For those of you who already got the game working and are playing with a controller, any way to get the on screen prompts to be controller prompts and not keyboard ones?
did you add to steam library and give that a go? this game is on consoles should have support. if your using steam, DS4W may help. swap between PS4 and xbox controller "inputs" in your profile... since the guy below mentioned it has xbox already, DS4W should solve your issue. just set it to "XBOX" controller even if your running a DS4/5 controller...
Yep that was the very first thing I tried. Already using DS4W, it's a requirement for the controller I'm using, seems fine on every other game I play, the Xbox prompts display normally. It's only on this specific game that it doesnt' happen
adding this game to steam "as non steam game" and allowing controller support (turning off) DS4W should 100% solve this issue. tested, working. my ds4 controller only showed using wired method tho and with DS4W running it wouldn show proper. so i had to stop it from running. but it does indeed work. the controller you have should be able to use steams API regardless of what controller it is as there are LOADS of configurations via steam to download and use for all kinds of controllers. rather flick sticks etc. or whatever.
Yes that was the first thing I tired since I had issues like this in other games and adding it to steam solved them. Not in this case but I'l try again later, maybe mess around with DS4W's settings see if they change anything
maybe there is a setting that controls which device is used to control and set it to controller so the game doesn't consider keyboard and mouse anymore?
Not that I can see, at least not in the in game menus. I've tried several different controllers and I even tried launching the game with steam and nothing.
is that so? for me it was the other way when playing fallout 4. I have to unplug my controller usb dongle or the game won't let me play with keyboard and mouse
Unfortunately no, I was able to play but what I did was to download it again with the megaup links and it didn't black screen. I got the black screen with the torrent link but it was a version without installation, maybe that's the problem
Gameplay -->
that a go?
this game is on consoles should
have support. if your using steam,
DS4W may help. swap between PS4
and xbox controller "inputs" in your profile...
since the guy below mentioned it has xbox already,
DS4W should solve your issue. just set it
to "XBOX" controller even if your running
a DS4/5 controller...
and allowing controller support (turning off)
DS4W should 100% solve this issue.
tested, working.
my ds4 controller only showed using wired method tho
and with DS4W running it wouldn
show proper. so i had to stop it from running.
but it does indeed work. the controller you have
should be able to use steams API regardless of what
controller it is as there are LOADS of configurations
via steam to download and use for all kinds of controllers.
rather flick sticks etc. or whatever.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry for the inconvenience.