First time seeing people with name Corona?
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Neko2 Channel
magic shooter game, shoot reaload, good game i like it 8/10 https://youtu.be/qOh1ivfHznQ
Can somebody motivate me to play this game?
Stop reading the comments to see if it's good or not.
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jack hyde
why the heck her name is Corona? XD I mean...
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Even Yusuke it's surprised. Wow...
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coronaslayer where are you?
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coronaslayer exist

  • someone coughs *
    coronaslayer & company:
Gamer Lady
Tnx for the game. I love it :***
Blue Bomber
Corona is kawaii...
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thats what she said
Hire is a review about the game.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Enough of cute little girls with annoying high-pitched voices in Japanese RPGs! Enough!!!
OMG sometimes I miss so much the 90s, when strong male characters still existed...
Aaaaah give me back 90s Japanese RPGs!!!!
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khael asgard
if you are looking for a more recent rpg with a cool male mc then i have some recommendation: FF7 remake - I mean Cloud Strife, look a those guns. FF15 - Gladiolus, should i say more? well he's not really the main character but those musclymuscle. Not so recent, but The last Story - The characters are adults, and also a hunk, well it's more like action rpg but still an rpg. FF12 remake - It has diverse character, and while vaan is still young, at least he's older than 16, also there's balthier. Persona 5 - The dating sim element are a turn off for the classic smt fan, but the mc is a cool dude. Not a recent entry, Xenoblade - While Shulk is not a musclymuscle dude, his friend is. I wanna say dragon quest 11 but i just remembered that he's 16, i mean if that's okay with you he's still a cool male character, and this game have a quite diverse cast. That's it, i can't think of any more jrpg where the character are not "cutesy girl kyaa kyaa jailbait" or a litteral smol boi.
Alan da Cruz
Hurry up, devs! Bring some nude barbarians to the boys here.
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jack hyde
I feel you the part of male characters, specially if they're hot, still since I love both things and I'm a gamer, any game looks good if it's good (?)
btw have you ever played rpg trinity souls of zill o'll? I mean if you're looking for a hot mc that is
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Unfortunately, I never had a PS3, but thanks for the recommendation.
I'll watch some longplay videos of this game, because it does seem very nice.
This is count as an Irony isn't it?
Sorry if I made a mistake but you are basically asking for the same thing like us men who've liked cute girls isn't it?
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Problem is, I feel like most Japanese RPGs are like this, nowadays.
I even completely skipped some recent games like Tales of Zestiria, and I'm not too interested in trying the latest Atelier Ryza game either...
I just wish there would be a RPG with a good old-fashioned balanced team like in the 90s, where there were grown-up men, monsters, even wolves(Shining Force), etc. But since more than a decade now, I feel like every Japanese RPG has ONLY characters who are less than 12 years old, mostly girls who act "kawaii" with high-pitched voices.
I just don't get it.
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Yeah, Shining Force had a really cool cast of very varied characters.
Too bad japan decided that their protagonists can't be older than 16.
Nhan Như Ngọc
lady, you're a little old you forget how younglings feel. The Rock had no friends in school and the teachers were scared of him too because he was big from way back then. Young people don't like muscular men very much, especially Asians, 9 out of 10 people I asked said they wouldn't like muscular men
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If they think "adult" and "serious character" means burly men, they really have some issues. But it's know that in Japan games are seen mostly as something for kids, while in the west it's different and western developers embrace adult audiences.
My wife actually asked me the other day, if they made Shulk look younger in the Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition. Also it's very obvious how the average Anime casts got younger. How many modern Anime do you have with more mature characters like Guts, Lupin, Cowboy Bebop, Van and so on? (silly acting doesn't mean child)
cough 16 year old swordmaster cough
Well, I skip shitty games like this and rather play my large collection of old C and JRPGs again when there is nothing new of interest. The Ultimas, the Wizardrys (mainly 7), the Might & Magics, the countless Dungeons & Dragons games, the Phantasy Stars, the Shining Force games, Rings of Power and countless others...
Luis David Palacios
I feel you man
Sadly, you can see why we dont get those anymore, just look at all the replies you got
Fanservice sells and as long as these gutter trash excuses of men with no dignity exist, we're doomed
Everything, not just games, have become womanized and male characters get less masculine by the day, back then they were confident, cocky, and adult grown muscular macho men to look up to as aspiration, but now? Flood of Male MC who let themselves get piss and slap'd by every woman they meet
Hell, even the few GIRLY titles of old were better, for example Fortune Summoners, a very hard but fair and exciting combat focused 2d ARPG (that gameplay wise, but even looking at char design we got gurlz like valis young attractive women and not the todays fucking 99% of tsundere lolitas or whatever they called)
And the men? Dont even get me started on kenshiro or, from the same shining series spinoff of your pic Brian Stelbart from the emblem of justice (both very stallone/rambo like)
Contrast them with today's standards? The typical spineless guy like Phantom World's MC with no backbone
One could think we are wearing our nostalgia glasses too tight, but just one look at shit and the comparisons are evident
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I agree with everything you say.
By the way, I'm a real girl (well, you can call me "man", it's okay ha ha), but I actually feel way closer to a strong male character than to a 10 year old girl showing her panties every 5 seconds while making high-pitched noises.
And I'm usually okay with sexy stuff, but not ALL the time, and sometimes, I just with I would play a more "serious" RPG. (well, of course, there are still many good choices among western RPGs)
I just don't feel that Japanese RPGs "get it" anymore, when you compare to the glorious 90s.(just mentioning it, I want to start some old PS1 rpg like Suikoden)
I'm not even sure I understand the mindset of people who play these games.
Oh yeah I remember Fortune Summoners. That's actually a good example of a game featuring cute girls and with good gameplay. I'm totally fine with this kind of game.
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Luis David Palacios
Oops my bad, i didn't mean that, i just misread your name, i'm sorry lol.
Ooh suikoden, indeed, a cult classic...played the first 2 on the PSX. Glorious era indeed.
And definitely, japanese had it going hard back then. On the one hand it's kind of a plus since it's easy accessible content, on the other, when you finish most, you get sad because there isn't coming anything new with such substance....
Now that you mention the PSX, some time ago a remake of an old game was released, Langrisser ( the one on PSX, 4, is a favourite of mine). Even that one got that butchering treatment... just looking at the new art. Thankfully there was an option for switching to the original artstyle.
Back then men were portrayed manly and looked like damn quarterbacks or something while also maintaining that fantasy japanese aesthetic. Now we get only a select few amongst these mass releases.
I see this in movies, series, tv, comics, almost everywhere too, i sometimes wonder if it's me, or if it has a relation to all this new feminist movement.
Anyways, glad to see a girl recognize true manly characteristics! (that's another reason besides misreading your name i just assumed you were a guy, you were so spot on!)
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
He he actually, think about it, it makes sense that a - heterosexual - woman wants to see manly men in games. 😄
But unfortunately, you're so used to see feminists who complain about men that it might surprise you to read my thoughts about this. he he
Yeah, I definitely don't follow the feminist trend...
It's just that unfortunately, women too are afraid to say what they really think, nowadays! But believe me, I know many who think like me, but they just don't say it openly.
Oh, actually, I downloaded the new Langrisser, but haven't had time to play yet. I'm just curious to try and see if the improved UI makes it overall more enjoyable to play, and yeah if we can switch back to the original art, then it's all good! 😊
By the way, when you say that men used to look like quarterbacks, it makes me think of the evolution of fighting games... Although, things got a bit better recently.
But I remember in the 90s, I loved how strong men looked in many NeoGeo games like Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (my favorite of all! he he).
But then, when you look at the last games of the Neo-Geo, like KOF 2003, everybody looked skinny. Well, maybe it's a bad comparison, since KOF never had very thick fighters.
But in the latest Street Fighter, most fighters are very thick, though.
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Luis David Palacios
Haha... yeah, good point good point!
Indeed, as a fellow man i can only speak in admiration but you as a girl have word of god in these matters!
Well, talking about women's likes is really something i cannot do but, at the very least i can surely say that i feel relieved to hear you appreciate those qualities i admire in a man!
Oh and yeah that Langrisser game i havent got time to try it too myself, but gonna do soon. Really bright example of the contrast though, straight out a classic game gets remaked and the new art takes a turn for the worse. You know, i think that is also the case with KOF you mention.
Character design and art gets more bland by the time.
2003 is a good example, i too dont like it. I loved the art back then. Adult appearance. Wide shoulders. Rugged...hmmm i really dont know how to explain it....i just get that kind of feeling....
Kyo looks like justin bieber in the last entry... well maybe now i am getting into personal opinions...but..i just cant shake off that feeling i cant really put words into...
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Buzz Killington
Spineless guys leave more room for character development ^_^
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Luis David Palacios
When that happens it's DAMN AWESOME! you're definitely right
Sadly, it isn't THAT often
I rememember one gold example, Simon from Gurren Lagann. But that's it... :(
Not really, A cocky, burly manly man could still have many rooms at character development too.
The important thing is just to show constrasting good/bad points just like how a Spineless guys looks like could never do something.
Spineless guys are just more relatable to the market right now since there are less and less cocky males when the gender equality hits the modern civilization.
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Chandra Purnama
Hmmm...I don't mind though. Also, maybe because I'm an Asian, I don't have any problem with cute girls high-pitched voice. Well, everyone have their own taste I guess
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Well, actually, it's perfectly fine.
My problem is only when it's becoming too frequent.
I feel like I haven't played a JRPG with strong lead male character since the 90s. And it's not just this, of course...
Every time I see a new JRPG on Steam, most characters are 10-15 years old, and in some cases, they're 100% female, and acting very cute with high-pitched voices.
I just feel that in this situation, it just doesn't feel serious and immersive. But maybe I lack imagination and I should try to remember how I felt when I was 13... Also, it's only my personal taste, and of course, as I was saying in another comment, I have the choice of playing western RPGs, which are usually much more serious and target a more mature crowd. (usually lol)
But the fact is, when I was 13, I was actually already playing games in which many characters were adults... ha ha
So, I don't agree with developers (and producers) who want absolutely to appeal to very young gamers by creating only very young characters.
I think it's fine to dream about being an adult hero while being a child.
My heroes (women or men) were all adults, when I was a kid.
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Hum sorry but games like Death End:Re Quest and DRagon Star Varnir are awsome, I really like girl character as long as it's not over the top stupidity and high pitched voice.
Disagree, I like the cute little girls and I think they're better that way. Yes, give me those dislikes because I like cute little girls (not in real life btw, only anime, manga, hentai) be depicted in sexual acts. (Again, NOT IRL.) Lolis are life.
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George Glass
Ew. You know it's wrong since you're so overly defensive. just ew
Rin Franz
Corona..CORONA??? Eyes shining red
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Only 600 mb? That's 1h game.
Karen Angelia
Corona Megistos
yeah, keep more coming
Roger™ ☬
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Roger™ ☬
lol, i watched that show for some time but this was eeeww
u do have weird and fuck up taste XD
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Iale Idioma
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lol wtf she cooked
even the predator looks better than her
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Iale Idioma
Cyber Nukem 3D
Oh yeah that ended up being "polemic" Lol
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
What the hell? 😂
Also, her voice sounds quite masculine... 🤔
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Iale Idioma
true XD idk disqus hasn't shown me the last 2/3 days notifications so sorry for the late reply
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The most confusingly idiotic title you could possibly come up with for a game. Also game looks like trash, but I haven't played it so I don't know. It just looks it.
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Aqua Tech
As a Japanese title, I've seen worse
Nabiel Faiz
Unity engine maybe