For those worried about all those recent negative Steam review, don't worry. It's all just game delay complainer, Vtuber hater, anime game complainer, and anti-loli supporter.
For the lolicons, I guess it's a lolicon souls, I'm kinda fed up with all the loli's from anime series. Saying desu and disu after just about every sentence gets tiring as well. For me this game is a hard pass :)
You're making assumptions and generalizing the game's content based on characters from other sources instead of actually trying it out. Not too smart are ya?
I really liked the game, the gameplay isn't hard but it's fun, I played it at the beginning, check it out and leave a Like
the game is good, here's a quote from iron pineapple review of the game (back when it was still just a demo): " The foundation for this is really cool, the boss fight was cool, switching between melee and magic was also really cool...."
Ho so it's just one of these "soul" game where the enemy always do attack that eat half your HP and checkpoint that appear kilometers away of the boss , and for some reason people call that "difficult" Thought the magic abilities gonna be various, but not even, you have barely 3.
Another crap game in the end...
I will never understand how people can like this shit genre. But then again, some people do actually like real shit, so...
For me this game is a hard pass :)
'cause your gay.. nigger
Thought the magic abilities gonna be various, but not even, you have barely 3.
Another crap game in the end...
I will never understand how people can like this shit genre.
But then again, some people do actually like real shit, so...
Gameplay -->