According to Midou Studios' X | Twitter page, the dev (There's really only one person who programmed this whole game) is in Vancouver, BC [British Columbia] so the "devs" are actually Canadian! 😐
It's cool that you apppreciate the beauty of all, some or one of the girls in the "Five Hearts Under One Roof" FMV game. Some people, as do I, might agree with what in those girls that appeals to you while others might not. Not everyone is going to like the same thing.
The same holds true for the girls in this FMV game. Some people might or might not like all, one or none of the girls featured within it based upon looks (A person has to play this FMV game based on other factors in order to truly decide though).
Like three old sayings go, "There are different strokes for different folks", "Beauty is only skin deep." and "Beauty [Or ugliness] is in the eye of the beholder". 😎👍
What's the point of this game? If I wanted to date post-wall single-mother aging mid-30s bland-looking frumpy women, I'd just open up Tinder and have my pick lol 😂
The very first FMV game was "Gun Fight" released by Nintendo via Sega's cabinet machines in the arcades back in 1974 in Japan and 1976 in the US as "Wild Gunman" (See the video here)! It used 16mm film since laser disc technology wasn't around until the early '80s!
I played the, now classic, FMV games "Dragon's Lair" and "Cobra Command" in the arcades as a young teenager! It's not new and has nothing to do with the "new gen" kids. If you're referring to the plot of a love triangle in a game's story, that's nothing new either. 😐
"You will not only meet but also fall in love with two beauties with completely different personalities and styles."
You mean that one lady who took up 2 parking spots and leaving their dog in the car at the local Walmart and the other one who did a decent cosplay of Elaine Benes from "Seinfeld"? Them?
i.e. Five Hearts Under One Roof
The same holds true for the girls in this FMV game. Some people might or might not like all, one or none of the girls featured within it based upon looks (A person has to play this FMV game based on other factors in order to truly decide though).
Like three old sayings go, "There are different strokes for different folks", "Beauty is only skin deep." and "Beauty [Or ugliness] is in the eye of the beholder".
I played the, now classic, FMV games "Dragon's Lair" and "Cobra Command" in the arcades as a young teenager! It's not new and has nothing to do with the "new gen" kids. If you're referring to the plot of a love triangle in a game's story, that's nothing new either.
You mean that one lady who took up 2 parking spots and leaving their dog in the car at the local Walmart and the other one who did a decent cosplay of Elaine Benes from "Seinfeld"? Them?
I dont have a problem with it,
as long as we are not forced to buy it.
As long as we have the same right to not want it.