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Gobi da Silva
Oyun bağımlılık yaptı ya çok beğendim. Başlangıç Rehberi için buyrun dostlar :) :)
Clicho O Exterminador de lolis
Update please!!!
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Google Drive link is locked? MegaUp link is a scam, it just downloads an .exe that tries to install a media player called Nulloy.
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why do you keep putting password on your files? wtf
mattis chastan
I got a but with my saves, but found a fix, so here I share the process :
(because other posts about it are nice but didn't worked for me)
1 - Go to Users[my name]\AppData\Loop_Hero directory
2 - I had several directories with number names ("765765746654" etc...), but I copy the one name which had the most files in it (meaning it contained my original saves)
3 - In root game folder, edit username.txt, and paste the directory "number name" in it.
4 - In root game folder, I checked local_saves.txt too, which contained "steam_settings" (maybe yours point to something else, I don't know)
5 - From root game folder, go in "steam_settings" directory, then "settings", then edit "user_steam_id.txt" file in it, and paste the directory "number name" once again.
6 - Finally works, lol.
(I tried a huge amount of tweaks before finding that, copy/pasting both directory name, directory itself, or username.txt everywhere, without any luck.
So maybe some steps aren't necessary in my fix, but I prefer sharing what is currently working fine with my game, lol)
Thanks for the upload, igg, by the way!
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thanks, I was affraid that I had lost all my progress, this worked like a charm
every link is httpundefined.
Reinhart Sijabat
Good game, but they might as well change the title from loop hero to loop necromancer because of how overpowered that class is.
Great game. Some resources are tricky to get / you have to grind for them for some time, but this isn't so frustrating. Overall the game is nice and has high replayability.
how to transfer save files?
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  1. Launch the new version of the game
  2. Go to \AppData\Local\Loop_Hero and copy the text inside the "username.txt" file
  3. Rename your save folder which is the one with only numbers for names to the one you copied off of the text file
  4. Play the game
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send $ to this site :p
Ayyar Saad
Man, I messed up and overwrote my 90% save file from 1.009 to 1.011.... people should be careful of that so that they won't share my fate.
Anybody know if I can somehow fix things? or is the save lost forever?
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check your local appdata folder you will find your save there
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this shit is ridiculously RNG grindy as fuck that i ended using cheat engine instead
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Beto Gauer
yeah you gotta be retarded to waste several days farming items, talk about wasting precious time of your life to put together a couple of orbs lol... And the building and upgrades require a lot of materials. You can tweak the variables.ini file and make it very easy to farm the items you need very fast.
Frederick Sturgeon
FYI at time of writing this, version on title says "v10.03.2021" (March 10)
but it's really version v1.009 (March 7)
patch notes https://steamcommunity.com/app/1282730/discussions/0/3112522283873061577/
(at time of writing, v1.011 is the real latest, and was released March 9... there's several known issues that are present in v1.009, but its still better than v1.000 launch version we had before so ill take it, thanks IGG)
EDIT: IF YOU'RE UPDATING FROM THE ORIGINAL VERSION, the "steam_settings" folder controls what fake steam ID your save data is stored under, and this new version has a different steam ID in there.
IF YOU HAVEN'T UPDATED YET: unzip and replace all contents EXCEPT the steam_settings folder
IF YOU ALREADY UPDATED AND THINK YOU LOST YOUR SAVE: go to appdata/local/loop hero and copy your old save data to the new steam id folder that shows up there (check last modified dates)
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Honorable General Enri
the game dosent launch that way tough...
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Frederick Sturgeon
i dont what you mean, I just launch the loop hero.exe
unless youre talking about how I said "update"? by update I meant unzipping the new version into old version directory to "update it", the problem i had i was explaining to help is that unzipping like that also changed save folder info and it makes it look like your save disappeared
hope that makes sense
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Kitame Sume
you guys dont have to use speedhacks, you can just edit the variables.ini and change game_speed=60 to 120 or 180, higher is faster.
you can also make use of the ingame x1 and x2 to toggle between ultra-fast mode and decently-fast mode.
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Changing any value in variables.ini is recognised by the game and breaks some stuff. For ex. you get way less rewards from Treasury and you dont benefit fully from regen.
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Alright so, this one's a weird one.
I don't think this game is bad, but I don't think I can recommend this to non-casual roguelike (and maybe even roguelite) players. It's too damned slow and arguably "grindy", and the 'difficulty' element of it often comes down to item RNG once you understand the mechanics and synergies and such. In other words, the basebuilding, deckbuilding and tile-placement elements aren't really challenging at all, the combat is entirely automated, and besides some minor passive enhancements, traits and such, your character is entirely based off of the items you get, so it feels like the only reason you lose (that's if you even lose more than once or twice at the beginning!) is because you got bad drops and couldn't gear up for the boss. Or because you try to tackle an act or use a class far before you've grinded your way through the metagame enough to unlock some super necessary shit to progress (I'm looking at you, forests!).
The presentation for the game is fantastic, the graphics, audio, and general atmosphere are all on point, the world & character design is interesting, and the writing's just decent enough to keep you going through the acts. But the game itself just seems a bit shallow, with not much of a skill curve, largely artificial difficulty (it's not a hard game, so that's not a huge issue, but one still wishes it was more of an actual challenge to you as a player and less a numbers vs numbers thing), and the content is painfully doled out in tiny crumbs instead of giving you the full thing from the start or opening up large chunks of it faster. I guess they've gotta try their hardest to make the game last longer, otherwise people would easily finish it in 8-12 hours tops.
To top it off, there's a critical lack of basic information present in the game; nowhere will you find an explanation to certain systems like counterattacks and evasion, which may sound obvious but who knows how exactly they work under the hood. No info on "Magic Damage" either, on how exactly Skeleton Level affects your summons, and I only know how Summon Quality works thanks to the Wiki (which is also pretty barebones right now, but that's understandable). At least there's good info on resources and where to acquire them, tiles and terrain, and enemy stats & traits, but you have to unlock every piece of info by first acquiring/using/defeating the thing in question, which is fair enough.
All in all, this feels like it's stuck between a casual or idle game, and an attempt at a proper roguelite. The meta-progression is too slow (feel free to 'speed it up' if you find yourself having to grind for basic mats), the gameplay loop ends up feeling a bit repetitive and shallow, and it's more challenging by accident than it is by design. Nonetheless, it's still an enjoyable game, and it's probably best suited for doing something else while you play, which is probably why it's been such a hit with streamers and has had such a booming launch.
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just by saying its very grindy and rng reliable was more than enough, it wasnt neccesary this huge sermon ¬ .¬
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I thought computers were supposed to be good at reading mildly long amounts of text! Hahahaha ;p
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true. it has all the problems that darkest dungeon had. but its presentation is better than darkest dungeon.
and darkest dungeon will make you lose your whole run, this game make you lose 70% of your reward only at worst case.
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by whole run i meant everything in a save slot.
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Darkest dungeon is nowhere near as grindy as this game is. The only time Darkest dungeon wipes your progress is when you play on Bloodmoon/Stygian mode, and that mode is designed exclusively for the diehard players and streamers that want to torture themselves for entertainment. The standard difficulties will only fuck you over by killing several vital teammates occasionally, but it's still salvageable long term as you upgrade your hamlet. And comparing Darkest Dungeon's gameplay to this game's is laughably unfair. Darkest Dungeon has a great ratio of strategy, character min-maxing, RNG, and progression. This game gets uncomfortably close to the "idle" game territory for me due to how little input it gives you outside base upgrades and tile placements. Your equipment is decided by the RNG gods and your character plays themselves with the exception of RNG selected Passives. Once you learn the ideal map strategies and get a good portion of upgrades, the biggest factor at play becomes RNG equip drops and that just isn't fun nor engaging. And all of that would be forgiven if it wasn't so slow of a grind. If Darkest Dungeon wastes my time it's because I didn't enter a dungeon prepared. If this game wastes my time, it's because I didn't roll the right numbers and then spend hours grinding for upgrades.
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prepare 4 teams for last dungeon is grindy for me without any doubt. this game progression is better than Darkest Dungeon if you try all cards and jobs. great ratio of strategy do not rly make it better in fact, just more trial and error, or make you read more stuffs in wiki/ raw documents, thats what determine if you "enter a dungeon prepared". this game share the traits/ problems, with the deck building, tile plan, card placement, equip usage. I dun think make Darkest Dungeon more "idle-ish" will make Darkest Dungeon become worse either, most of time you just repeat one or sum old strategies , the only problem is its hard to make those things automatics in a good way, you click it or the game click it for you doesnt rly matter for games like these 2.
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I haven't played Darkest Dungeon in ages, but I don't remember there being something so catastrophic that it could completely wipe your progress on a save slot (unless you're just starting out and your first party gets nuked). All I remember is that failure in that game just meant wasting your time grinding back to where you used to be...
Bill Goats
I used cheat engine to speed up the game. It makes it so much better. Usually sit on 4x or 6x speed. Early game is super grindy for this game tho, wish they made it better.
You seem knowledgeable as hell when it comes down to this type of game and I found your review descriptive and fitting for the game's mechanics, would you mind recommending me some roguelites / roguelikes? any would be great, thanks
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There's a lot to pick from, it all depends on what you fancy in terms of pace, complexity, yes/no meta-progression, gameplay style... So I'll name you a good few that are really worth playing.
Classic turn-based rogueLIKEs: Dungeon Crawl/Stone Soup (my personal favorite), TOME, Dead Hand (tank-based, very cool, super unknown), Slay the Spire (card-based, some meta-progression and unlocks but not too much), Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead (very complex), ADOM (kinda complex), FTL (RNG heavy, has some good community mods), Dicey Dungeons (easy at first, but there's some tough challenges later on; the mechanics are super neat and it's very cutesy so you can show it to your friends/family/SO hahaha), MidBoss (cool enemy possession/transformation mechanics).
Into The Breach is by the FTL guys, but it's a bit more of a chess/puzzle game than a proper RL. Overdungeon is a card-based game that's essentially a roguelike, but I wouldn't list it with the rest of them as it has a lot of differences that kinda set it apart.
Action rogueLIKE/LITEs: Nuclear Throne (the undisputed King of top-down roguelikes), SYNTHETIK (the heir to the Throne), Dead Cells, RoboQuest (FPS, early access but VERY good), Risk of Rain 2 (highly recommend it, don't touch the first game though), Hyperspace Dogfights (spaceship-based, a bit bullet-hell-ish, very fun but the RNG is not great), Monolith, Binding of Isaac (very RNG heavy, expect many trash/boring runs, it's got insane amounts of content though), Sublevel Zero Redux (6DOF shooter), Null Vector (F2P on Steam, arcadey look and feel), NeuroVoider, Bullets Per Minute (awful balance, but the rhythm-based gameplay is worth trying), 1001st Hyper Tower (cool arabian aesthetic, a bit wacky and undercooked but worth a try).
I've probably missed a few good ones, and I've intentionally left out some like Everspace which are too lacking or flawed to make it into the list (but hey, if you want a grindy 3D space-shooter, give it a whirl). Either way, you have enough here to be busy for the next 2 or 3 years hahahaha
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Nikolai Tesla
If you would thus pardon the intrusion sire, I may speak of these digital machinations that highly please me.

  1. Hades
  2. Skul: The Hero slayer
  3. Curse of the dead gods
  4. The blinding of Issac
    That's all I can name at the top of my head though there's tons more than these sir!
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Ah shit, Hades! I knew I was forgetting a big one!
And I think what Yyy means with 'act games' is that they unfold into several soft 'acts' determined by progression, instead of offering you the whole game up front like classic roguelikes.
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Nikolai Tesla
Ah, I see...
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but all of em are act games lol.
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Nikolai Tesla
act games? what do you mean?
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That game has good ideas when it comes to mechanics but it's heavily flawed, with luck it will become a new genre and someone will release something similar with a better design.
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what version is this?
Sir Ghost1204
can anyone updated this Diamond leveled game please ^_^
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Master Bruce
I honestly hope they format this to Android
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where is game save folder? I cannot find it in locallow.
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Just double click SAVE_folder.bat, in game folder
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found it, thanks.
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its in local not locallow
jew media
Thats cute.
That actually genuinely captures the feel its going for.
Tarion Tarion
looks like the game was updated to an older version. it says it was updated today but all the downloads are 1.000 when the latest release is 1.008
Great game. Definitely purchasing this one
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Josh Snell
http://MegaUp.net has been completely fucked by ads, literally unusable now
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ctrl + w its your best friend for the ads
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Why do you not have an adblock installed?
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MegaUp has an anti-adblock screen now; some adblockers trigger it, some don't, so that may be why he's complaining about it.
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Master Bruce
MegaUp gets triggered even if I don't have adblocker on
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it seems to want you to use a plugin to download from them now
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its a nice little game that plays rly well as it suppose to be.
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Looks like a good game from the preview. Gonna try it.
Sape Saponarola
Boquita el mas grande papa
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The game is interesting.
tip: use a speedhack.
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i never use cheats but for this game i am having second thoughts :/
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Be careful with speed hacks though. Had a really good run and was doing a few victory laps after the boss when it crashed and lost my progress.
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My run crashed at loop 16 with basically all the map filled xD
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Happens without speedups in a legit copy too. I was testing ways to break mechanics and I was consistently crashing between loops 30-35... with different error messages each time.
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I was testing ways to break mechanics and I was consistently crashing
between loops 30-35... with different error messages each time.

???? Are you being serious? I think I can tell you why...
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arjun Singh
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You can find many speedhack softwares online. I use the one built in cheat engine. Haven't had a single problem.
The game still drags on... I think there's a balance issue here. After many runs i'm still short of particular resources to build stuff. And the card deployment gets old fast. Still i think this game is a good experiment.
Change variables.ini > variables.txt open change game speed save and change txt back to ini .
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Gianfranco Bruno
Contigo pipo
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for a card game that looks very meh its getting a ridiculous hype on steam
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
LOL We're both going to get lots of downvotes, but frankly, I just tried it for a few hours and I'm actually wondering now if people are not trolling it by saying it's great...
This overrated "RPG"(false advertisement) is in fact an incredibly shallow repetitive idle game with extremely limited choices.
I see people call this a "roguelike", although it's not in the slightest. But if that's what they want, there are countless great roguelike games out there with much deeper and satisfying gameplay. (Adom, Ultimate Adom(still too early though), Curious Expedition, Dredgers, Dungeonmans, Rogue's Tale, Sword of the stars - the pit, Tangledeep, The Enchanted Cave 2...)
Most of these games don't have the "building" elements, but I couldn't care less.
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this game is very grind rng dependable, you do certain loops then retire and repeat the same thing until you get resources to build upgrades
but you pretty much do this a lot of times and gets boring
for a mobile it would be nice when you take a break at work and chill out
but for pc theres other options like some of those you mentioned
and about the votes pff like i care for them, you should do the same blondie
if i could i would give the shit out all of them, i honestly dont give a fuck
elwood nope
It's not a card game. It's a tile placement rogue-like with city building elements... among other things. The trailer does very little to show the gameplay if that's what you're basing the "meh" look off of. If you've seen more gameplay elsewhere on the other hand, then perhaps it's just not a game for you. From a designer's standpoint, it's got the trappings of good game design but after a bit of play I think it suffers in a few areas, but probably not enough to keep it from succeeding. I think what it does best is atmosphere. The bit graphics, sound, and story telling mingle in a way that feels very coherent and that sort of consistency sells well in this day and age of unpredictability.
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its quite grindy too :/
been playing a few hours to get materials, i did like 5-6 loops for the next building
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elwood nope
Yeah, it does a few things to help with this, namely getting the fuck out before you die. Also beating the lich helps, which lets you expand your max take home materials or just speed up the game by 15%. The latter of those seems much better. But I've been enjoying it more or less. I mean it's a game based on loops, I knew more or less what I was getting myself into. My big gripe is that the other classes SUCK until you've unlocked enough buildings to make them viable, which means you're left playing the fucking knight for like the whole game which at that point, why go back and use the other classes.
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i just did few loops today and didnt long last much like i did before
they need to add a even more faster timelapse speed tbh :/
Alan da Cruz
It's because you are lame. lol
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says the weirdo with gay thoughts (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
just remove your profile privacy if you really have balls and you are not afraid for the people to see your shit if i am wrong
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You have issues.
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tell me something pussycat
why you put your profile private
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That's all you could come up with? AI still has a long way to go.
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another fake ass johndoe
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wow, calm down sir...
you don't need to murder him like that
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Saw smeagol in this music video ôô
edit: seems he's gotten even uglier than b4 xD
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can you add the latest hotfixes pls?
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Roger™ ☬
@ialeidioma:disqus i guess is time for u to start doing reviews again XD
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Iale Idioma
XD i was busy trying it out! lol it's not too bad but it gets repetitive af and the resources you need are a lot lol
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quite grindy too
already did 2 hours doing loops and barely get resources to build things
Waer Kuola
thanks for uploading x)
ho... looks legit, might try
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waiting for that terminator guy to comment
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Are you waiting for him?

He's busy now, repairing SKYNET.
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skynet no longer exists
life have been a real bitch with them
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His comments are the best😁🤘
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thanks for fast upload