finally a non-woke game, been waiting for this classic to come back
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You talk as if every single game released in the last few months has been woke
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Political correctness has infected games for decades. It's always a battle with the puritans who want to censor and/or change it. Just probably elated this one didn't cave.
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Again, you talk as if every game in the last few months has been woke when the woke games are in the vast minority
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I never said anything about recent games being woke or not just political correctness in games in general.
you talk like a text-book woke, and i bet whatever, that you're indeed one, all the signs are there
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The signs being...me claiming that woke games are in the minority? I bet you're one of those people who think that a black female protagonist means woke right? Yeah you're definitely one of those people who don't even know what woke means and uses it as code for "Anything I don't personally like". Heck you don't even know how a woke person would talk seeing as you say I talk like one. You're like a Karen injecting herself into a conversation she knows nothing about just so she can feel special and main character like. Just so you know, people hate Karens.
For the record I'm not woke and I absolutely detest woke products. But I'm not so brain rotted to claim that there haven't been non woke games recently nor that woke games haven't been the minority. I still have my sanity after all.Oh and just to be safe, cause you're definitely one of THOSE people, enjoy the block
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kind of sucks the rePOOP tho, original mode ftw
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu Fanboy
Now thank me later! This game is just like it was back in the day! 0% woke!

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no woke but game is short (3-4 hours), almost no content, terrible new features, lazy port,
game is meh, just finish playing original mode, uninstall and move on
fuck the "hurr durr nude mods hurr durr" just go watch a pornsite ¬_¬
"woke" was never the worry,censorship was
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To be fair, judging from the rainbow-coloured "LOLLIPOP" banner, at first I thought of woke also.
I can imagine, developers (forced by the publisher...) are designing this on purpose, just to impress a new audience and go with the trend.
Again, I only assume.
All rights to all people, but the woke trend is nothing but a money-generating machine of capitalism and does not help people being excluded from society because of their s. orientation and identity and all that.
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This guy lives to attack and defend such things even on this site he a really really sad person, that feels for nothing else.

He does this on everything here. I would suggest stop trying to debate him you have as much of a chance as you do the most extreme on X(twitter) maybe less given how sad it is for him to be constantly living for and doing it on this site of all sites (granted they likely also do it on x/reddit/the big k/and whatever else).
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It's ok. I can see both viewpoints make sense in a way.
Who really knows, what the intentions behind this game are, but as this "woke trend" is clearly a possibilty to earn big €$£ for some who have the word, criticism is legitimate and being triggered by 🌈 does happen quickly.

Our world is a wild and untamed place...
Look at the original cover of the ps3 game, particularly the Japanese version, it also had the title in a rainbow font. It's not something added for this version
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Oh, I didn't know.
Well, I don't want to fuel discussion wars any further for once and leave it as that.

Let's all just play the game. Or not.

P.S.: Blue haired girls were mentioned. I like a certain one, which goes by the name "honey_pinkgreen", but I digress... 😊🤭🫣
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No idea who that is but a quick google search sends me to chaturbate so I'm going to assume porn star?
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Cam girl. A cute one.
Censorship is always pushed by wokies, so yes, it's legitimate to wonder if the game or the devs behind it went woke.
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No it's not? Censorship has nothing to do with going woke, it's the furthest thing from it in fact
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Lmao, go easy on the copium my dude, you might overdose. Every times i see comments from you on this site, it's almost always to defend poorly made games and when the woke question is asked, you always blame something else.

Censorship in gaming for at least the last decade is always more or less linked to the sensibility of some blue haired girl, either whinning as a game """journalist""" or in the dev team talking about why this and that was deleted from the game to appeal to "modern audiences" and to not trigger anyone.

And also, putting woke in quote in your previous comment and saying that it's the farthest thing from censorship. Please explain me why ? I don't 'member seeing anti woke advocating for censorship, i do however, see rainbow haired peoples messing with localization and remake every times they get theirs hands on a game...
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It's not my fault that
A)People cant give me clear answers as to what is woke about particular games
B)People don't know what woke is or means
Censorship in gaming for the last decade, as you put it, can't be attributed to single individuals but instead to corporations who care more about pleasing their shareholders than the people they sell products too. They want to avoid people complaining and who complains the most? It's not "blue haired girls", it's Karens, it's boomers who can't stand to see anything even remotely raunchy in a product and it's Catholic religious groups who, believe it nor not, control credit card companies and payment processors such as Paypal for example, and use them as threats to "sanitize" the internet. Why do you think sites like Patreon for example no longer support adult content? You want to attribute blame for censorship? Attribute it to the right people at the very least.
Woke has nothing to do with censorship, woke is all about pushing an ideology or a particular topic, mainly racial, gender or equality issues, down people's throats. It's about creating stories and characters that literally are the message itself. Look at Dustborn for a very clear example of what woke is. Woke is not, and never was, about censorship.
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1)Meh, don't know about peoples giving you an answer but most of the time wokism is pretty simple to see or to describe. If you don't get it most of the time, maybe you're the one refusing to get it but what do i know ?

  1. The thing about blaming companies instead of individual is somewhat true, but you can't be more wrong about them doing it for shareholder. Bro, each time a woke game flop, the stock start falling to oblivion. The only ones satisfied with wokism are companies like Blackrock and Vanguard and/or governments sharing the same ideological and political agenda.
3)This part as to be bait... Ok so let me get this straight : You REALLY believe that the one behind censorship are catholic puritans ? Look, i agree that blue haired karen or the rainbow mafia don't have a lot of powers, and i don't know why you would even try to put the blame on catholics instead, maybe you're from another religion or just an atheist. But seriously, first in the USA it's protestant who have the most influence, not catholics, and saying that they have any kind lf influence is REALLY a stretch. Secondly, peoples and companies stopped listenning to religion at least one or two decades ago, i know that wokies look like a cult but come on. Thirdly, the ones financing all of this, Blackrock/Vanguard and the dudes at the world economic forum, are mostly atheist or against religion as whole.

Lastly, you brushed off my point but again, if censorship is the furthest thing from woke, why are they always the one advocating to remove thing from games ? Why are they changing characters race to not trigger some community or to "represent" everyone (excluding the ones they are deleting), why are they seething and blocking and banning peoples each time someone make a mod to remove a damn flag ? Or maybe you wanna talk about how they remove systematically male/female in games for bodytype 1/bodytype 2 as to not offense anyone believing that gender and sex are not the same thing ? And funnily, you're talking about Dustborn, you do know that in the game, they have a "cancel" or "bully" ability, right ? How can you explain me that trying to cancel or bully peoples for not sharing the same ideology is not censorship ?

Wokies are the one complaining non-stop that free speech is the open door to hate speech. I don't know what kind of idealised version of woke you have in your head and i don't get why religious puritans in particular would rent free in your head, but if you don't like censorship yet don't think that wokes are the one behind it, at least partly, then you're merely proving that the propaganda work because you're not even capable of seeing who's really behind this, be it the ones supporting this crap (woke) or the ones funding it (globalist).

P.S: Also, thanks for blocking me, you absolute buffon. So much for being against censorship. Thankfully creating an alt on this site take one minute max. I will keep mocking your dogshit takes from time to time ^_^.
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If you don't know about organizations such as Exodus Cry and how they've been levereging payment processors and companies such as paypall to rid the internet of porn under the guise of fighting against exploitation you're either blind or completely stupid. Remember a while back when Pornhub and similar sites had to drastically change their rules? Who do you think was behind that change? Exudus Cry who have their mits on all kinds of credit card and payment processing companies, they quite literally FORCED the changes on the sites. This was something that was discovered shortly after the changes. Also me blocking you has nothing to do with censorship since you're still free to comment, I simply don't want to discuss things with people who use woke as code for" something I don't particularly like" and don't even know the actual definition of it. again, censorship has nothing to do with being woke, woke is about pushing an ideology down someone's throat. It's not about canceling, it's not about censorship. Those people you're talking about? They're not woke, they're just idiots who think they can get away with anything. Oh and enjoy being blocked again. I can keep doing this all day long if you want. If YOU think that wokes are behind censorship then you're falling right for the religious fanatics's propaganda who don't want you to see that they are the ones out here trying to sanatize the internet and the world at large. Bottom line, wokeness was never a concern with this game, censorship was, the two are not the same
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Lol, lmao even.

So i'm blind and stupid ? Ok sure, let's stop to be stupid right now then.

One quick google search later.

So ! You're a retard. Probably a commie, a neo-marxist or a wokie who's feeling less and less suported each years. Anyway, let me develop "quickly" why :

Exodus cry : A bunch of """Christians""" who want to stop or reduce sexuality and depravity in our society. Ok first, sound based. But in reality, it's just a non-profit organization launched by Benjamin Nolot, a filmmaker, a failed one to be more precise, the dude did like 3 movies and none are famous. He's not even a billionaire or something. His organization is not even affiliated with the church but on 2018, Exodus Cry, his group, was listed as a "related tax-exempt organization". Do i really need to say more ? Dude, Exodus cry is just a pathetic scam made by christian-conservative wanabe to pay less tax, literally satanist's church are doing the same thing.

As for having power, you talked about the Pornhub incident and made it look more important by saying "and similiar sites", that's bullshit, it was Mindgeek, they have a bunch of porn sites, pornhub included, those are the sites who have been bonked on the head. And not even for the reason you're talking about. Multiple girls accused the sites of hosting rape and other such things. Mastercard, Visa and others saw the occasion to both virtue signal and gain some ESG points, and to cover theirs own ass in case MindGeek would drag them in the mud. THEN Exodus cry, added their own message basically saying "Y-yeah ! We didn't start jackshit but go Mastercard, go visa ! Purge all the filthy porns !!!"

Same shit happened for Onlyfans in late 2021, when Mastercard told them to ban sexual content, which they did, then Exodus came out and again said "Yeah ! That will show them !!!" Only for Onlyfans to go back right after and make sexual content allowed again... XD So much power for the big bad evil christians.

Lastly, i'm feeling lazy so here's the last thing who happened to them according to wikipedia : In November 2020, actress Melissa McCarthy and HBO pulled their planned charitable support of the organization, after learning that founder and CEO Nolot had once compared abortion to the Holocaust, and had also condemned gay marriage. The next month, the International Slavery Museum cancelled a planned collaboration with the organization because of Nolot's views on gay marriage. In both cases, Exodus Cry denied accusations of homophobia, and stated that Nolot's personal views were not relevant to the overall mission of the organization.

Again, so much power...

Exodus Cry are supported by no one, they are anti-porn (well they mostly insist on forcing sites to get rid of minors viewing contents), anti abortion and anti gay rights. They are getting money mainly from donations, from which no one really known.

And you want me to believe that THIS bunch of retards are somehow playing puppet with movies, games, medias and laws for years ? Why ? How ? What would they even gain ?

Even funnier, you want to blame this bunch for censorship in games ? Bro, the ones shitting on christianity non-stop are wokies, in every project lead by them, christian are either bad guys, retards, or just don't appear. Heck even the last dragon quest 3 remake got rid of christian symbols, how would a CHRISTIAN organization would gain anything by forcing games companies to purge them from said games. What kind of propaganda work by appearing less and less ?

And on the opposing side, you have what i, and lot of others, propose. Wokies are pawn manipulated by globalist. Klaus Swab and his World economics forum are being visited yearly by a shiton of ministers, and a good ammount of presidents/prime minister. The goal is simple, more globalism, less chance that peoples will do anything if you screw them over. If you're too busy to fight for or against bullshit like anti racism, gay rights, neo feminism, then you will be too busy or tired to fight when your work condition get slightly worse by each years. Or when they go full open-border to lower the wage of everyone. In short, they don't mess with everyone culture and social norm just for control, they do it for money and to prevent future problems (for them) to happen. Governments listen because it sound nice for them in term of control, companies and medias listen because thanks to things like ESG, it sound like more money too them.

And here we are. You blaming some pathetic christian boomer scammers and gaslighting peoples almost every times you comment on this godamn pirate site !

I don't care why you're saying bullshit, what matter to me is that it's bullshit. Censorship is clearly pushed mostly by progressive, more and more peoples are noticing it for some years now. What you believe don't really matter, even more if your answer is "MuH eViL cHrIStIaNs". Maybe you're gay or something, maybe you're pro abortion or just want to find a culprit somehow linked to the alt-right to make you less butthurt about the shitty state of modern gaming, which would be funny because the real culprit don't give a shit about what political side they are screwing.

Lastly, you can repeat like a dumbass "ThAt'S nOt ThE gOoD dEfInItIoN" but 1. Nobody give a shit (again, wow, how surprising) about your or mine definiton of woke is, and 2. I know it will sound ironic to say it after 1. but your definition is shit. Woke is not propaganda forcefully shoved into something as a main points, this is just regular propaganda. Woke is any kind of ideology being financed to be forcefully shoved into anything. Theoretically, this mean that even alt-right or centrist or whatever could produce woke stuff. (Or more like they already did this but it happened too little and too softly so no one gave a shit.) Sadly, well maybe not sadly, leftist are the main ones doing this shit in every form of entertainment. If they were producing woke stuff with their own money and without being helped by government, it would have just gone like Concord or Dustborn a bunch of times and would have disappeared by itself.

P.S: You can do this all day ? Don't you have a life or something ? Anyway, as i stated, creating an alt to post take me 10 sec, so... I think i will keep bothering you from time to time. ^_^

Tl:dr because i feel sorry for whoever would read this wall of text exepted Bowie : You can gaslight and bullshit all you want, peoples know who are doing the censorship and i find it pathetic that your explication is some random christian boomers losers...
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Can we please stop giving this very sad person what he wants and just ignore him and move on.

He clearly can't help but defend horrible crazy people agenda junk and attack people that are at all sane and against it / woke trash, every day 24/7 on likely every platform including sadly here of all places, where its just beyond sad and showing how low he is.

Like it really just sad too see even a site where its just about talking about and grabbing a cracked game become more and more like X/Reddit, especially since he equals about 100 of the sad lunatics on reddit (granted I know I just complimented him in his mind, greatly by saying this).

Can we just talk about the gameplay and story, say is it worth the download why/who not, and grab it and enjoy please.
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Yeah sorry. It's just that i have been using this site for years and each damn time i scroll down in the comments to see if there is bugs or things i should know, half of the time i see this dude saying bullshit. I just wanted to remind him that he's a dick but i probably should just ignore him like you're saying.
Just the fact that you think Exodus Cry sounds based tells me all you need to know. You're a complete idiot.
"Woke is any kind of ideology being financed to be forcefully shoved into anything." Again you show that you don't even know what woke is. Woke is when a product shoves gender, societal or equality issues down the player/watcher/reader's throat. It's not EVERY ideology, it's very specifically those kinds of ideologies since that's what the original meaning of woke was, to be aware of gender, societal or equality issues. It doesn't extend beyond those. Your definition is shit and you can lie to yourself as much as you want, it's not going to change anything. You say I don't have a life? My brother in Christ, I'm not the one making alt account after alt account just so you can bypass a block. You know what we call people who do that? No life obsessed loosers
Bye now.
@BowieIsAclosetFag looks like the thread has gone on long enough and doesn't allow direct replies anymore but what you're failing to understand is that Woke IS propaganda, how dumb do you have to be to not understand that? And if you don't believe what Exodus Cry are doing boy oh boy are you in for a surprise when you realize they aren't as wholesome as you think they are.
Again you miss the point of why I block people. Why would I waste my time arguing with someone who doesn't even know the definition of things they claim to be against? Also resorting to insults just shows that you've completely run out of arguments, aint that a treat.Then again you don't even have enough of a brain to see what is going on behind the scenes so eh. This was fun for a bit but now it's not anymore so
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And the fact that you think that those Exodus losers are doing jackshit don't just tell me that you're an idiot, it also tell me that you're a monumental retard. Again, your definition is bullshit, if that's woke, then it's just regular propaganda.

And sorry but i just said it sounded based, not that they were. On paper they are telling that they fight degeneracy, child traficking and prostitution via porn sites. This sound bad to you ?

Also i wouldn't need to waste 10 sec to make an alt account if you weren't such a dickless fag. Blocking peoples is just like desperately trying to shut the door of your echo chamber.

But sure, bye now. ^-^

Don't think too much about the big bad Exodus, you will have to cry yourself to sleep again.

Edit: Yeah yeah, i get it, i'm the sheep, you're the enlighted dude. You could even say you're... woke ? ;)

Also, for someone talking about no life, you do come quickly and reply really fast all day long.
There is full English support via the English interface, English audio and English subtitles.
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nude modder where are you brothers
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Give it some time. This game was just released yesterday! In the meanwhile, keep checking the Nude Patch dot Net site. You never know when someone will create a nude patch for this game~!
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Check nexus in a few months.
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LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW RePOP RX Vega 56(I3-10105) Benchmark
It has a few flaws but overall this game is very good, especially the original mode.
Gameplay --> https://youtu.be/wCSYB0bvXmY
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chrome says zip file is very dangerous
Will it repop my lollypop? Hope so...
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yeaaaa no, fuck this shit, it was good in the original release, this reCRAP can burn in hell
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Other then some people having issues with performance (go figure about 99% games that launch have issues especially ones like this that get launched on multiple platforms) and missing some music due to copyright its basically 1-1 which is how it should be and is best to be, despite those wanting it changed in any way since that is unfortunately what every other """remaster""" does these days.

And if you mean the OPTIONAL OPTION to censor some things its an Option you can play normal mode.

The boobs apparently also don't shake as much but latest engine they have to use is woke and does not like it :( that why (semi joke but it is something they said they will try and fix up some more, along with even pricing in different regions).
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Abri e joguei o jogo 1 vez e agora o jogo para de funcionar toda vez que tento iniciar
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It popped a message that said Fatal error after playing some minutts. Any way to fix it?
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How wacky.
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The game crash after some minutes with message Fatal error. Someone knows how to fix it?
worth to play and DL?
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If you never played it before 1000% if you have then only if you want a non modernized cleansing for a bit and just some good ole remembering days of sanity, good people, and culture with a side of goring down zombies.
VERY much so, yes. It's the kind of games that we don't see very much anymore, just a lighthearted romp where a cheerleader kills zombies with a chainsaw, uses lolipops to heal and is very campy with it's humor
It's a decent game but there are far better hack and slash games on the market.
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honestly no,
the port its quite shitty
i already finished and uninstalled
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This is really bad optimized, its choppy, it looks worse than the original, its overall a very bad remaster. Save your time, play the original if you can.
Cyber Nukem 3D
While is good that is finally on pc maybe is just better to emulate the original game
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From what I seen and read its better to play this, works great and looks a bit better.

Though if you care about music above all then og is probably best since copy right stopped them there (though I mean you could look up the og sound track and find ways to play the music in back ground and turn music volume all the way down in game and issue solved other then the work it would take to do that for every song you want).
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emulated ports for demanding games can be more messy but not always
just google "lollipop chainsaw emulated "on youtube and you will see
Why? The original mode in this game is virtually unchanged from the original with the exception of a few QOL changes to make it more inline with modern standards
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whats their point to add this repop bullshit
i mean the original release got a ok / meh score
while rePOOP, who is a shitty censored feature and some other things removed just give it a much lesser rate to the original

honestly they should just port it for pc (which its kind of messy) and done
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its literally just an option in the option menu, you can play just the enhanced version of it by default.
pardon my ignorance but what exactly got removed ?
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some soundtracks from the 2012 version
What do you mean removed?
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location save game?
[Z]-Forgotten Destroyer
onechambara western style?..
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Kind of? Except less cowboy/samurai themes
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Asir Farabi
Tested on gtx 1660 super and intel i3 12100f: https://youtu.be/2UNPUxof5Es

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Been waiting for this. Thanks.
So, guys, gimme to me straight: Did this get censored?
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from what I heard, no.
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All I needed to know
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Original mode seems OK, other than some missing soundtracks. RePOP mode is heavily censored so avoid that.
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Anything else that RePOP mode does differently?
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Not really, it's just a heavily censored mode.
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Does that mean I should avoid this version?
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No, just play in original mode
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If you don't want it censored yes.
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fucking yes, repoop mode fits more the name