This one is Far, Far worse. Loading screens that last for 20 minutes, the way the game is put together, cutscene bugs... you name it. I streamed it on twitch and Eugh...
So they got progressively worse after the firs one, got it. Funny, cause the first game was rather enjoyable and definitely had potential. For me at leaest
Fun fact: The Nation of Islam -- the Afro-American branch of Islamic evangelism -- certainly did not seem to know that some 140,000,000 African slaves were traded in the Trans-Saharan and Trans-Asian slave routes; including of the castration of all male slaves.
◎3◎ oh shit
its very amusing ¬‿¬
The Nation of Islam -- the Afro-American branch of Islamic evangelism -- certainly did not seem to know that some 140,000,000 African slaves were traded in the Trans-Saharan and Trans-Asian slave routes; including of the castration of all male slaves.
Dam this satan.
sorry, this is lucius III