7 grils already
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tungky aria
same here
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Ian Moone
hello, i play the game but i cannot unlock the 4th girl. is it just me or this is a bug? helpp
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Germano J. Moscone
I've just did, but the naked mod don't works on that girl.
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Juan Pablo Miranda
how the 4th girl is unlocked?
I came up with that It doesn't work for me either. I left the link here if it would work for somebody.
It's the original patch from creators of the game => May work only on original.
https://www.4shared.com/rar/VA7xG8SNca/patch_win.html Uncensored patch, you can thank me later.
Edit: May only work for original.
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Germano J. Moscone
Just replace "gameasset" file and skip "game.ini" file ;)
Why your patch doesn't work: the patch's game.ini is the same to the original except for the last line where there is a missing folder in the path.
Pratically overwriting the game.ini of the patch ruin the patch itself so leave the original game.ini and overwrite the gameasset of the patch.
It works great with this version ;P
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Witch Killer
I can confirm that this works... only partially uncensored though. Now, I haven't played the full game yet, just the dark elf's so far, but if you go to the cg gallery, her stripped form in the battle scene has her nipples still censored (though it's uncensored in-game). Everything else is uncensored.
Digging around the net, I found a superior pre-patched version. The "gameasset" file is 121 MB, while the link above is only 60-ish MB and IGG's is 80-ish MB (censored).
So far, the one I found has everything uncensored. The uploader also confirmed this in the comment section.
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Germano J. Moscone
I've unlocked the 4th girl (the maid) and she's not uncensored :( so this "naked mod" works just for the Elf, the "mom" and the zombie.
I'll search for the new patch.
Edit: found :P It's called "R18 patchMirror v1.7 WIN"
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where would you place it. tried and still had nothing, maybe the patch only works for steam
Can i play this without going to hell?
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you are already in hell my friend,,,, xD
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:3 ;-;
No son, in one scene you literally play as a demon with tentacles
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uncensored please!
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Miu Miu
Where is the uncensored patch?
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:3 ;-;
Patch link is linked in the offical steam group of this game and in a sticky discussion of steam there,
also, update new grill
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Wtf is this?
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marcus wilson
okay I guess I cant share the patch link thought maybe someone could figure out how to get it to work with this version but I think they just deleted my post
uncensored patch don't work on Mega version
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Christian Dos Santos
I want to get the Patch too
Doesn't work for me on any of the game versions, since the file I need to replace in the streamingassets folder isn't there. How did you get it to work?
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David Whitehead
well, if you guys can first of all, share the patch link, we can figure the rest out later....
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David Whitehead
there's an uncensored patch? where did you get it?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-ON5P18E2E i tried it and it really works even if u have it on steam
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How did you get it to work? The file you need to replace isn't there.
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Maybe you really need to have it on steam because i bough this game few days ago and it works for me.Sorry i am not that experienced in this things
Acechicken Dab
Wait why can't I play it?
Can you guys go in the request page and ask for update 1.1.1 ? I'm doing it also but the more we are, the faster it'll get here.
Dun Dun
when will you upload the uncensored dlc
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There isn't one currently.
meysam bagheri
The full version of this game will be released؟
sooooo, this is basically like huniepop? not a V Novel?
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:3 ;-;
Update 1.1.1 k thx
Kuro Sakuragawa
What the hell is this? I mean, it looks interesting.
Kaney Madri
This looks like a sequel for Hell girls xD
Temmie Plays!
for anyone curious as to how this plays, its liek hunie pop.
you pick a girl ( there's only 3 atm ) and you do a jewel match game to deal damage to her, heal yourself - and win each fight. you fill up a meter in between matches ( a little circle) and after each matc, you do some VN stuff, usually gives you a choice and then the next fight is either harder or easier, depending on your choice in the VN segment,
after you fill the girls circle meter to 100% you get a grope mini game where you use tools, toys, fingers, or your tongue on her body. then afdter that you get a cg sex scene.
it's all censored, there isnt a patch yet for it.
the animation is actually not done badly.. but the english translation isnt too good.
early access porn game lol. gotta love steam.
( also the game is liek 2 bucks, so expect 2 buck quality )
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Where is the +18 or uncensored patch ? :P
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Temmie Plays!
doesnt exist yet.
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DarkNoctis Deathofevilbear
what its not uncensored? meh. this sucks
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Temmie Plays!
well in all likelyhood, this is another stolen title that sakuragames decided was legal to sell on steam. much like newglass, and many many others.
wouldnt expect a patch for awhile, since hes not a dev, just a thief, lol.
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Kaney Madri
If you lookup SakuraGames list of published games on steam you will see credit to the developers , example : Dark Elf , Fox Hime , Material girl and so on
As for Mirror SG is listed as sole developer ... Why do you yell "thief" when you're on a pirate games site btw
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Temmie Plays!
pirating a game for my own gaming is FAR different than stealing people's GAMES THEY MADE, and then SELLING THE ON STEAM FOR PROFIT
goddamn kids are so stupid online.
If you lookup thatyea, you wouldve also seen NEW GLASS, another game he : made: but in reality, stole from Tetsuzo - a developer that actually knows how to make games.
kindly fuckoff
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Kaney Madri
I see you are a special triggered one , and i also seen you have a Temmie Plays! youtube channel ... huh ? So playing pirated games for content on YTube is fine right ? Oh damn the righteous white knight
In SG case all games and including the NEW GLASS had the real developers (tJAPAN) , it's not like they went ahead and said " i made dis" and i don't really care what a individual dev may claim without any solid proof (screens or smth to show the convo) but only his side of story (wall of text) he may not liked what he got himself into and decided to play a diversion , not like he/she/it would've been the frist developer to do so
I gave you a link and tbh i didn't knew about "new glass" as it was already taken down from steam and will be released on 06.12.2017 by maybe the developers acording to Upcoming Steam releases , enjoy playing that and posting on YT for content after getting it from here huehue
I am not a fangrill of sg but i saw you where just a hyprocrite
kindly refrain from personal attacks and take a chill pill kiddo
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Temmie Plays!
also also, new glass isnt the only title of theirs to be ripped of of steam bc they stole it, its just one of many.
not to mention the ones pulled off by Valve themselves bc they faked a rating for them , and most of which contained child pornography.
to date, they only " made" about 4 games on steam (a couple are mentioned in the video i posted recently here )
superstar alone has about 200 instances of flatout stolen artwork, or celebrity likenesses they absolutley didn't have permission to use.
not to mention the assets from OTHER GAMES they are selling on the steam page as backgrounds.
what alovely developer!
I will gladly pirate anything they make, bc i'l be damned if im going to pay him for stealing something , lmfao.
i do my research, i dont just blindly insult people. you on the otherhand, have absolutley no idea about that dev, and really shouldve just kept your mouth shut.
( also, i dont upload tiddy games, so you can honestly giveup in trying to insult me, or defame me bc i play pirated shit.)
have a good day.
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Kaney Madri
Here is your response on DualPaste since disqus is disqus
Just j/k this will be also flagged as spam by your almost 2k subs or other QQ haters
Have fun
Edit to fix link
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Temmie Plays!
i dont get the point of you pasting the comment that is right above this? you have quite alot of free time .
xplain the point of doing so?
and mark what as spam? my almost 2k subs are gonna what?
do you think im 10 years old or somthing?
seriously. get a life, or whatever you consider to be a life.
done with this thread, enjoy the shitty game, from the scam artist sakuragame.
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Kaney Madri
That comment was flagged as spam or downvoted repeatedly
thus was hidden from view , you may be able to view it then since it's a
reply to you , if so sorry for the inconvenience , not a big fan of
using disqus and sarcasm again .. the comment could also have been flaged as spam by disqus for linking that article "Detected as spam"
Not really this is actually the last comment for the day , also i will enjoy this like the awesome English from dragonia , haven't actually bought any title from them nor any weeby game so far on my steam , so i don't support them nor that i am fond of them ... if you have problems with SG , try to contact the devs , complain to valve w/e just as i said in that paste to have the games verified for publishing rights
Temmie Plays!
who gives a shit if i play pirated games? and upload em? same as using emualtors, same thing, i never hide it, why would i use my exact channel icon and name if i cared?
you are clearly a young kid, so it;s ok. i understand. you have little to no grasp on how things work in the real world.
if you wanna check out my steam profile, you'll see 99% of the games i pirated, i BOUGHT.
bc i make MONEY. of my OWn.
i dont have mom and dad to buy games for me.
please, stop making a fool of yourself
youre literally defending a developer that steals assets, fakes ratings, and steals entire games to sell for his own profit.
my god
Temmie Plays!
here, watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb_RH49P6LI
this explains more. and he;s done more vids on it.
sakuragame " dev" is a thief and a crook. believe what you want.
china is known for this kind of practice.
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Kaney Madri
1.-Video->Lmfao thanks for the video I got Jebaited , another youtuber that for about more than 12m he chased his own tail over and over ... lack of content i assume , just like the youtubers making videos of any internet scandal to get views , same as the pewdiepie case.
The video rises alot of questions and it's pretty shady on how hes showing and taking his time with the ratings showing the Japanese one frist when hes actually in Canada and shoul've seen the ESRB ... but hey 3m or so of free YT content , well at least the rating is accurate and not rated EC , sue them
The part with Louise from that anime ,wtf , really? I also don't see any credits to John Williams on the background music used by this guy in his content hungry video ... lmao hypocrites XD
2.-Jebaited 2nd Time- >Dude seriously i thought you were capable of a civil discussion (wihout free insults or heavy sarcasm and memes in my case) up untill you've hit me with 2 long posts after the video ... damn i've mistaken , you are really so invested in this matter is hilarious , you've even commented on this guy's video and by the fking way i am not defending shit just arguing with a little hypocrite on the net and once again you can only trow insults :) and for the games i buy i buy them with money earned from MY REAL JOB , since i see you like using all caps to make a point
3.-New Glass- >
No harm was done , the game actually got free advertising from it , nothing was stolen , nothing was sold or earned by SG, that page was simply a teaser meant to go well when closing a contract with a developer which when inquired he didn't straight out decline a posible contract with them and btw it was taken down by valve or SG , the dev , your idol by the looks of it claimed he is reluctant on filing a DMCA and probs didn't but hey since you're #1 fan you may know japanese and able to ask him directly
There was a korean MMORPG game meant to come to the west by some publisher that had the site prepared for it's arrival but the devs backened out and so the page was taken down.. blasphemy !
4.TL:DR >
Instead of crying and bitching like a little kid what about doing something about it and start contacting the developers and let them know that SG publishes their game on Steam and if they have permission to do so , you never know if you lose your time or not but that way if you are right you will do something at least and doing so valve will remove the games from steam easily and also block sg's accounts
But hey you just got jebaited this paragraph isn't that short as you think and if it was the case as with New Glass the games would've been taken down by now
PS: Sakura Dungeon is a WInged Cloud game not a SG one... @ the imgur with the rip off Demon Master Chris
Those QQ haters make my day
Temmie Plays!
3 hours ago
Wow, so people are defending this jerk on steam and on the pirate game site i frequent.
It's just hilarious the depths people go to."
So i guess the guy on the pirate site is me ,glad to make your acquaintance the feeling is mutual for now :D
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Im just here for uncensored version of this game and you are writing a book lol
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Kaney Madri
Do i have anything to do with you wanting uncensored tiddies ? NO .
Do i also have anything to do with your incapability to comprehend anything you are reading ? of course not
Have a nice day m8
Half-Dragon Shyv
XD ekolis pobieraj
falsa rizky
try it later B)
Oh it's just shitty het porn, disappointing
OK its time for RESEARCH !
What even.
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Lelouch |ZERO|
Its time for some research ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You can't unlock the fourth girl :/
No +18 patch for the moment
Thank you so much, I didn't expect you will upload it, because the game is early access, and have a lot of bugs
Temmie Plays!
The Google Drive link shows up as a error [403]
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its working for me you can try it now i think.
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Umm..... ok......
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Temmie Plays!
it's chinese hunie pop with terrible VN elements,
nothing shocking, nothing new.
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awww man was looking foward to this