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Choose Fire as main (DPS) until 1st elem (spoiler) fully unlocked (by defeating 7th boss), then retire, choose Earth as main to understand new mechanics, keep going until 2nd elem unlocked (10th boss defeated). Then pick Water as main until 3rd (14th boss). In the 4th reset try to unlock the 4th element then push the 3rd to lvl 40 to be able to main 2 elements at once.

  • Remember to max your researchers in main element(s) in Study before retiring.
  • If you want some events to trigger, retire and retry may be the best bet, because the longer the run goes the rarer events are.
  • Poison doesn't stack, so run 1 Poison spell only
man I love playing the first one. I recommend this for those who love Number-Go-Big games and a little bit of production grinding.