Sega Lê
Ehm as a wise word , our professor igg said
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How to use that script?
Kyousuke Kirino
you're on stroke
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Sega Lê
Kyousuke Kirino
for anyone who don't know wtf you have to do at the start of the game
on top right of the screen it shows your money and something you're holding, to proceed the first stage you have to go fishing and sell it to the old man inside the house until you got 1000 of them and then go to the guy on the right to continue your journey

  • the fishing spot is on the left of the house, press enter on the bridge over the left for it, the fish are random and you can only hold 1 fish at the time
  • go sell the fish to the old man inside the house and repeat this until you got 1000
  • after you got 1000 go to the right and talk to the man and he will let you in
  • when you arrive you will see a man on the bottom right and a house on the top and bottom right
  • go talk to the guy if you want some good scene and if you enter the house on the top, they won't let you in because you didn't wear a swimsuit
  • there 3 option top, middle, bottom. choose the middle one for free swimsuit
  • after you got in talk to the 2 old man on the middle of it and you will play catch with them, don't get caught for 30 seconds and you will receive 1000, but if you get caught for 4 times you lose and got r*ped lmao
  • on the right you can also get some good scene but ofc you need the money, if you got over 2000 I think you can unlock the next stage on the left
    ight I'm lazy so figure out the rest out by yourself with this terrible explanation lmao
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Sega Lê
After you got 2000 , you go to the left stair and onto the next location behind the guy on top of the right stair
You found 3 house , the first and the third house are both useless because i don;t know japanese , the second house ( ice pole theme ) , you play a top-down shooter (top left room ) with a guy , win and get 1000 , lose and get fucked
Down the stair to the floor below the Mountain , you come accross 4 guy , an old man and three student ,get gangbang and earn 1000 , you find an old man next to the 4 guy which will pay you 500 if you survive for 30s but he run fast as fuck ( double the speed of the two old man) , next to it , you will find a pass way that will lead you to either a trial room or a cave which have some octopussies
- the trial room will face you with three challenge
+ The left (inferno theme):you have to run between line pattern of unknown guys and square pattern guy , if you got touch , you lose cloth until you are naked , then you got fucked , the fuck could be cancel and you can survive the trial without clothes
+ The middle (aqua theme) , you have to go through a maze created by man, while the man that you have passed will chased you , one wrong move and the whole room gangbang you (which is not recommended because the whole room is after you , my machine really begging me to end task it, but i forgot to save) , so save and whenever you fucked up ,end task and return to save
+ The right (dessert theme) , you have to dodge running man comming toward you , get touch result in you losing clothes like the left room
And at the right below the cave , you will find a bathroom which will charge you some yen to bath
The cave above is full of octopussies , but it will be only one if you haven't talk to the octopuss at the top right of the cave , talking him will have multiple octopussies being spawned and go around the cave , touch them and lose clothes until you got fucked
And i can't beat the fucking maze so good luck with the middle room
Also the top right room in the trial will lead you into getting gangbanged by multiple dude
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Kyousuke Kirino
lmao I completed the game months ago and the maze aren't that hard
also after you completed the game you will ended up in this one room with orange crystal, it'll give you money everytime you interact with it and there's like all type of person in there, basically all the h-scene, so if you missed some of them dw, once you completed the game you can choose any h-scene
Bob The Bone Boy
How do i change the language? Can't seem to do it.
Rachmad Pidie
How to play this game?
I just walking around and idk what supposed to do
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Victoria Smith
i think you broke the description there igg
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Mind your language please! Hahahaha. Some adventure, rpg, top down adult game. Game works fine.
hansen khornelius
how to change language