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Reached the end (with cheat engine).
Other than the animation, everything else is unpolished.

If the claim that developer's kickstarter funds was robbed because of geopoiltical drama with the banks, it's rather weird that they limit this info to backers and (according to steam) "deleted every single topic and comment asking about what really happened".

No weapon upgrades, just some better weapon adding at most 5 damage.
No stat upgrades.
Just try to stock consumerables (no you can't farm) and hope for the best you won't get killed when you try to recover (fight doesn't pause)

There's a boss fight that softlocks you after you beat her.
Only way forward is fight and pray the game doesn't softlock.

If the claim about the bank is true, perhaps it can make a second coming of No Man's Sky given enough time. (IF and PERHAPS)
But for now it is just an unfinished product.

Dialogue has black text on top of dark brown box. Very difficult to read.
Map screen has some rendering issues. (Dragging/glitchly display.)
Doesn't have music. Just deep ambient sounds.
Enemy's attack animation flip sides as soon as you dash past them.
If you have no power attack left, you pretty much can't kill a shielded swordman.
If you were staggered when doing a power attack you stlil consume power.
A little bit too many things to manage: Sword and bow (need to sheath/unsheath), power attack(very limited use)/special attack, throwing item (with aim variation), block, and dash forward/backward.
There is English support via the English interface and English subtitles.
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The last update was posted because the game is broken