Danilo Vukojević
Game crashes after i beat first nightmare like graphs prob so its forced to not continue like wtf i got all runtimes up and this game is smooth on my pc but idk whats the prob
Thái Quang Phước
No Mary Skelter 2?
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I don't know if you'll see this but it just came out
Zagarat Natnitz
can someone give me savefile after you meet red riding and alice at graveyard? im getting dxgi device removed error
Emanuel Tavares
when you regroup with red riding hood at graveyard my game crash on the cutscene , can someone send me a save file after this first cutscene?( i use intel hd and ghostlight does port with ass thats why i'm asking for a save file )
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Prinny Dood !
Whean i changed my job from fighter to blood lord i saved the game then enter again in the game to access that save file but now it sais "DLC not found so the save file cant be used" dood !!!! WTH 13 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY HAVE GONE TO WASTE DOOD ! I someone encounterd the same problem as mine then please i beg you to responde if you have a solution dood ! PLEASE PLEASE DOOD !
I have found a solution it doesnt matter anymore
Emanuel Tavares
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ghostlight for you,this happens when you regroup with red riding hood and alice at graveyard,why i'm putting all fault at ghostlight ? cuz ghostlight is the only one that this happen @_@ is like they think like this:" game start up? best port ever" cuz... why otimize ? mugen soul 1,record of agarest war 2,sorcery saga,omega quintet and now mary skelter......SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
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karasu GAMEPLEYA (K.N.G)
pudiste arreglarlo?
This is low tier dungeon design for dungeon crawler jRPG. There's nothing unique to each of the dungeons aside from being blocked off by a character specific ability. They all pretty much play the same, no gimmicks. So many empty dead ends. Lazy teleport shortcuts. Just not very interesting to me. I'm mostly staying in only because I like the battle/job system, art, and fairy tales.
Top: Etrian Odyssey, Persona Q, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Mid: Dungeon Travelers, Unchained Blades, Class of Heroes
Low: Mary Skelter, Moero Chronicle
Singgih Fakhri Azmi
great graphics for dungeon crawler game. decent game, would be better if this were eroge.
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need help bro...
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Can someone tell me how long this game is please? ^^
Dark Shado
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help? pretty pls? :v
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karasu GAMEPLEYA (K.N.G)
you can fix it?
Omar Alamodi
we need more NEP compile Heart
Hanif Raharjo
Nice game! Love it!
JamJam Sheriff
I always wanted to play this HELL YES!!
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I'm having a directxvalidate.h
Any work around?
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Update Your Direct X, Maybe...
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I actually made it work by updating everything.
For some reason the game was launching with the integrated graphics instead of the card so I forced it to do so.
lacqs arcuied
anyone having graphics.cpp DXfail error?
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Carlson Meyers
In all of my PCs (all of which run Windows 7 and it's new PC... in 2012)
it happens, and based on what i see (few people experience the problem and no complains on GOG forums) i think this game needs a new GPU despite the requirements didn't tell me to.
(the one i own has GT 630 the other one only has Intel HD 2000)
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You Need Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 & 2017 Also a SP3 Win 7.
I Fixed It Already.
Maximilianus Tjenderasa
Fire Emblem: Three Houses, release date is 2019.
Sorry but to say, Fire Emblem game is exclusive to Nintendo Console. (Except the mobile game)
janosch seig
some fire emblem,dont know which one
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Carlson Meyers
Eh Fire Emblem is a great game series for Turn based RPG and deep story lovers, and it has recently a mobile tie in game too.
Carlson Meyers
PSVita is unceremoniously killed by Sony and thus the PSVita games need to be ported elsewhere.
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Temmie Plays!
PsVita has been dead for few years, there is very very very little outside the realm of adult-focused content on the system for a very long time lol.
the system is so out of date, there's ppl that dont even know Sony has a handheld game console. bc Nintendo beat the piss outta them as usual in the handheld market- pretty sure Sony is done tryign to compete with the big N on that front.
Carlson Meyers
Step 3 should be "Don't Need Crack" this is GOG
Already Played on PSVita :3
Very nice character design! (3)
Too bad it is turn-based.
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Carlson Meyers
Not a fan of turn based game but i like Civ and XCOM.
Also this game is like Persona but i think it's lighter in story side.
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Gabriel Marques
dungeon-crawling rpg? sign me in
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Unknown User
if you like that type of game try vaporum and starcrawlers both two of the more recent highly underlooked and very well made and positively reviewed dungeon crawling RPGs.
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Gabriel Marques
Thank you :D I will check it out