A nostalgic one, where spamming attack button is best strategy lol.
There is English support via the English interface and English subtitles.
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One more game that revives for other platforms 😁.
Gameplay --> https://youtu.be/uKWPn08Sj7Q
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SNK re-releasing a mobile port of MSA on steam when their style on microtransaction is already decent enough but ofc SNK doesn't know what scaling is so each time they release a new limited season unit, it'll get stuck as number 1 rank for weeks and i don't know where the p2w comments came from since pvp is just riddled with cheaters
Yeah the grind is immense, but that is like playing cod, and complaining that you have to press m1 to shoot somebody. The whole point is to grind. Just don't fucking play if you don't like it. It's not rocket science. And to be frank, the only grind is for equips. Medals and money aren't depleted fast enough to matter.

Can't shoot air units? Get your own air unit then. Some ground units can also shoot air but it's not made clear which ones can since some ranged guys don't target air for some dumbass reason. Some have jumping attacks, which can hit air (obviously).

The game is not hard. Some dumb fuck down there was saying "level 3 difficulty spike", which doesn't exist. All you do is get a melee with high health, and then spam backline high range units, preferably ones with splash damage. You can tell if a unit has splash just by looking at the sprite of the projectile.

The only real problem is the dogshit controls. To pause the game, you press tab for some fucking reason. I think you can rebind that, but the one thing you cannot rebind is backspace, which is bound to back button. Why the fuck is backspace the back button, and not escape? Who the fuck binds backspace to anything in video games?

There are also some things that slowdown the grind immensely, like having to watch "mission start" every fucking match until you press m1 to skip. Which would be okay if you could m1 to skip every flavor animation, but you can't, because only enter key works for some of them. Also if you have more than 5 units in a deck, instead of scaling down the unit summon UI, it's layered so you have to press an extra button to get to the back rank units. I don't think SNK understands that people play on computers with large enough screens to support 10 UI buttons in a row.

Oh also, online mode doesn't work because it's a crack. And online mode is completely necessary to gain medals. Go fucking figure.
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Missed the base upgrades so I removed my prior comment, thinking maybe I was too quick to judge...

No, the game is really just lots and lots of grinding for level cap/equipments/lottery points. There is really no balance whatsoever, everything is just bruteforce.

I even hit an obstacle with INF AP because the enemy side can spam units much quickly with almost no CD.
Can't even use level advantages since units cannot level past your own but the game gives so little EXP in each battle.

It looks like just a long-winded grinding hell. Aside from trainers I have no way to advance.

Unit has no upward firing animation (even for canon characters). If your unit attack air borne enemies, you see them shooting forward but the bullets strafes or even go 90 degrees up with no rotation.
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for mobile fits well as a time killer but for PC
theres better options
Mediocre Spec Gamer
Metal Slug Attack Reloaded
gameplay >> https://youtu.be/exbGtJINI3o?si=mlxmIJMQnOg_qnEH
Probably makes as much sense as that boring Street Fighter board game.
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whats the point of snk to bring this boring mobile garbage on PC
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Because SNK would never make a game like first 5-6 metal slug a games ever again. At best they would make one with attached gacha mechanics or at worst, this thing.
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fans do much better work than those idiots, just google "metal slug fan game" and you will see
Grim Turrican
this seems... weird. So it's tower defense instead of run n gun and as usual for the series it's recycling a lot of old assets?
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This used to be a F2P mobile game, that should make things quite obvious... Now that the original is dead they're releasing an offline version
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Thanks, wasn't aware of it. That explains the unit lottery (N,R,SR...) and the high difficulty spike just 3 stages in.

Being on PC is actually a good thing, because mem hacking is easier. AP hacking doesn't seem trivial though. It's possible to locate the 4 byte via "increased value" scans but the value is stored as a strange large number.
At least they get to release the offline version so we can see the degenerate stuff they added here like the female version of the enemy general.
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game lame and boring on mobile but well mobile games are kind of lame so as a time killer was ok
but on PC, pff really snk?